Monotonic Polynomial: Coefficient Constraints for [0,1]

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In summary: Thank you for your help. I feel much better now that I know what to do next.In summary, to guarantee that a polynomial is strictly increasing on [0,1], you need to parametrize it to a polynomial of degree n-1 and find a formula for its coefficients in terms of the parameters of the original polynomial.
  • #1
What general constraints on the coefficients of a polynomial of degree n do I need to impose to guarantee that this polynomial is strictly increasing on [0,1]?
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  • #2
Take a look at what its Taylor series does to its coefficients.
  • #3
Thank you for your answer, but I am not sure I understand what you mean. Can you explain?
  • #4
In what class was this problem given?
  • #5
Master Level.
  • #6
"Master level"?

You mean something like, say, a graduate algebra course?
  • #7
Yes, it is a Math class which is part of the first year in the master program in economics. Although I am not sure how, I hope this helps.
  • #8
Because the first thing that sprung to my mind was Sturm's theorem, but that's not something I would expect to be used in, say, a Real Analysis course.

So, it wouldn't be fruitful to suggest trying to turn the problem into a zero-finding problem if Sturm's theorem wasn't something you'd be expected to use! :smile:
  • #9
Thank you for your suggestion. Sturm's theorem is something I could use. However, I am not sure how I can use it to find constraints on the coefficients that guarantee the monotonicity of the polynomial over [0,1].
  • #10
Well, my hint is to try and transform the original question into a question about finding roots -- what characterizations do you know of strictly increasing functions?
  • #11
I am not sure I understand what you are getting at.

I do not know if it helps or overlap with what you are saying but here is what I tried to do at this point: if P(x) is a polynomial of degree n, then its derivative P'(x) is a polynomial of degree n-1. Therefore, I have tried to parametrize a polynomial of degre n-1 to guarantee that it is strictly greater than 0 for any x between [0,1]. The parametrization I found is

P'(x)=prod(i=1,...n-1){x-1/(1-Bi)} with Bi>0 for any i=1,...n-2 and Bn-1=exp[b*prod(i=1,...n-2){1-Bi}] and b>0 which I believe guarantees that P'(x)>0.

Now however, I am having problems relating the coefficients of P'(x) to the parameters of p(x).

Thank you for your time. I truly appreciate your help.
  • #12
I am having problems relating the coefficients of P'(x) to the parameters of p(x).

D'oh, that should be the easy part! If

[tex]p(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^{n} a_i x^i[/tex]

Then you should be able to directly take a derivative, to get a formula for the coefficients of p'(x) in terms of that of p(x).
  • #13
Well, what I am having problems with is to find a formula to relate the (B1,...,Bn-1) in my equation of P'(x) to your (a1,
  • #14
Well, what's the derivative of ai x^i?

(and don't forget about the constant terms...)
  • #15
Let me rephrase, what I am having a problem with at this point is to relate the (B1,...,Bn-1) in my definition of P'(x) with the (C1,...,Cn-1) if I write P'(x) in the usual manner


Then obviously I can easily relate the Ci to your Ai.
  • #16
Oh, I feel silly. Sorry 'bout that!

I guess I was still thinking about how the Sturm's theorem approach would work, since that uses the coefficients of the polynomial directly. (Maybe I'm thinking about something related to Sturm's theorem than Sturm's theorem itself -- I can never keep them all straight, but that keyword is enough for me to find it in my reference materials!)

FAQ: Monotonic Polynomial: Coefficient Constraints for [0,1]

1. What is a monotonic polynomial?

A monotonic polynomial is a mathematical function that is always increasing or always decreasing over its entire domain. In other words, its graph will either be a strictly upward or downward sloping curve.

2. What are coefficient constraints for [0,1]?

Coefficient constraints for [0,1] refer to the limitations on the values that the coefficients of a monotonic polynomial can take within the interval of [0,1]. These constraints ensure that the polynomial maintains its monotonicity over the given interval.

3. Why are coefficient constraints necessary for monotonic polynomials?

Coefficient constraints are necessary for monotonic polynomials because they help to maintain the desired behavior of the function. Without these constraints, the polynomial may not remain monotonic over the specified interval, leading to incorrect results.

4. How do coefficient constraints affect the shape of a monotonic polynomial?

The coefficient constraints can affect the shape of a monotonic polynomial by limiting the range of possible values for the coefficients. This can result in a narrower or wider curve, depending on the specific constraints applied.

5. Are there any specific techniques for determining the coefficient constraints for [0,1]?

Yes, there are specific techniques for determining the coefficient constraints for [0,1]. One approach is to use the method of undetermined coefficients, which involves solving a system of equations to find the appropriate constraints. Another approach is to use the method of Lagrange multipliers, which involves optimizing the polynomial subject to the given constraints.
