Where are streaming video files placed?

In summary, apparently, not in the Temp folder. Instead, the video's contents are stored on an external server and accessed by the flash player applet. The end-user can access any part of the video that has already been buffered, but the original video can't be accessed all of the time.
  • #1
Ara macao
Apparently, not in the Temp folder.

So then, where could I find their locations? Certainly,somewhere on the hard drive because you can instantly switch to an "already-loaded" segment of the video.
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Instead of searching the file in your hard drive, try to capture its internet link and download with a downloader (flashget, etc.). To do this, use right click on the button which you pressed to watch the video, or view the source code (html code) of the page and if you recognize your file's name, you probably get the link. These should work in many cases but not for every page.
  • #3
Hmm.. I don't think that streaming video is saved anywhere but in the buffer, which is in RAM, not a temporary folder, but depending on where you're streaming it from, it will be either easy or difficult to download.

Comicstring1 has the right idea. It depends on where you're streaming from though. Is it a video inside of a webpage (like youtube)? Is it a direct link that opens your video player? Are you opening the file directly from the web, so it has to download first somewhere, then play? Is it a true video stream? (that you're using real player to listen to?)

If you are streaming from a place like youtube, then first look around for a "download video" link on the page. If there isn't one, then as comicstring1 said try using a downloader like "http://www.downthemall.net/" (which is a command line downloader that I love for stuff like this because it's a lot easier to use when experimenting with different URL's).
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  • #4
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  • #5
Yea, this is an actual streamed file. (.rm = Real Media)

I've had a lot of problems with these files recently. Before I could simply edit the small .rm file in notepad, then extract the link to where the real file was, then download it directly, but I think some kind of security has been implemented to prevent this. There are some programs out there which can capture streams. Try googling 'Real Media stream capture freeware program,' or something similar (without the quotes).
  • #6
I've had great success capturing streams with VLC.
  • #7
If you want to download MIT OCW files there is a way to do that without capturing the stream.
  • #8
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/OCWHelp/help.htm#q16" go to 31.
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  • #9
BoredNL said:
If you are streaming from a place like youtube,
youtube doesn't stream video, it's Flash.
  • #10
Evo said:
youtube doesn't stream video, it's Flash.

The flash plugin can play .flv video streams from a media server (like the flash media server).
  • #11
-Job- said:
The flash plugin can play .flv video streams from a media server (like the flash media server).
Yes, which also allows live video and with which I'm not too familiar.

BoredNL is correct about it being stored in the buffer, an old paper describes it. A bit outdated, but interesting.

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  • #12
A lot of the time, the flash player is used as a security measure, which can be a pain in the butt to get around. Sometimes the URL to the video is actually in the source code of the page in plain text and sent to the flash player applet though. It just streams from a file somewhere. Sometimes they'll use some tricky schemes to make it incredibly difficult to track down the URL though. I've actually had to disassemble a flash applet before to figure out how it decoded the URL, then apply that decoding scheme to the gibberish looking letters passed to the applet.

Sometimes I just give up though.. I'm not willing to spend too much time just to download some random video usually. It's easier finding it somewhere else on a less secure site or one that simply allows for easy downloading of their videos.
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  • #13
So I know that streaming media allows you to view the contents of a video without downloading it to a computer. So the question is - when the contents of a video are buffered - they're stored on an external server, right? But then what allows the end-user instantaneous access to any part of the video that has already been buffered? (after a video segment has been buffered, then you can go back to that segment instantaneously). Can you do that for a video on an external server? And if so, why can't the original video be available for instantaneous access to the end-user all of the time?

And I'd like to ask this question - absolutely nothing goes on the computer's temp folder, right?

I just read http://www.cultivate-int.org/issue4/scenes/ - it is interesting. Though I have questions myself that this didn't answer.
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FAQ: Where are streaming video files placed?

1. Where are streaming video files typically located?

Streaming video files are typically located on a remote server or content delivery network (CDN) that hosts the videos and streams them to viewers over the internet.

2. Can streaming video files be placed on a local computer?

Yes, streaming video files can also be placed on a local computer, but they will only be accessible to viewers within the same network. This is commonly used for internal company training videos or small-scale live streaming events.

3. How do I know where a streaming video file is placed?

The location of a streaming video file can usually be found in the video's embed code or by inspecting the video player on the website where it is being streamed. If the video is being streamed from a CDN, the CDN's URL may also provide information on the file's location.

4. Can I change the location of a streaming video file?

Yes, the location of a streaming video file can be changed by moving it to a different server or CDN. However, this may require updating the embed code or video player on the website where the video is being streamed.

5. Are there any security concerns with streaming video files?

Yes, there can be security concerns with streaming video files, especially if they are placed on a public server or CDN. It is important to ensure proper security measures are in place, such as password protection or encryption, to prevent unauthorized access to the video files.

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