Dirac delta function homework help

In summary, the integral of a function multiplied by two delta functions is not well-defined, unless one of the delta functions is considered a variable.
  • #1
Suppose that we take the delta function [tex]\delta(x)[/tex] and a function f(x). We know that

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\delta(x-a)\,dx = f(a).[/tex]

However, does the following have any meaning?

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\delta(x-a)\delta(x-b)dx,[/tex]

for some constants [tex]-\infty<a,b<\infty[/tex].
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  • #2
shoehorn said:
Suppose that we take the delta function [tex]\delta(x)[/tex] and a function f(x). We know that

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\delta(x-a)\,dx = f(a).[/tex]

However, does the following have any meaning?

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\delta(x-a)\delta(x-b)dx,[/tex]

for some constants [tex]-\infty<a,b<\infty[/tex].

Remember that [itex]\delta[/itex] is not a true function. It is a "distribution" or "generalized function". The first integral is defined for distributions but the second isn't. (If we were to force a meaning on it, the only reasonable value it could have would be 0.)

You could do that in more than one dimension:
[tex]\int_{x=-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{y=-\infty}^{\infty}f(x,y)\delta(x-a)\delta(y-b)dydx= f(a,b)[/itex]
  • #3
Here's what I was thinking about it. The integral

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty \, f(x)\delta(x-a) dx[/tex]

integrates a function f(x) times a distribution [tex]\delta[/tex], so the whole thing is an integral of a generalized function, dependent on x. Suppose now that I define a generalized function [tex]g(x)[/tex] according to

[tex]g(x) \equiv f(x)\delta(x-a).[/tex]

Then the second integral becomes

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x)\delta(x-a)\delta(x-b)\,dx = \int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x) \delta(x-b).[/tex]

My instinct is to then conclude that

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x)\delta(x-b)\, dx = g(b) = f(b)\delta(b-a)[/tex]

Thus, the second integral is itself something which has meaning only if it appears within an integral. Yet you don't think that this is correct?
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  • #4
the function g(x) is basiclly a constant (f(a)) times the dirac delta function. so in your second integral you want the integral of the product of two different DD functions times a constant, that would equal 0
  • #5
daniel_i_l said:
the function g(x) is basiclly a constant (f(a)) times the dirac delta function. so in your second integral you want the integral of the product of two different DD functions times a constant, that would equal 0

I'm afraid I don't see how you conclude that g(x) is a constant. Going with the definition I gave above,

[tex]g(x)\equiv f(x)\delta(x-a)[/tex]

for some function f(x). The only relationship between g(x) and f(a) is

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x)\,dx = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x)\delta(x-a)\,dx = f(a),[/tex]

i.e., the integral of g(x) is equal to f(a).
  • #6
shoehorn said:
I'm afraid I don't see how you conclude that g(x) is a constant.
I didn't say that it was a constant, i said that is was equal to a constant times the DD function. what i meant to say that was in this case you could look at g(x) as being g(x) = f(a)*DD(x-a) when you're doing the integral. so you're right, it doesn't really equal f(a)*DD(x-a) but when you integrate you get the same resault when you interchange the two.
and anyway f(b)DD(b) = 0.
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  • #7
- Shoehorn according to "Schwartz theorem2 you can't multiply 2 distribution..this is really "nasty" since avoiding this (if we could) we would have solved divergences in the form [tex] \int_{0}^{\infty}dx x^{n} [/tex] using "Casual perturbation theory2 (see wikipedia) although i believe that for big n:

[tex] \delta (x-a) \delta (x-b) =n^{2}\pi e^{-n^{2}((x-a)^2 +(x-b)^2)}

[/tex] for n tending to [tex] \infty [/tex]
  • #8
shoehorn said:
As a result, if, for example, f(x) is [tex]L^2[/tex], then g(x) is [tex]L^2[/tex] also.

How do you conclude something that is not even a function is actually a lebesgue square measurable function?
  • #9
matt grime said:
How do you conclude something that is not even a function is actually a lebesgue square measurable function?

Oops, sorry. I was editing a post earlier and pasted that in by accident. Please ignore it - it's obviously not true. :-)
  • #10
shoehorn said:
However, does the following have any meaning?

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\delta(x-a)\delta(x-b)dx,[/tex]

for some constants [tex]-\infty<a,b<\infty[/tex].

However, if a (or b) was a variable, then this expression could be considered a distribution. Convolving it with h(a) gives:

f(x) h(a) \delta(x-a) \delta(x-b) \, da \, dx
= f(b) h(b)

FAQ: Dirac delta function homework help

What is a Dirac delta function?

The Dirac delta function, also known as the impulse function, is a mathematical function that is defined to be zero everywhere except at the origin, where it is infinitely tall and infinitely narrow. It is often used in physics and engineering to represent a point charge, point mass, or point source of energy.

How is the Dirac delta function different from a regular function?

The Dirac delta function is not a conventional function in the traditional sense, as it does not have a defined value at any point other than the origin. Instead, it is a generalized function that is defined by its properties and behavior, rather than a specific formula or graph.

What are the applications of the Dirac delta function?

The Dirac delta function has many applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is used to represent point sources of energy or mass, to describe impulse and impact forces, and to solve differential equations involving delta functions. It is also used in signal processing and the theory of distributions.

How do I solve problems involving the Dirac delta function?

Solving problems involving the Dirac delta function can be challenging, as it requires a good understanding of its properties and how to manipulate them mathematically. It is important to carefully define the problem and identify where and how the delta function is being used. It may also be helpful to consult with a tutor or seek additional resources for guidance.

Are there any common mistakes when working with the Dirac delta function?

Yes, there are some common mistakes that students make when working with the Dirac delta function. These include forgetting to include the coefficient when integrating or differentiating, incorrectly using the sifting property, and confusing the delta function with a regular function. It is important to pay attention to the properties and definitions of the delta function to avoid making these errors.

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