Conversion of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle

In summary, the conversion of an internal combustion engine vehicle to a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle involves replacing the traditional engine with a fuel cell stack that converts hydrogen gas into electricity to power the vehicle's motor. This process eliminates the need for gasoline or diesel fuel, reducing carbon emissions and improving fuel efficiency. However, this conversion can be costly and requires a network of hydrogen fueling stations for widespread use. Despite these challenges, the shift towards hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is seen as a promising solution to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change.
  • #1
I’m from a group that is current working on the theory of a Hydrogen Economy. Our first area of development is the Hydrogen Highway. We are currently seeking help in the form of freelance / work for hire basically engineer(s) that could aid in design and calculations of internal combustion engine vehicles both commercial and domestic to hydrogen fuel cell conversion vehicles. We can discuss terms and compensation that fits within our research and development budget. Would like someone that could come aboard ASAP. And the position would by telecommute. If you have interest please reply to this posting. Also any ideas and comments about what we are undertaking, feelings about the Hydrogen Economy please feel free to post.
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  • #2
There are many companies offering electric vehicle conversions. Adding a fuel cell will be expensive, but there are commercially available systems.
I found a list of fuel cell manufacturers at
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  • #3

Thank you for reaching out about your project to convert internal combustion engine vehicles to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. I am excited to see ongoing efforts towards a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly form of transportation.

The concept of a Hydrogen Economy is a promising one, as hydrogen is a clean and abundant source of energy. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed in order for it to become a widespread reality, such as infrastructure for producing, storing, and distributing hydrogen, as well as the cost and efficiency of fuel cell technology.

In terms of your project, I would recommend collaborating with experienced engineers and researchers in the field of fuel cell technology to ensure the feasibility and safety of the conversion process. It is also important to consider the potential impact on the overall performance and emissions of the converted vehicles.

As for telecommuting engineers, I believe it is possible for them to contribute to the project remotely, but it is crucial to have clear communication and coordination between team members to ensure efficient progress.

Overall, I am supportive of your efforts and I hope to see more advancements in the Hydrogen Economy in the near future. Best of luck with your project.

FAQ: Conversion of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle

What is the process of converting an internal combustion engine vehicle to a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle?

The process typically involves removing the existing internal combustion engine and replacing it with a hydrogen fuel cell system. This involves installing a hydrogen storage tank, a fuel cell stack, and other necessary components. The vehicle's electrical system and drivetrain may also need to be modified to accommodate the new power source.

What are the benefits of converting a vehicle to a hydrogen fuel cell?

One of the main benefits is a reduction in emissions, as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles produce only water vapor as a byproduct. They also have a longer driving range compared to traditional electric vehicles and can be refueled quickly, similar to a gasoline vehicle.

How does a hydrogen fuel cell work?

A hydrogen fuel cell uses a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. The hydrogen is fed into the anode side of the fuel cell and the oxygen is fed into the cathode side. The two react to create electricity, which then powers the vehicle's motor.

What are the challenges of converting a vehicle to a hydrogen fuel cell?

One of the main challenges is the cost. Hydrogen fuel cell technology is still relatively expensive, making the conversion process costly. Additionally, there is currently a lack of infrastructure for refueling hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, making it difficult to use them as a primary mode of transportation.

Are there any safety concerns with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles?

Like any new technology, there are some safety concerns to consider. Hydrogen is highly flammable and must be handled carefully. However, fuel cell vehicles undergo rigorous safety testing and have built-in safety features to prevent accidents. Overall, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are considered to be safe for everyday use.
