Curled up dimensions and Lorentz invariance

In summary, the coordinate system attached to the curled dimensions does not allow movement between points in the same coordinate system unless you go through the coordinate system attached to the minkowski spacetime point.
  • #1
If we start with minkowski spacetime in 4 dimensions and then add several curled up spatial dimensions attached at every spacetime point, then:

I'll label a spacetime point as:
where the bracketted coordinates are the 'curled' coordinates.

- If we label the coordinates of the curled dimensions as [0,0,..,0] where they attach to the minkowski spacetime point, does that mean you can't move from point (ct,x,y,z)[anything] to (ct',x',y',z')[something] without going through (ct,x,y,z)[0,0,..,0] and (ct',x',y',z')[0,0,..,0] ? Or am I misunderstanding what is meant by "attach at every spacetime point"?

- While spacetime is still continuous instead of discrete, it seems like there is still a preferred frame now: The frame in which the 'density' of the curled up dimensions in each direction is equal. After doing a boost, the 'density' of the curled up dimensions is greater in one direction. This, in my mind, is analogous to the famous example of the twin's paradox in a closed universe ... while there is of course still no local preferred frame, there is a global preferred frame now. Since strings are "global" in the sense that they can go all the way around a curled dimension, wouldn't they make such a global preferred frame acutely apparent?What I'm trying to think out comes down to something like this (poorly worded, I know, but hopefully gets the point across):
How can local poincare symmetry in the full dimension spacetime still yield "apparent local" poincare symmetry after "coarse graining" over the global structure of the curled dimensions?

Can anyone help me understand better? (even just correcting my terminology here, or giving me terminology to use, to make the discussion more precise would be very helpful)
Thank you.
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  • #2
You should try to do the following: construct a simple theory on a 3-torus, or if you like in 1+1 dimensions = on S1 with periodic boundary conditions. You will see that the Poincare algebra can be constructed w/o problems.

Of course string theory is not as simple as e.g. QED in 1+1 dimensions, but it may give you a hint that compactification does not necessarily break such an invariance. Of course the representation will differ.
  • #3
JustinLevy said:
- If we label the coordinates of the curled dimensions as [0,0,..,0] where they attach to the minkowski spacetime point, does that mean you can't move from point (ct,x,y,z)[anything] to (ct',x',y',z')[something] without going through (ct,x,y,z)[0,0,..,0] and (ct',x',y',z')[0,0,..,0] ? Or am I misunderstanding what is meant by "attach at every spacetime point"?

They are not "attached", it is the usual cartesian product, in he same way that the z dimension is attached to the xy plane.

Now, instead attaching z (a real line) to the xy plane, try to add a short segment, say [-0.0001, +0.0001] plus some condition to preserve trajectories, say bouncing. Any particle moving in this space (bouncing at the z=+0.0001 walls) will still look as it were moving in a plane xy.

You can even remove the walls and define that a particle reaching +0.0001 will appear at -0.0001. This is to put a S^1 manifold attached to the xy plane.

More fun. Now you can define the *mass* of the particle to be the speed (ok, the momentum) of this particle in the z direction. This comes from, ahem, E=mc2: you compare


So really you don't need, if you don't want it, massive particles to exist. It was klein's idea.

FAQ: Curled up dimensions and Lorentz invariance

1. What are curled up dimensions?

Curled up dimensions are theoretical dimensions in string theory that are compactified and hidden from our perception. They are thought to exist at a very small scale, possibly as small as the Planck length.

2. How many curled up dimensions are there?

The exact number of curled up dimensions is unknown and is a subject of ongoing research. Some theories suggest that there could be up to 11 dimensions, while others propose a higher number.

3. What is Lorentz invariance?

Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers in uniform motion. It is a key aspect of special relativity and plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe.

4. How are curled up dimensions related to Lorentz invariance?

The concept of curled up dimensions is closely linked to Lorentz invariance, as it is thought that these compact dimensions may affect the behavior of particles and their interactions in space-time. Some theories propose that Lorentz invariance may break down in the presence of curled up dimensions.

5. Are curled up dimensions and Lorentz invariance proven to exist?

Neither curled up dimensions nor Lorentz invariance have been proven to exist, as they are still theoretical concepts that require further research and evidence. However, they are important ideas in physics that have been supported by mathematical models and experimental data.
