Help solving ODE's using eigenfunction expansion, in general

In summary, the person is looking for a source that clearly explains how to solve ODEs using eigenfunction expansion, preferably online. They provide an example of a problem with homogeneous and non-homogeneous boundary conditions and mention the use of infinite series and Fourier transformation. They ask for a complete example with non-homogeneous boundary conditions to better understand the concept.
  • #1
My ODE textbook does not help me much here; and a large number of master's exam practice tests (with worked out solutions) also isn't helping me. I need someone to recommend a (preferably ONLINE) source that clearly states how to solves ODES using eigenfunction expansion.
For example, y''+y=kcosx with y'(0)=0, y'(pie)=1.
This is just an example of the type I want to learn how to solve.
It seems that when the boundary conditions are homogeneous, this problem is easily solved by plugging in an infinite series: y=Sum(a_n*cos(nx)) into the left side, and then plugging in a different series: Sum(b_n*cosnx)=kcosx..then equating coefficients and getting the b_n's. BUT when the BC are non-homogeneous, there appears to be extra work.

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  • #2
Uhm... i am not sure you have a proper textbook.
Also, I am not sure if you are familiar with Fourier tranformation. It is an interesting way to deal a wide class of equations.
Basically, it is almost the same thing you did but applying the transformation at both sides . You can easily look in the web. for exemple your example will became after transforming, something like..

[itex] (1-w^2)\tilde{y}(w) = kC (\delta(w-1) + \delta(w+1)) [/itex]

You see that the solution is straightforward as there is no derivatives. You should now inverse transform the solution if you want. I used some properties of Fourier transform to deal with the derivatives but again i think you should find it easily.
  • #3
Ok let me rephrase: can someone give me and work out a complete example with non-homogeneous boundary conditions, using eigenfunction expansion? let's say, y''+y=x+ cosx,
y(0)=0, y(pie)=A..just to come up with one off the top of my head.

FAQ: Help solving ODE's using eigenfunction expansion, in general

1. What is an eigenfunction expansion?

An eigenfunction expansion is a method used to solve ordinary differential equations (ODE's) by expressing the solution as a linear combination of eigenfunctions, which are special solutions to the ODE. This method is particularly useful for solving boundary value problems.

2. How does an eigenfunction expansion help in solving ODE's?

By using eigenfunction expansion, we can express the solution to an ODE in terms of a series of known functions, making it easier to find a solution. This method can also provide a more general solution that can be applied to a variety of different ODE's.

3. What are some common applications of eigenfunction expansion in science?

Eigenfunction expansion is commonly used in physics, engineering, and mathematics to solve problems involving differential equations. It has applications in areas such as quantum mechanics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics.

4. Are there any limitations to using eigenfunction expansion?

One limitation of eigenfunction expansion is that it is only applicable to linear differential equations. It may also be difficult to determine the eigenfunctions in some cases, making this method less practical.

5. Are there any alternative methods for solving ODE's?

Yes, there are several alternative methods for solving ODE's, including numerical methods such as Euler's method and Runge-Kutta methods, as well as analytical methods such as separation of variables and Laplace transforms. The method used will depend on the specific ODE and the desired level of accuracy.
