- Engineering degree or Engineering/Science double degree?

In summary, the last day of change of preference week is today. The person is choosing between doing a 4 year course in engineering or a 5 year double course in engineering and science. They are unsure of what they want to do, but they think it would be good to hear from anyone who knows about doing science or engineering. They are thinking about doing biomedical engineering.
  • #1
urgent - Engineering degree or Engineering/Science double degree?

the last day of change of preference week is today and i have to select my course for uni. (Melbourne uni, australia)

im choosing either:

4 year course Engineering (ill choose field later)

or 5 year double course Engineering/Science

my fav subjects are maths/physics.. and I am not sure what kind of engineering i want to do yet..

soo I am not suree...would there be much point in doing SCI since engineering is sci maths based anyway?

would it help me with jobs doing a science degree too?

please me give some thoughts
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
The main question you need to ask yourself is what you want to do with your life.
  • #3
thats a hard question, and I am not sure yet.
so I am trying to do something a. i enjoy, b. I am good at.

but it'll be good to hear from anyone who knows much about doing sci/eng

or people who have an opnion..like you...

  • #4
I agree with Russ, it's up to you to decide.

I did Physics then switched to Nuclear Engineering. If I had to do it over, I'd probably do Physics/Nuclear Engineering with some advanced Math courses. :cool:
  • #5
Clearly there's a lot of common ground between science and engineering courses, but in the "real world" there's a big difference between the two activities.

Faced with something that doesn't work, the mindset of a scientist is to set up a long-term research project to find out why it doesn't work. On the other hand, the mindset of an engineer is to find out how to fix it, preferably by yesterday and at zero cost.

That's slightly tongue-in-cheek of course - but only slightly.
  • #6
lol ok cool. I am thinking about jus doing biomediical engineering now. though i can't see many jobs in it yet, it is a growing field yes?
  • #7
thanks guys u can delete this noww

FAQ: - Engineering degree or Engineering/Science double degree?

1. What is the difference between an Engineering degree and an Engineering/Science double degree?

An Engineering degree typically focuses solely on the technical and practical skills needed to design, build, and maintain various structures, machines, or systems. On the other hand, an Engineering/Science double degree combines engineering coursework with additional science courses to provide a more well-rounded education.

2. Is an Engineering/Science double degree more valuable than a single Engineering degree?

Both degrees have their own unique value and benefits. An Engineering/Science double degree can provide a broader range of skills and knowledge, making graduates more versatile and competitive in the job market. However, a single Engineering degree may allow for a more in-depth focus on a specific field of engineering.

3. How long does it take to complete an Engineering/Science double degree?

The length of time to complete an Engineering/Science double degree varies depending on the program and institution. Generally, it takes about 5 years to complete a double degree, compared to 4 years for a single Engineering degree.

4. What career opportunities are available with an Engineering/Science double degree?

Graduates with an Engineering/Science double degree have a wide range of career options, including roles in engineering, research, education, and management. They may also work in industries such as aerospace, energy, transportation, and healthcare.

5. Can I specialize in a specific type of engineering with an Engineering/Science double degree?

Yes, many programs offer specialization options within the Engineering/Science double degree. These specializations may vary depending on the institution, but common options include civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer engineering.
