Is Your Wave Packet Momentum Wave Function Correctly Normalized?

In summary, the homework statement is that a wave packet is described by the momentum-space wave function A(p)=C when 0<p<p0, and A(p)=0 for all other values of p. Normalizing this wave function by solving for C in terms of p0 yields C=1/sqrt(h*p0). When integrating from 0 to p0, <p>=p0 and <p2>=p02. However, when trying to calculate the standard deviation, I get an incorrect result - <p2>=-(2/3)p02. Homework equations are h(integral from 0 to p0)A*(p)dp=1, h being
  • #1

Homework Statement

A wave packet is described by the momentum-space wave function A(p)=C when 0<p<p0, and A(p)=0 for all other values of p. Here C is a constant.

i) Normalize this wave function by solving for C in terms of p0.

ii) Calculate the expectation values <p> and <p2>. From these compute the standard deviation in terms of p0.

Homework Equations

For normalization: h(integral from 0 to p0)A*(p)dp=1, h being Planck's constant.
<p>=h(integral from 0 to p0)pA*(p)dp
<p2>=h(integral from 0 to p0)p2A*(p)dp
(I am not entirely sure if this equation for <p2> is correct, it may be <p2>=h(integral from 0 to p0)p2A*(p)A(p)dp)
standard deviation=<p2> - <p>2

The Attempt at a Solution

i) When I normalized the wave function from 0 to p0, I got C=1/sqrt(h*p0).

ii) This is the part I'm struggling with. Typically <p> would be equal to zero when integrated from -infinity to +infinity, but this is from 0 to p0. Doing this I am getting <p>=p0.
For <p2> I am integrating from 0 to p0 and getting <p2>=(1/3)p02.
One of these values (or both) can't be correct because when I try to calculate the standard deviation=<p2> - <p>2 = (1/3)p02 - p02= -(2/3)p02. I'm pretty sure standard deviations can't be negative. So the part of the question I really can't figure out is what I'm doing wrong when I try to find the expectation values.
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  • #2
Your integrals are all wrong. For normalization, you want

[tex]\int_0^{p_0} A^*(p)A(p)\,dp = 1[/tex]

Similarly, the expectation values are

[tex]\langle p \rangle = \int_0^{p_0} A^*(p)pA(p)\,dp[/tex]


[tex]\langle p^2 \rangle = \int_0^{p_0} A^*(p)p^2A(p)\,dp[/tex]
  • #3
Okay. So using those integrals I'm getting:





Also, am I right in using h in front of all of the integrals for this problem?
  • #4
knawd said:
Okay. So using those integrals I'm getting:




The last quantity is the variance, not the standard deviation.

Also, am I right in using h in front of all of the integrals for this problem?
No. Why do you keep putting it there?
  • #5
So the standard deviation is sqrt(<p2>-<p>2), which equals p0/sqrt(12)?

My textbook says to put 2*pi*hbar (=h) in front of the integrals, I wasn't sure if that had something to do with me getting strange answers though.
  • #6
mnoir said:
So the standard deviation is sqrt(<p2>-<p>2), which equals p0/sqrt(12)?
My textbook says to put 2*pi*hbar (=h) in front of the integrals, I wasn't sure if that had something to do with me getting strange answers though.
It would affect the normalization constant but would cancel out of the other integrals, leaving your answers for the expectation values the same.
  • #7
Alright. Thank you for clearing things up for me.

FAQ: Is Your Wave Packet Momentum Wave Function Correctly Normalized?

1. What is a wave packet momentum wave function?

A wave packet momentum wave function is a mathematical representation of a quantum mechanical system that describes the probability of finding a particle in a certain momentum state. It combines the concepts of both wave and particle behavior, giving us a more complete understanding of a particle's behavior in a given system.

2. How is the wave packet momentum wave function different from other wave functions?

The wave packet momentum wave function is different from other wave functions, such as position wave functions, because it takes into account both the position and momentum of a particle. This allows us to better understand the behavior of a particle in a quantum system.

3. What information can we obtain from a wave packet momentum wave function?

From a wave packet momentum wave function, we can obtain the average momentum of a particle in a given system, as well as the probability of finding the particle in a certain momentum state. This information is crucial for understanding the behavior of particles in quantum systems.

4. How is the wave packet momentum wave function related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

The wave packet momentum wave function is directly related to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. The wave packet momentum wave function allows us to calculate the range of possible momentum values for a particle, giving us a more precise understanding of its behavior.

5. What are the applications of wave packet momentum wave functions?

Wave packet momentum wave functions have many applications in quantum mechanics, such as in the study of atomic and molecular systems, as well as in the development of quantum technologies. They also play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles in particle accelerators and in the field of quantum computing.

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