Generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups

In summary, the conversation discusses Lie algebras and groups, and the definition of a Lie algebra homomorphism and group homomorphism. It is stated that the given mapping \Phi may not always be a group homomorphism, and a counter-example is provided. It is mentioned that the exponential mapping is not injective, but it is asked how to prove that the canonical mapping SU(2) -> SO(3) is a group homomorphism. The idea of a submanifold being a subgroup is brought up, and the conversation ends with a possible variation of the identity \exp(A)\exp(B)=\exp(A+B) being used.
  • #1
Suppose [itex]\mathfrak{g}[/itex] and [itex]\mathfrak{h}[/itex] are some Lie algebras, and [itex]G=\exp(\mathfrak{g})[/itex] and [itex]H=\exp(\mathfrak{h})[/itex] are Lie groups. If


is a Lie algebra homomorphism, and if [itex]\Phi[/itex] is defined as follows:

\Phi:G\to H,\quad \Phi(\exp(A))=\exp(\phi(A))

will [itex]\Phi[/itex] be a group homomorphism?

Since [itex]\exp(A)\exp(B)=\exp(A+B)[/itex] is not true in general, I see no obvious way to prove the claim.
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  • #2
I expect G = SO(3) and H = SU(2) along with the identity map so(3)-->su(2) constitute a counter-example.

It feels like cheating, though, since this surely induces the bundle SU(2) --> SO(3) which could be thought of as a two-valued homomorphism from SO(3) to SU(2). (e.g. compare with the square-root function of the complex plane)
  • #3
I see. In general the equation

\Phi(\exp(A)) = \exp(\phi(A))

will not give a well defined mapping, because exponential mapping is not injective.

But for example, how do you prove that the canonical mapping SU(2) -> SO(3) is group homomorphism? It is easy to verify that the mapping su(2) -> so(3) is a Lie algebra isomorphism, but then what?
  • #4
I think what gets induced is a submanifold of GxH whose projection onto G is a local homeomorphism.

I expect the submanifold to be a subgroup.

Why? By doing the differential geometry to sew the differential facts into an integral whole.

by using the variation on that identity that is valid.

But I'm mainly running off of intuition here, and this is far from my field of expertise.
  • #5
However, it is possible to show that \Phi is a smooth map between the two Lie groups G and H. This is because \phi is a Lie algebra homomorphism, meaning it preserves the Lie bracket operation, which in turn preserves the group multiplication in G and H. Therefore, \phi(A+B) = \phi(A)\phi(B) and \Phi(\exp(A)\exp(B)) = \Phi(\exp(A+B)) = \exp(\phi(A+B)) = \exp(\phi(A))\exp(\phi(B)) = \Phi(\exp(A))\Phi(\exp(B)). This shows that \Phi is a group homomorphism, and since it is also smooth, it is a Lie group homomorphism between G and H.

FAQ: Generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups

1. What are Lie groups?

Lie groups are mathematical objects that combine the properties of both a group (a set with a binary operation that satisfies certain properties) and a smooth manifold (a space that locally looks like Euclidean space).

2. What is a group homomorphism?

A group homomorphism is a map between two groups that preserves the group structure, meaning that the operation of the first group is mapped to the same operation in the second group.

3. Why is it important to generate group homomorphisms between Lie groups?

Generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups is important because it allows us to study the relationship between different Lie groups and understand how they are related to each other. This can help us solve problems and make predictions in various fields of mathematics and physics.

4. How do you generate group homomorphisms between Lie groups?

Generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups involves finding a map that preserves the group structure, meaning that it must satisfy certain conditions such as preserving the identity element and preserving the group operation. This can often be done by finding a suitable matrix representation of the groups and then finding a map between the matrices that satisfies the conditions.

5. What are some applications of generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups?

Some applications of generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups include understanding the symmetries of physical systems, solving differential equations, and studying the topology of different manifolds. They also have applications in areas such as quantum mechanics, geometry, and computer science.

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