DIY embedded linux microcontroller

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of building a DIY embedded linux microcontroller and the components needed for it. The speaker mentions their experience with Arduino and their goal of creating a simple "hello world" board. However, it is suggested that designing a Linux-capable board may be too complex for an individual and it would be easier to buy an existing platform. The conversation also suggests starting with a PIC processor and provides resources for getting started.
  • #1
Hi all!

Does anyone know of any good sites for how to build a DIY embedded linux microcontroller?

I know that I'll need a processor of some sort (was thinking maybe an ARM device), a ROM for the bootloader and kernal, RAM for the general processing, and a JTAG or programming interface of some sort for the ROM. Where's a good place to look for these components? And, how to go about wiring them up once I've obtained them?

I've played around a bit with the Arduino stuff-- I'm looking to take a step up and roll my own board. I'm not looking for anything fancy-- just want to get the traditional "hello world" blinking led going on a board running an embedded linux distribution.

Any and all help is appreciated :)

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  • #2
The minimum board necessary to run linux will have the complexity of a RPi. It will require a team of developers.
Designing your own equivalent would be a step too far for an individual.
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Likes berkeman
  • #3
your question suggests that you are not too experienced. In that case, designing a Linux-capable board is probably way beyond your abilities. Why don't you try to buy something that already exists. There are several low cost Linux-capable platforms, probably the most popular is raspberry. Not expensive.
  • #4
maxsthekat said:
I know that I'll need a processor of some sort (was thinking maybe an ARM device), a ROM for the bootloader and kernal, RAM for the general processing, and a JTAG or programming interface of some sort for the ROM. Where's a good place to look for these components? And, how to go about wiring them up once I've obtained them?
If you'd like to get some experience building your own microcontroller (uC) board and doing simple programming of it, I'd suggest starting with a PIC processor in a through-hole package (or use an SMT-to-through-hole adapter boardlet). It's a lot easier to prototype through-hole circuits, and the PIC processors have built-in RAM and Flash memory, so you don't need external memory for basic stuff.

There are lots of resources and examples / App Notes at the Microchip website to help you get started. You will download a GUI application to let you write your initial applications in C or whatever language you want. There is no operating system like Linux involved -- your program that you write will do all of your tasks.
  • #5
Yea, PIC is simple and good to start. You can get a development kit very chip. It includes the programming board and the software. I got it to design a programmable timing circuit, programmed the PIC chip using the kit then installed in my own circuit.
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Likes berkeman

FAQ: DIY embedded linux microcontroller

1. What is a DIY embedded Linux microcontroller?

A DIY embedded Linux microcontroller is a small computer system that is designed to be embedded into a device or project. It runs on the Linux operating system and can be customized and programmed by the user for specific tasks.

2. What are the advantages of using a DIY embedded Linux microcontroller?

One of the main advantages of using a DIY embedded Linux microcontroller is its flexibility and customization options. Users can choose from a wide range of software and hardware components to build their own unique system. Additionally, Linux is a free and open-source operating system, which means there are no licensing fees involved.

3. How do I get started with using a DIY embedded Linux microcontroller?

To get started, you will need to have some knowledge of Linux and programming languages such as C or Python. You will also need to choose a microcontroller board and download the necessary software, which typically includes a Linux distribution and a development environment for writing and compiling code.

4. Can I use a DIY embedded Linux microcontroller for commercial projects?

Yes, you can use a DIY embedded Linux microcontroller for commercial projects. However, it is important to make sure that you comply with any open-source licenses and give proper attribution to the software and hardware components that you use.

5. What are some popular DIY embedded Linux microcontroller boards?

Some popular DIY embedded Linux microcontroller boards include Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, and Arduino Yun. These boards vary in terms of their processing power, memory, and connectivity options, so it is important to choose one that best suits your project's needs.
