Time scale for the rapid transient

In summary: This means that the time scales T_fast and T_slow are widely separated because T_fast is small compared to T_slow.In summary, the time scale for the rapid transient (overdamped bead on a rotating hoop) can be estimated as T_fast = m^2*g^(-1)*r*b^(-3). By rescaling the original differential equation with T_fast as the characteristic time scale, terms with higher orders in ε become negligible. T_fast is much smaller than T_slow when ε ≪ 1, indicating that the time scales T_fast and T_slow are widely separated.
  • #1
Homework Statement

Time scale for the rapid transient (overdamped bead on a rotating hoop).

The governing equation m*r*φ'' = -b*φ' - m*g*sinφ + m*r*(ω^2)*sinφ*cosφ, can be reduced to ε(d^2φ/dτ^2) + dφ/dτ = f(φ).

Using phase plane analysis it can be shown that the equation ε(d^2φ/dτ^2) + dφ/dτ = f(φ) has solutions that rapidly relax to the curve where dφ/dτ = f(φ). Here f(φ) = sinφ(γcosφ - 1), ε = (m^2*g*r)/b^2, τ = t/T, and T is chosen to be T = b/(m*g).

a) Estimate the time scale T_fast for this rapid transient in terms of ε, and then express T_fast in terms of the original dimensional quantities m, g, r, ω, and b.
b) Rescale the original differential equation, using T_fast as the characteristic time scale, instead of T_slow = b/mg. Which terms in the equation are negligible on this time scale?
c) Show that T_fast ≪ T_slow if ε≪1. (In this sense, the time scales T_fast and T_slow are widely separated.)

Relevant equations

γ = (r*ω^2)/g
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  • #2
Homework Equations See statement.The Attempt at a Solution a) T_fast = εT_slow = (m^2*g*r*b^(-2))*(b*m^(-1)*g^(-1))= m^2*g^(-1)*r*b^(-3).b) The equation can be rescaled as: ε(d^2φ/dτ_fast^2) + dφ/dτ_fast = f(φ), where τ_fast = t/T_fast. The terms that are negligible on this time scale are those that have a higher order in ε, such as ε(d^2φ/dτ_fast^2).c) T_fast ≪ T_slow if ε ≪ 1, where ε = (m^2*g*r)/b^2. Since b is always positive, the only way for ε ≪ 1 is for m, g, and r to be small.

FAQ: Time scale for the rapid transient

What is a "time scale for the rapid transient"?

The time scale for the rapid transient refers to the speed at which a system or process undergoes a significant change or transformation. It is typically measured in seconds, minutes, or even fractions of a second.

What factors can affect the time scale for rapid transients?

The time scale for rapid transients can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the nature of the system or process, external forces or stimuli, and the presence of any inhibiting or accelerating factors.

How do scientists measure the time scale for rapid transients?

Scientists use various techniques and instruments to measure the time scale for rapid transients, such as high-speed cameras, spectroscopy, and computer simulations. These methods allow for accurate and precise measurements of time intervals at a rapid scale.

What are some real-world examples of rapid transients?

Rapid transients can be observed in various phenomena, such as chemical reactions, weather patterns, and physical processes like melting or freezing. In human-made systems, rapid transients can occur in electronics, engines, and other mechanisms.

Why is understanding the time scale for rapid transients important?

Understanding the time scale for rapid transients is crucial for predicting and controlling the behavior of dynamic systems. It also allows us to better understand the underlying mechanisms and processes involved in various phenomena and can lead to significant advancements in technology and scientific research.

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