Least-Squares fitting of King's Equation

  • Thread starter BowlingSuperior
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a hot wire placed in a region of mass air flow, with the current on the wire being regulated to maintain a constant temperature. The measurement of current is related to the mass airflow through King's Equation, and the goal is to use a least-squares solution to determine the coefficients of the equation. The conversation also mentions the possibility of using linearization or the Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear method to solve the problem, depending on the number of data points.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A hot wire is placed in a region of mass air flow. There is a current on the wire causing it (wire) to heat up. The current is regulated such that the wire temperature is constant.

Measurement of current on the wire is related to the mass airflow by King's Equation.

The goal is to perform a least-squares solution of measured data in order to determine coefficients of Kings equation.

Homework Equations

King's Equation: output = a + b * flow ^c

with a, b, and c coefficients to be determined.

The Attempt at a Solution

Solve equation using linear least-squares. Problem is the flow raised to the "c" coefficient. Linearization of the equation *may* be the answer? Otherwise using something like Levenberg-Marquardt's non-linear method?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yep, it's a non-linear problem. Solution method depends on how many data points you have. If it is 3, then you could solve using linearization (Newton Raphson perhaps, see link in my footer). But if you have a least squares situation (i.e n > 3), then non-linear least squares using Levenberg-Marquardt would be perfectly applicable (also see link in my footer).:smile:
  • #3
hotvette said:
Yep, it's a non-linear problem. Solution method depends on how many data points you have. If it is 3, then you could solve using linearization (Newton Raphson perhaps, see link in my footer). But if you have a least squares situation (i.e n > 3), then non-linear least squares using Levenberg-Marquardt would be perfectly applicable (also see link in my footer).:smile:

Thanks for the feedback and confirmation!

BTW - what software package did you use to generate the 2-page tutorials? They look excellent!

- Bruce
  • #4
BowlingSuperior said:
what software package did you use to generate the 2-page tutorials? They look excellent!

- Bruce

Thanks! I used Excel, Powerpoint, and a bit-map capture utility.

FAQ: Least-Squares fitting of King's Equation

1. What is King's Equation?

King's Equation is a mathematical model used in least-squares fitting to describe the distribution of particles in a fluid. It is commonly used in analyzing data from particle size distribution tests in industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and chemicals.

2. How does least-squares fitting work with King's Equation?

Least-squares fitting is a statistical method used to determine the best-fit line or curve for a set of data points. In the case of King's Equation, the method is used to find the best-fit parameters that describe the distribution of particles in a fluid. This is done by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between the actual data points and the predicted values from the model.

3. What are the advantages of using King's Equation in least-squares fitting?

King's Equation offers several advantages in least-squares fitting. It is a flexible model that can be adapted to fit a wide range of particle size distributions. It also provides a good fit to bimodal or multimodal distributions, which are common in many industrial applications. Additionally, the model has a relatively simple form, making it easy to interpret and use for parameter estimation.

4. Are there any limitations to using King's Equation in least-squares fitting?

While King's Equation is a useful tool in least-squares fitting, it does have some limitations. One major limitation is that it assumes a spherical particle shape, which may not be accurate for all types of particles. Additionally, the model may not provide a good fit for highly skewed or irregularly shaped distributions.

5. How can I use King's Equation in my research or industry?

If you are working in a field where particle size distribution analysis is important, such as pharmaceuticals or cosmetics, King's Equation can be a valuable tool for data analysis. You can use the equation in conjunction with least-squares fitting to determine the best-fit parameters for your data and gain insights into the distribution of particles in your fluid. However, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of the model and consider using alternative methods if necessary.
