Physical interpretation of j in E&M field equations

In summary, j represents the imaginary part of a complex number in the H field in the x z direction. The physical interpretation is that they are 90° out of phase.
  • #1
Hi all. I've been trying to study microwave and electromagnetic engineering . I'm not sure how I should interpret j in some of the field equations. For example, for the field equations for a rectangular waveguide resonant cavity are:

E[itex]_{y}[/itex] = E[itex]_{0}[/itex] sin[itex]\frac{\pi x }{a}[/itex] sin [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{a}[/itex]
H[itex]_{x}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{-j E_{0}}{Z_{TE}}[/itex] sin[itex]\frac{\pi x}{a}[/itex] cos [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{d}[/itex]
H[itex]_{z}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{j \pi E_{0}}{k \eta a}[/itex] cos[itex]\frac{\pi x}{a}[/itex] sin [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{d}[/itex]

What is the physical interpretation of j and -j in the H field in the x z direction? Does that indication that they are 90° out of phase of the E field? Does it indicate phase in the sense of time or space? Or should i think of them as derivatives of phasors? I know that the fields are derived from the more general phasor form of Maxwell's equations:
∇ × E = - jωμH
∇ × H = jωεE
for which jω = [itex]\frac{\partial E}{ \partial t }[/itex] and E is E[itex]_{0}[/itex] e[itex]^{j \omega t}[/itex]
which makes sense to me as I believe you can interpret jω as the sinusoidal frequency. But once the E and H fields have been derived as above it's no longer jω just j, so I've lost the sense of there meaning in the H fields. Could someone please explain how I should interpret them. Or anything else I seem to have screwed up in my thinking. Thanks a lot.
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  • #2
The vector potential is defined to be consistent with Ampere's Law and can be expressed in terms of either current i or current density j (the sources of magnetic field). In various texts this definition takes the forms


I got this from
  • #3
Thanks, but I don't think that's correct in this instance. In my book current and current density are usually denoted at J0 or I0. I'm fairly certain that in this instance j is the same as the imaginary unit, i, indicating that it's coefficient is the imaginary part of a complex number. Also these field equations were originally derived from;
∇×E = -jωμH
∇×H = jωεE
so everything should be in terms of the E and H fields.
  • #4
FrankJ777 said:
Thanks, but I don't think that's correct in this instance. In my book current and current density are usually denoted at J0 or I0. I'm fairly certain that in this instance j is the same as the imaginary unit, i, indicating that it's coefficient is the imaginary part of a complex number. Also these field equations were originally derived from;
∇×E = -jωμH
∇×H = jωεE
so everything should be in terms of the E and H fields.

Okay. j is imaginary. Let's try again.
  • #5
FrankJ777 said:
Hi all. I've been trying to study microwave and electromagnetic engineering . I'm not sure how I should interpret j in some of the field equations. For example, for the field equations for a rectangular waveguide resonant cavity are:

E[itex]_{y}[/itex] = E[itex]_{0}[/itex] sin[itex]\frac{\pi x }{a}[/itex] sin [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{a}[/itex]
H[itex]_{x}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{-j E_{0}}{Z_{TE}}[/itex] sin[itex]\frac{\pi x}{a}[/itex] cos [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{d}[/itex]
H[itex]_{z}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{j \pi E_{0}}{k \eta a}[/itex] cos[itex]\frac{\pi x}{a}[/itex] sin [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{d}[/itex]

What is the physical interpretation of j and -j in the H field in the x z direction? Does that indication that they are 90° out of phase of the E field? Does it indicate phase in the sense of time or space? Or should i think of them as derivatives of phasors? I know that the fields are derived from the more general phasor form of Maxwell's equations:
∇ × E = - jωμH
∇ × H = jωεE
for which jω = [itex]\frac{\partial E}{ \partial t }[/itex] and E is E[itex]_{0}[/itex] e[itex]^{j \omega t}[/itex]
which makes sense to me as I believe you can interpret jω as the sinusoidal frequency. But once the E and H fields have been derived as above it's no longer jω just j, so I've lost the sense of there meaning in the H fields. Could someone please explain how I should interpret them. Or anything else I seem to have screwed up in my thinking. Thanks a lot.

In complex number [itex] j=e^{j\frac{\pi}{2}}=1∠90^o\;\hbox { and } \; -j=e^{-j\frac{\pi}{2}}=1∠-90^o[/itex]

But I think you should write the formulas in vector form, I am only guessing the direction of the vectors by the subscripts like Ex is in x direction. What you gave are only the scalar value of the vectors.

Regarding to the disappearance of the jωt, your equation is in phasor form where

[tex]\vec E= Re[\tilde E e^{j\omega t}] \;\hbox{ where } \;\tilde E=\hat y E_0e^{-j\beta R}[/tex]


[tex]\frac {\partial E}{\partial t}= j\omega E_0 e^{j\omega t} \;\hbox { not }\; j\omega[/tex]

Where your Eo has to contain the phasor function.
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  • #6
Thanks guys.
OK Yungman, so you think the j represents a 90° phase shift in the orientation of the coordinates of the H fields. That's kind of something I was thinking, but I can't figure out how a 90° shift like j puts you on the x axis, while a -90° shift from -j puts you on the z axis. Also i was thinking because the field were derived from;
∇×E = -jωμH
∇×H = jωεE
that they must be related to the frequency jω, although ω does not seem to be factored into the fields in this case.
Looking at what dlgoff posted seems kind of close, but that would seem to indicate that the H field are purely imaginary, and can not be measured. I don't think this is the case though.

I could post the full derivation from the textbook I'm referencing if that would help??
  • #7
FrankJ777 said:
Thanks guys.
OK Yungman, so you think the j represents a 90° phase shift in the orientation of the coordinates of the H fields. That's kind of something I was thinking, but I can't figure out how a 90° shift like j puts you on the x axis, while a -90° shift from -j puts you on the z axis. Also i was thinking because the field were derived from;
∇×E = -jωμH
∇×H = jωεE
that they must be related to the frequency jω, although ω does not seem to be factored into the fields in this case.
Looking at what dlgoff posted seems kind of close, but that would seem to indicate that the H field are purely imaginary, and can not be measured. I don't think this is the case though.

I could post the full derivation from the textbook I'm referencing if that would help??

I change my original post, I don't think the j has anything to do with the direction of H. If you look at the phasor equation, [itex]j=e^{j\frac{\pi}{2}}[/itex] is a phase shift between the E and H ALONG the direction of propagation. This has nothing to do with the direction of E in y, H in x and z.

Remember if

[tex] E= jE_0 e^{-j\beta R}= E_0e^{-j(\beta R - \frac {\pi}{2})}[/tex]
[tex] E= -jE_0 e^{-j\beta R} = E_0e^{-j(\beta R + \frac {\pi}{2})}[/tex]

Where R is at the direction of propagation. This only mean the peak of the E and H is off by 90 degree along the direction of propagation, NOT the angle between E and H.

Edited: equations has been modified.
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  • #8
I draw out a TEM wave propagates in z direction. j is just a simple phase shift of the H. It has nothing to do with H in y direction and E and H are in perpendicular direction to each other.


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  • #9
Yeah, that interpretation seems to make more sense. What is also confusing to me though is I thought that in general the E and H fields were in phase unless in a medium with a complex impedance. These seem to show that in a vacuum that the E and H fields are 90° out of phase. I'll have to dig further in the book and do a little more research to see if i can figure out what's going on. Thanks a lot for the hard work on helping me with this!
  • #10
FrankJ777 said:
Yeah, that interpretation seems to make more sense. What is also confusing to me though is I thought that in general the E and H fields were in phase unless in a medium with a complex impedance. These seem to show that in a vacuum that the E and H fields are 90° out of phase. I'll have to dig further in the book and do a little more research to see if i can figure out what's going on. Thanks a lot for the hard work on helping me with this!

Only when TEM wave travel in lossless medium, both are in phase. But yours is in cavity. I just go by straight interpretation of your equations.

In fact, you should leave the equation in exponential form to take into account of the j before translating to sin and cos function as j represents a phase shift of ∏/2 and is together with the βR. so you should get something like [itex]sin(\frac{πR}{a}+π/2)[/itex]

From your equation:

E[itex]_{y}[/itex] = E[itex]_{0}[/itex] sin[itex]\frac{\pi x }{a}[/itex] sin [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{a}[/itex]
H[itex]_{x}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{-j E_{0}}{Z_{TE}}[/itex] sin[itex]\frac{\pi x}{a}[/itex] cos [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{d}[/itex]
H[itex]_{z}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{j \pi E_{0}}{k \eta a}[/itex] cos[itex]\frac{\pi x}{a}[/itex] sin [itex]\frac{l \pi z}{d}[/itex]

The direction of propagation is in xz plane as your propagation constant has [itex] \sin\frac{\pi x }{a} \sin \frac{l \pi z}{a}[/itex]. Obviously it is TE wave as E is normal to the direction of propagation and not H.
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  • #11
Yes. The equations are for fields in a cavity but do not specifiy if they are in a lossless medium or not. That would depend on β and Z0 I think. Also these are TE waves, not TE waves.
  • #12
FrankJ777 said:
Yes. The equations are for fields in a cavity but do not specifiy if they are in a lossless medium or not. That would depend on β and Z0 I think. Also these are TE waves, not TE waves.

I just add the last part of into the last post. Yes, it is a TE wave from your formulas as the direction of propagation is in xz plane. As I said, I don't know TE wave, I have no comment on this. But medium being lossless is only one part of the big picture, there might be other factor that add a phase shift between the two waves. Case in point, yours is TE in cavity.
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FAQ: Physical interpretation of j in E&M field equations

1. What is j in the E&M field equations?

In E&M, j refers to the current density, which is a measure of the flow of electric charge per unit area. It is represented by a vector quantity and is an important part of the equations that describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

2. How is j related to the electric and magnetic fields?

According to Maxwell's equations, the electric and magnetic fields are directly proportional to the current density. This means that the strength and direction of the fields are affected by the presence and movement of electric charges, represented by j.

3. What does the presence of a non-zero j indicate about a system?

A non-zero j indicates that there is a flow of electric charge within the system. This can be caused by the movement of electrons in a conductive material, such as a wire, or the movement of ions in a fluid. The presence of j is necessary for the generation of electromagnetic fields.

4. How is j related to the continuity equation?

The continuity equation states that the rate of change of charge density within a system must be equal to the negative of the divergence of the current density. This means that j is a crucial component in ensuring that charge is conserved within a system.

5. Can j be negative or positive?

Yes, j can be either positive or negative. In most cases, positive j represents the flow of positive charge, such as protons, while negative j represents the flow of negative charge, such as electrons. However, in some cases, the direction of j may be reversed, depending on the specific situation and the chosen coordinate system.
