Exploring the Possibility of Interdimensional Bridges Through Black Holes

In summary: It is possible that black holes in one universe could lead to creating a new universe through a wormhole or bridge formed by the warping of space. This idea was proposed by John Archibald Wheeler and later adapted by Lee Smolin as a way to explain how our observed parameters could be the result of evolution in the multiverse. However, this is all theoretical and there is currently no way to test or prove it. There are ongoing efforts to unite general relativity and quantum mechanics in order to better understand what happens inside a black hole, but this is still a work in progress. While it is good to be cautious, recent advances in quantum gravity applied to cosmology have shown promise in addressing these issues.
  • #1
I just wanted to ask and I'm sure I'm wrong but i thought of it last night. if some models explain a mutlieverse (such as m-theory), is it possible that black holes in one universe are white holes in another universe? now i am no physicist, but as a lay-man thinking if a black hole warps space in such a way could it "break through" or interact with another universe and create a white hole and there for a new universe?

i just had this thought and want to know why it would or would not be possible or plausible.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
cattatomic said:
I just wanted to ask and I'm sure I'm wrong but i thought of it last night. if some models explain a mutlieverse (such as m-theory), is it possible that black holes in one universe are white holes in another universe? ...

i just had this thought and want to know why it would or would not be possible or plausible.

It is possible that some black holes in this spacetime region could (out the bottom so to speak) be BIG BANGS creating another spacetime region.

this was proposed by a famous physicist John Archibald Wheeler (who was Richard Feynmann's PhD advisor and mentor at Princeton, and who co-authored with Feynmann).
Later the idea was taken up by Lee Smolin. Who wrote papers about it in 1993 and 1994, then a popular book about it called The Life of the Cosmos.

Smolin adapted the idea as an empirically testable way to EXPLAIN how, if string thinking is unable to come up with a principle for selecting one out of millions of possible versions of physics (and is thus not really predictive) you might still explain how we got the observed parameters by EVOLUTION.

That is, regions of spacetime can reproduce by..have to go, back later
  • #3
cattatomic said:
I just wanted to ask and I'm sure I'm wrong but i thought of it last night. if some models explain a mutlieverse (such as m-theory), is it possible that black holes in one universe are white holes in another universe? now i am no physicist, but as a lay-man thinking if a black hole warps space in such a way could it "break through" or interact with another universe and create a white hole and there for a new universe?

i just had this thought and want to know why it would or would not be possible or plausible.

by reading your lines i think that you have studied the membrain theory of two universe.the things that we r talking about r totally theorotical.but predictions can be made about. don't worry ! i m with u!
  • #4
I thought that the idea of a white hole or wormhole was mostly ad hoc, and that it was extremely unlikely any existed. We should probably go further to unite general relativity and quantum mechnanics before speculating and what happens when matter enters a black hole, yes? Or do I not know what I am talking about?
  • #5
PseudoIntellect said:
I thought that the idea of a white hole or wormhole was mostly ad hoc,

I agree with the general sense of what you say----they are speculative ideas based on applying classical General Relativity where it may, in fact, not be applicable. Dubious, if not precisely ad hoc.

...should probably go further to unite general relativity and quantum mechnanics before speculating and what happens when matter enters a black hole, yes? Or do I not know what I am talking about?

Further than what? is the question. Certainly you sound like you know something about this, and any advances in understanding what happens down hole is going to depend on making progress in quantum gravity----quantizing General Relativity.

So I agree basically, but at the same time i see progress being made at quantizing GR and some interesting quantum black hole bounce, and big bang bounce models, being developed. The unresolved issue now is whether and how these models fit together, so that (if they fit) one could lead to the other.

In other words can a black hole collapse lead to a big bang creating a separate expanding spacetime region?

If anyone wants links to recent technical papers about quantum bang and hole models (Ashtekar et al, Gambini et al, and others) just ask.

It is good to be cautious, but not so cautious that you ignore signficiant advances.

If you want to know who the currently most highly cited researchers are in quantum gravity as applied to cosmology, there's a thread about it. I got stats on recognized leading people and some others. these would be the people who are currently addressing these problems of what happens down a black hole, what happened before the big bang.

Here is that thread "Who the top quantum cosmology researchers are."
It gets updated, so the last post on the thread is the one to look at. I just updated it today:

marcus said:
Here are the citation totals as of 28 December 2007. Only papers published since 2002 which have received 35+ cites are tallied.

Bojowald 737
Singh 477
Ashtekar 409
Steinhardt 351
Reuter 86
Hawking 71
Veneziano 39

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  • #6
cattatomic said:
I just wanted to ask and I'm sure I'm wrong but i thought of it last night. if some models explain a mutlieverse (such as m-theory), is it possible that black holes in one universe are white holes in another universe? now i am no physicist, but as a lay-man thinking if a black hole warps space in such a way could it "break through" or interact with another universe and create a white hole and there for a new universe?

i just had this thought and want to know why it would or would not be possible or plausible.

What you are thinking of is an interdemintional bridge or conduit. White holes are not possible. They are only possible in math, but not in space. I do, however believe in the m-theory.

FAQ: Exploring the Possibility of Interdimensional Bridges Through Black Holes

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses in on itself.

2. How are black holes and white holes different?

While black holes are known for their strong gravitational pull, white holes are theoretical objects with the opposite effect - they repel matter and have a repulsive gravitational pull. White holes have never been observed and are still a subject of scientific research.

3. Can anything escape from a black hole?

Once an object crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it is impossible for it to escape. However, some particles and energy can escape from the black hole in the form of Hawking radiation.

4. Do black holes and white holes exist in our universe?

While black holes have been observed and studied by scientists, white holes are still a theoretical concept and have not been observed in our universe. However, some scientists believe that white holes could be created in the future if the laws of physics allow for it.

5. Can a white hole turn into a black hole?

No, a white hole cannot turn into a black hole. The fundamental difference between the two objects is their gravitational pull - a white hole repels matter while a black hole attracts it.

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