Speed, Acceleration and Time - SUVAT Equations and Speed Time Graph

In summary, a car traveling with a constant velocity of 50m/s for 4 seconds then decelerates at 10m/s^2 until its velocity reaches 0. To find the velocity at 8 seconds, we subtract 4 seconds of deceleration from the initial velocity, giving us 10 m/s. To find the velocity at 12 seconds, we subtract 8 seconds of deceleration from the initial velocity, giving us 0 m/s. The total distance traveled after 12 seconds can be found by solving for the time at which the car's velocity reaches 0, which is 5 seconds, and using the equation f(t)=U(t)+a(t^2/2)=s to
  • #1

Homework Statement

In 4 seconds a car travels with constant velocity of 50m/s. After 4 seconds the car decelerates at 10m/s^2 until velocity = 0. What is the velocity at 8 and 12 seconds and what is the distance traveled after 12 seconds?

Also how would I draw the acceleration time graph and relate that to a speed time graph?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

But this does not seem to give me the correct answer. I was told the total distance is 370 meters
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
8 seconds total is 4 seconds after the deceleration starts. So the velocity at t=8s is equal to 50 m/s - 4 s ( 10 m/s2 ) = 10 m/s

12-4=8 so 50 m/s - 8 s ( 10 m/s2 ) = -30 m/s, however the deceleration end at v= 0 m/s. So the speed actually is 0 m/s.

To find the total distance traveled one has to find to the moment the car first has speed v=0. To do that solve the equation: 50 m/s - tstop ( 10 m/s2 ) = 0
Solving gives tstop = 5 s (actually 5 s for the moment deceleration so 9 seconds total)
The average speed traveled is (50 m/s + 0 m/s)/2 = 25 m/s (this work only if the deceleration or accelaration is constant)
The distance traveled during deceleration is 25 m/s * 5 s = 125 meters
The distance traveled before deceleration is 50 m/s * 4 s = 200 meters
The total distance traveled is 325 meters.

An acceleration vs time chart would look like this (x-axis should be t-axis):

A speed vs time chart would look like this (x-axis should be t-axis):

A location vs time chart would look like this:
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  • #3
Zaal post is not correct.
The question is the distance traveled not displacement.
Try to draw the diagram.
Start with constant velocity of 50m/s
At t=4secs, draw line with gradient -10 till t=12sec.
Add the areas(both sides taken as positive, since it is distance covered) and you get the answer.
  • #4
azizlwl said:
Zaal post is not correct.
The question is the distance traveled not displacement.
Try to draw the diagram.
Start with constant velocity of 50m/s
At t=4secs, draw line with gradient -10 till t=12sec.
Add the areas(both sides taken as positive, since it is distance covered) and you get the answer.

Sorry I made one mistake I corrected it (I forgot to add the distance traveled before deceleration).
PS Don't forget v=0 for t>9
  • #5
Your graph should be extended till t=12sec
The distance =4(50)+(50)(50)/20 +1/2(10)(3)2 =200+125+45=370m
  • #6
azizlwl said:
Your graph should be extended till t=12sec
The distance =4(50)+(50)(50)/20 +1/2(10)(3)2 =200+125+45=370m

You ignore the following sentence of the problem:

After 4 seconds the car decelerates at 10m/s^2 until velocity = 0.

The wording of the problem is confusing.


FAQ: Speed, Acceleration and Time - SUVAT Equations and Speed Time Graph

1. What are the SUVAT equations and how are they used to calculate speed, acceleration and time?

The SUVAT equations are a set of equations used to calculate the motion of an object in a straight line. They stand for:

  • S: Displacement (in meters)
  • U: Initial velocity (in meters per second)
  • V: Final velocity (in meters per second)
  • A: Acceleration (in meters per second squared)
  • T: Time (in seconds)

These equations can be rearranged to solve for any of the variables, given the values of the other variables. They are commonly used in physics and engineering to analyze the motion of objects.

2. How do you use the SUVAT equations to solve problems involving speed, acceleration and time?

To use the SUVAT equations, first identify which variable you are solving for. Then, plug in the known values for the other variables into the appropriate equation. Solve for the unknown variable using algebraic manipulation. It is important to pay attention to the units of measurement and use the correct formula for the scenario (e.g. if the acceleration is constant or changing). It may also be helpful to draw a diagram or visualize the problem to better understand the given values.

3. What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity is a measure of both speed and direction. This means that an object can have the same speed but different velocities if it is moving in different directions. For example, a car moving at 50 miles per hour north has a different velocity than a car moving at 50 miles per hour south.

4. How do you interpret a speed-time graph?

A speed-time graph shows the relationship between an object's speed and time. The slope of the graph represents the acceleration of the object, with steeper slopes indicating a higher acceleration. The area under the graph represents the distance traveled by the object. A horizontal line on the graph indicates that the object is not moving, while a straight diagonal line indicates constant speed.

5. Can you use the SUVAT equations to solve problems involving non-constant acceleration?

Yes, the SUVAT equations can be used to solve problems with non-constant acceleration. However, the equations must be modified to account for the changing acceleration. One method is to use calculus to find the area under a velocity-time graph, which represents the displacement of the object. Another method is to use the average acceleration of the object over a small time interval and multiply it by the time interval to get the change in velocity, which can then be used in the SUVAT equations.

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