Capacitor/Transformer Voltage Rating for a 12V Power Supply?

In summary: Yes, there are some risks associated with running a higher voltage into your house, but they are typically outweighed by the benefits. In summary, the author is looking for capacitors to power a 12V supply and is confused about voltage ratings and transformers.
  • #1

About you know where I am coming from. If you don't want to read, skip to the end-ish...

I'd like to start off my saying that I know next to nothing about electronics although I am eagerly reading the All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide right now and it is confusing but I am slowly understanding it.

There's a lot of equations in that book. Perhaps some of you may have heard of it, read it. But, I am going to attempt to do a very small project and that is building a simple 12V power supply for...anything that might require 12V.

So I am searching over at, the site which I have had the best luck with and I am looking for some nice capacitors. I am an avid PC hardware enthusiast trying to get into electronics and nothing draws my eye quite like aluminum organic polymer caps. These caps are pretty much worshiped on the PC spectrum. (AKA solid state caps).

But, don't really know squat-diddly about electronics. What kind of voltage rating do I need to use on a 12V supply sipping power straight from the wall. No batteries or anything.

Solid state caps only go up to about 50V or so I have seen but standard electrolytics can go up to 900-1000v.

What the heck do I need? I have some schematics, just trying to determine the parts. This is the schematic:

Also, and I am sorry if I am asking too much, the primary/input rating on a transformer should be like equal to the wall? And the output maybe around 35V?

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  • #2
you are using 7812, which will give 12V output. Input side voltage should be 15-18V. so you need capacitor <50V ratings.
  • #3

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  • #4
Primary voltage on the transformer can be up to 35V?
  • #5
^ you mean secondary voltage of transformer (i.e. voltage input to rectifier circuit) ? as primary voltage on the transformer is 240V as per circuit diagram.

why to use 240/35 V transformer? it would create problems of low efficiency, over heating, high temperature. 240/15 (or 240/18V) is sufficient.
  • #6
aks786 said:
^ you mean secondary voltage of transformer (i.e. voltage input to rectifier circuit) ? as primary voltage on the transformer is 240V as per circuit diagram.

why to use 240/35 V transformer? it would create problems of low efficiency, over heating, high temperature. 240/15 (or 240/18V) is sufficient.

Thank you very much aks786. I read about 50 pages on transformers yesterday before I crashed for the night, in hopes of trying to make a little bit of sense.

Here's the one thing I am not getting. I understand how transformers work but on the schematic it says 240V. I live in the US and is not a standard wall outlet only 100-120V? Why does it say 240V then? Am I missing something.

Also, regarding power rating. VA = Volt Ampere. Is there a reason why they put VA instead of Watt? This is the one I am considering:

Thank you very much for your help.
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  • #7
240V is also standard in some countries like in india. (higher distribution voltage is dangerous but economical)

TheLaw said:
Also, regarding power rating. VA = Volt Ampere. Is there a reason why they put VA instead of Watt?
like all other electrical machines, transformers rating is limited by temperature rise, which depends on losses. in transformer there are mainly two type of losses

1. copper losses - depends on current through windings and resistance of winding (I²R). keeping resistance constant this part is restricted by current.

2. iron losses - depends on core (size, material, lamination thickness), flux density and power frequency. here physical properties of core and power frequency is constant, so iron losses will depend on flux density. which will depend on voltage applied.

in this way transformer heat generated will depend on voltage applied on transformer and current flowing through windings, it has nothing to do with power factor. so you will find transformer ratings such as 300VA, 315KVA, 100 MVA ...
  • #8
Thanks you have very clear descriptions.
  • #9
aks786 said:
240V is also standard in some countries like in india. (higher distribution voltage is dangerous but economical)
Actually, outside of North America, 200V to 240V AC is by far the most common utilization voltage.

See :
  • #10
uart said:
Actually, outside of North America, 200V to 240V AC is by far the most common utilization voltage.

See :

I suppose its much cheaper to run higher voltage into your house, but wow, that seems really dangerous.

FAQ: Capacitor/Transformer Voltage Rating for a 12V Power Supply?

1. What does the voltage rating on a capacitor/transformer signify?

The voltage rating on a capacitor/transformer indicates the maximum voltage that the component can safely withstand without failing or causing damage.

2. Why is the voltage rating important for a 12V power supply?

The voltage rating is important for a 12V power supply because it ensures that the components used can handle the voltage being supplied, preventing them from failing or causing damage.

3. Can I use a capacitor/transformer with a higher voltage rating for a 12V power supply?

It is not recommended to use a capacitor/transformer with a higher voltage rating for a 12V power supply. Doing so may result in excess voltage being applied to the components, potentially causing them to fail or malfunction.

4. What happens if I use a capacitor/transformer with a lower voltage rating for a 12V power supply?

Using a capacitor/transformer with a lower voltage rating for a 12V power supply may result in the component being overloaded and failing. It is important to always match the voltage rating of the components with the voltage of the power supply.

5. How do I determine the appropriate voltage rating for a capacitor/transformer for a 12V power supply?

The appropriate voltage rating for a capacitor/transformer for a 12V power supply can be determined by considering the maximum voltage that the power supply will provide, as well as any potential fluctuations in voltage. It is best to choose a capacitor/transformer with a voltage rating slightly higher than the maximum voltage of the power supply to ensure safe and reliable operation.
