Does radiation from phones/PC's increase hair loss?

In summary: It is claimed that mobile phone radiations are harmful to the health of human beings...In summary, the conversation discusses the potential effects of radiation from electrical devices, such as computers, phones, and WiFi, on hair loss. While some threads mention the biological effects of low-level electromagnetic radiation, it is ultimately concluded that the main cause of hair loss is genetic and not related to electronic devices. There is also a brief discussion about the difference between non-ionizing and ionizing radiation, with the latter being the type that can cause hair loss. The conversation also touches upon the comparison of radiation levels emitted by different devices, such as cell phones, wireless routers, and PCs. Ultimately, there is no substantial evidence to support the claim
  • #1
Does radiation from electrical devices such as computers, phones, WiFi etc.. have an effect on hair loss? Can't really find a lot of articles on the net about it.
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Computer science news on
  • #2
Daed said:
Does radiation from electrical devices such as computers, phones, WiFi etc.. have an effect on hair loss? Can't really find a lot of articles on the net about it.

Also please tell me if this is the incorrect place or site to post this question. Thanks.

The biological effects of low-level EM radiation have been discussed in previous threads here on the PF. I'll see if I can find some with the search engine...
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  • #3
berkeman said:
The biological effects of low-level EM radiation have been discussed in previous threads here on the PF. I'll see if I can find some with the search engine...

Here are some related threads from a quick search (though they have more to do with discussing any potential cancer links to cell phone use):

  • #4
Those new iPhones with the cobalt 60 batteries will really cause hair loss.
  • #5
Jim1138 said:
Those new iPhones with the cobalt 60 batteries will really cause hair loss.


The main cause of hair loss by far is genetic. But if you notice uneven bald patches appearing around one ear then... it probably still isn't your cell phone, unless you have mites living in it.

Let's put it this way. If the radiation from your phone was strong enough to cause hair loss then you would already be in the hospital from all the other radiation symptoms.
  • #6
Male pattern baldness requires testosterone. A testosterone boost and resultant baldness might result due to use of cellphones for success with females. Conversely, if you wife and boss call to nag and denigrate you, it could prevent hair loss.
  • #7
Jim1138 said:
Those new iPhones with the cobalt 60 batteries will really cause hair loss.

Vreejack said:

The main cause of hair loss by far is genetic. But if you notice uneven bald patches appearing around one ear then... it probably still isn't your cell phone, unless you have mites living in it.

Let's put it this way. If the radiation from your phone was strong enough to cause hair loss then you would already be in the hospital from all the other radiation symptoms.

Lol. Thanks for the replies... so you two are saying that there is no connection between the two.

Would a phone without a SIM card in it, so its not connecting to any cellular network, emit less radiation? Would it just be the electronic radiation of the device? And Jim just curious, but is your post about the battery completely a joke or do some batteries emit radiation?

Also does anyone know what gives out more radiation a cell phone, a wireless router or a PC?
  • #8
Ionizing radiation such as x-rays or gamma, beta, or alpha from a nuclear source is quite different than the low energy radiation from a from a router or cell phone. Radio frequency or microwave radiation only causes heating effects, while ionizing radiation will break chemical bonds, damage DNA, and do all sorts of mischief in your body.

Just about everything emits some nuclear radiation. Your body has potassium 40 (about 0.01% of the potassium) which has a half life of about 1.2 billion years. Carbon 14 as well.

Batteries manufactures do not put anything significantly radioactive into their product. However potassium and carbon are frequently used. While the radioactive products of the batteries are pretty much shielded by the battery case, the potassium and carbon in your body can be integrated into your DNA.

Unless a PC has a router card in it, the radiation should be quite small. The FCC gets upset when computers emit lots of RF and jam essential frequencies. Routers typically operate over short distances while cell phones have a longer range. Cell phones will vary power depending on distance / signal strength to the cell tower.

I would suspect that unnecessary worry about radiation would cause more harm.
  • #9
For the record, all phones within range of a phone mast connect to a mobile network. Simcard or not. (You can always phone the emergency services.)
  • #10
Discussing Electrosensitivity Causes Hair Loss - Mine!

I think it's from banging my head on the keyboard in frustration.
  • #11
Jim1138 said:
Male pattern baldness requires testosterone. A testosterone boost and resultant baldness might result due to use of cellphones for success with females. Conversely, if you wife and boss call to nag and denigrate you, it could prevent hair loss.

Interesting thought. Many times it is observed that certain events go together; and it is concluded that one causes the other. That is not true however.

As Jim said, it may be possible that increased levels of testosterone somehow lead to increased cell-phone usage and also cause baldness at the same time.

More importantly however, the hair loss that occurs along with radiation therapy is due to ionizing radiation. As again Jim rightly has said, that is very different from the kind of radiation given out by cell phones or wifi routers.
  • #12
Daed said:
Also does anyone know what gives out more radiation a cell phone, a wireless router or a PC?

A PC is designed to minimize radiation, which otherwise appears as electronic interference. A wireless router is much more powerful than a cellphone, assuming it isn't completely wireless but has a power cord. Battery operated devices tend to be low-power. Try comparing the temperature of each one; routers get darned hot in comparison to phones.
  • #13

Yes its true that the radiations of mobile phones are harmful for human beings.
  • #14
Death by Cell Phone texting

What evidence? Compared to what? Far more likely you die from texting then by cell phone "radiations". There is" .
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  • #15
Alecia said:

Yes its true that the radiations of mobile phones are harmful for human beings.

Ah, claims with little or no logical explanation is generally discouraged. Instead of just saying "X is true/false", try saying "X is true/false because...". A few links and references would also be nifce.

FAQ: Does radiation from phones/PC's increase hair loss?

1. Does using a phone or PC cause hair loss?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that using a phone or PC directly causes hair loss. However, excessive use of electronic devices may lead to stress and lack of sleep, which can indirectly contribute to hair loss.

2. Is the radiation from phones or PC's harmful to hair follicles?

The type of radiation emitted by phones and PC's, known as non-ionizing radiation, is not considered harmful to hair follicles. Additionally, the radiation levels from these devices are very low and not powerful enough to cause any damage to hair follicles.

3. Can wearing a headset or using speakerphone reduce the risk of hair loss from phone radiation?

While using a headset or speakerphone may reduce the amount of radiation exposure to the head, it is not likely to have a significant impact on hair loss. The amount of radiation emitted from phones is already very low and does not pose a significant risk to hair follicles.

4. Are certain types of phones or PC's more likely to cause hair loss?

There is no evidence to suggest that certain types of phones or PC's are more likely to cause hair loss than others. The radiation levels emitted by electronic devices are regulated by international safety standards, and all devices must meet these standards before being sold.

5. Can using anti-radiation products prevent hair loss from electronic devices?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that using anti-radiation products can prevent hair loss from electronic devices. These products are not regulated and their effectiveness has not been proven. The best way to reduce any potential risk from phone or PC radiation is to limit use and take breaks from electronic devices regularly.

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