Plane Crash Survival: At Most One of Them

In summary, the statement "at most one of them will survive the plane crash" can be represented as ~[(A&B)v((B&C)v(C&A))], where A, B, and C represent the individuals Albert, Bill, and Cory, respectively. This statement covers all possible cases of survival and is a valid representation of the given conversation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A: Albert survived the plane crash
B: Bill survived the plane crash
C: Cory survived the plane crash

Create the sentence (sentential logic) "at most one of them will survive the plane crash".

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution


(In case people use a slightly different notation: ~ = 'negation', v = 'or', & = and)

I think this covers all the cases where they do have two or three survivors. Can anyone see anything wrong with my logic?

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  • #2
I don't see anything wrong with that. If 0 or 1 survive, it's true, if two or three survive it's false.

FAQ: Plane Crash Survival: At Most One of Them

1. What should I do if I am involved in a plane crash?

If you are involved in a plane crash, it is important to remain calm and follow the instructions of the flight crew. Locate the nearest emergency exit and evacuate the plane as quickly and safely as possible.

2. What are the most common causes of plane crashes?

The most common causes of plane crashes include mechanical failure, pilot error, weather conditions, and air traffic control errors. However, these incidents are rare and commercial air travel is still considered one of the safest modes of transportation.

3. How can I increase my chances of surviving a plane crash?

To increase your chances of surviving a plane crash, it is important to pay attention to the safety demonstration before takeoff, follow all safety protocols, and remain calm during an emergency. Additionally, choosing an aisle seat and wearing comfortable, non-restrictive clothing can also improve your chances of surviving a plane crash.

4. What type of survival equipment should I have in case of a plane crash?

In case of a plane crash, you should bring a personal emergency kit with you on the flight, which may include items such as a flashlight, a whistle, a first-aid kit, and a spare phone charger. It is also important to wear closed-toe shoes and have a plan for locating and using emergency exits.

5. What happens after a plane crash?

After a plane crash, emergency responders will arrive at the scene to assess the situation and provide any necessary medical attention. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will also investigate the cause of the crash. Passengers and crew members may also be required to provide statements and assist with the investigation.

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