Maximum Acceleration for Flatbed Truck with Jet-Powered Crate

In summary, the problem involves a jet-powered flatbed truck with a crate of mass m strapped down with a tension three times the weight of the box. The goal is to determine the maximum acceleration without having the box slide, given Us= .9 and Uk=.7. The attempt at a solution involved finding the Y components which resulted in Ff= 35.3m, but the horizontal force is still unknown. A free body diagram was suggested to be used, with SUM representing the sum of all forces, Fun representing the unbalanced force (in this case, force of friction Ff), and Fn, Fg, and Fa representing the normal force, force of gravity, and applied force respectively.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A jet-powered flatbed truck has a crate of mass m, which is strapped down to the truck with a tension three times the weight of the box. Find the maximum acceleration without having the box slide. Us= .9, Uk=.7

Homework Equations

Fun= SUM
Fun= ma
Ff= -(Us) Fn

The Attempt at a Solution

I've figured out the Y components, and resulted in the Ff= 35.3m, my only problem now is where to go from here. I can't for the life of me figure out the other horizontal force other than Ff.

when I attempt the solution, I get

= Ff


I know the answer is -7.7 but I can't seem to think of the opposing horizontal force.
Physics news on
  • #2
You need to start off with a Free Body Diagram for the crate.

By the way, what is SUM? Fun? Ff? It would really help to put some words with these symbols.
  • #3
I apologize, SUM is the sum of all the forces, and Fun is the unbalanced force, in this case it would be force of friction (Ff) and something else. Also Fn is the normal force, and Fg is the force of gravity, and Fa would be an applied force.

My free body diagram includes the box with the force of gravity, and tension acting downward, and force normal pushing it up. Horizontally it has the force of friction resisting the box's movement, but I don't know what it's opposing :(
  • #4

FAQ: Maximum Acceleration for Flatbed Truck with Jet-Powered Crate

What is a dynamic motion problem?

A dynamic motion problem is a type of physics problem that involves analyzing the motion of an object over time. It takes into account the object's initial position, velocity, and acceleration, as well as any external forces acting on the object.

What are the key principles involved in solving dynamic motion problems?

The key principles involved in solving dynamic motion problems are Newton's laws of motion, which state that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Additionally, the principles of displacement, velocity, and acceleration are crucial in understanding an object's motion over time.

How do you approach solving a dynamic motion problem?

The first step in solving a dynamic motion problem is to clearly identify all given information, such as the initial position, velocity, and acceleration of the object, as well as any external forces acting on it. Then, use the principles of displacement, velocity, and acceleration to determine the object's motion over time. Finally, check your solution for accuracy and make any necessary adjustments.

What are some common types of dynamic motion problems?

Some common types of dynamic motion problems include projectile motion, circular motion, and simple harmonic motion. Projectile motion involves the motion of an object that is launched into the air and falls under the influence of gravity. Circular motion involves an object moving in a circular path, and simple harmonic motion involves an object oscillating back and forth around a central point.

How can understanding dynamic motion problems be applied in real life?

Understanding dynamic motion problems can be applied in many real-life situations, such as predicting the trajectory of a ball thrown in sports, understanding the movement of vehicles on a rollercoaster, or calculating the forces acting on a rocket during takeoff. It can also be useful in fields such as engineering, architecture, and transportation.
