Why Are Some Replies Not Counted in Forum Threads?

  • Thread starter Reshma
  • Start date
In summary, the general discussion forum does not contribute to a user's post count. This is to encourage meaningful discussion rather than focusing on the number of posts. Some users have asked about this and there is an announcement about it, but it may not be easily seen. Post count is not a significant indicator of status at PF, but there is a way to check the top posters on the forum. There is also a humorous discussion about post counts and the potential for post padding parties.
  • #1
I noticed a couple of times during the last few days that whenever I posted a reply to a thread it did not get counted. This might seem to be a pretty trivial problem. But does anyone know the reason why this happens?
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  • #2
The general discussion forum doesn't increment your post count. We try to have it be a loose measurement of meaningful discussion. Not that there isn't meaningful discussion in GD, but you know...
  • #3
no need to beat around the bush, Greg. :biggrin:
  • #4
Depends upon how you define "meaningful." :biggrin:

Can you change the color of the font on the announcement in GD about the post counts, or, well, anything that might help people see what's apparently hidden in plain view? A lot of people have been asking the same question lately.
  • #5
Is it really important the # of posts? (easy for me to say :wink:) Shouldn't the content,quality,relevance and usefulness for the reader prevail?

  • #6
Is it really important the # of posts? (easy for me to say ) Shouldn't the content,quality,relevance and usefulness for the reader prevail?

You pretty much said it all right there, dex. People need to stop complaining about not having their posts count. Last time i checked, there wasn't a prize for highest post count (great, next time i check, there'll be a little ribbon reading "highest posts" next to Dex's avatar, .) :biggrin:
  • #7
Greg Bernhardt said:
The general discussion forum doesn't increment your post count. We try to have it be a loose measurement of meaningful discussion. Not that there isn't meaningful discussion in GD, but you know...

OK! So...trivial postings in GD [itex]\Rightarrow[/itex] zero post count...:biggrin:

Now I don't know how to define 'trivial' :wink:
  • #8
Gza said:
You pretty much said it all right there, dex. People need to stop complaining about not having their posts count. Last time i checked, there wasn't a prize for highest post count (great, next time i check, there'll be a little ribbon reading "highest posts" next to Dex's avatar, .) :biggrin:

No ribbon,Russ is well ahead :rolleyes: Anyway,it really doesn't matter.Plus that it's provisional...It could change really easily.

  • #9
dextercioby said:
Is it really important the # of posts? (easy for me to say :wink:) Shouldn't the content,quality,relevance and usefulness for the reader prevail?


Nope, it really doesn't matter, but since there's a post count there for everyone to see, those who start off in GD get puzzled why their post count stays at 0 for a while. There is that announcement there about it, but it seems to blend into the headers on the page and I don't think they see it...well, I know they don't see it since they keep asking about it.
  • #10
Ughh MB, no fun. :biggrin:

Greg, you should make new members pass a pf quiz that goes over the basics of the forum :smile:
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  • #11
One of the key questions should be:how many times are u allowed to post a new thread on the same topic...?I know a few who might fail:-p

  • #12
For those interested in posts and who has the most... you can check it out at

also russ walters has the most posts
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  • #13
You searched all 365 pages of that?
  • #14
A genuine nerd should always care about statistics,numerology and forum post counts.:-p And he should do anything (literally) to satisfy his enoumous need of (useless) knowledge...

  • #15
mattmns said:
You searched all 365 pages of that?

:smile: You can sort by post count.

Hey, wait! I'm in the top 30, and with two more posts, I'll tie with Les Sleeth and move into the top 29. :devil: Nevermind what I said, post counts are an incredibly important indicator of status at PF. :rolleyes: :smile: :-p
  • #16
Ahh woops, I thought there would be an option for it. I see it now :smile:
  • #17
And you probably have a good quarter million posts in GD...
  • #18
russ_watters said:
And you probably have a good quarter million posts in GD...

:smile: I do sometimes wish I could get a count of posts there, just to be able to quantify how much time I'm really wasting. I'd say I might even surpass your post count if those counted, but with the politics subforum, you'd still give us all a run for our money. :-p
  • #19
Moonbear said:
Nevermind what I said, post counts are an incredibly important indicator of status at PF. :rolleyes: :smile: :-p

Yuupp, you've heard of those quantity vs. quality posters, right? Post count sure is an important indicator... For instance, somewhere a wee bit over 60 posts must be sign of utter quality.
:approve: :biggrin: :-p
  • #20
Moonbear said:
:smile: I do sometimes wish I could get a count of posts there, just to be able to quantify how much time I'm really wasting. I'd say I might even surpass your post count if those counted, but with the politics subforum, you'd still give us all a run for our money. :-p

The database has 6,446 posts from you, including those in GD and any posts which have subsequently been deleted.

- Warren
  • #21
Holy,moly! 5,000 more?? : Make that 4,997 for the nerds.:-p

  • #22
chroot said:

The database has 6,446 posts from you, including those in GD and any posts which have subsequently been deleted.

- Warren

Hey thanks! Though, hmmm...now I'm disappointed. I had hoped for more. :frown: :rolleyes: I'll never catch up to Russ at this rate. :cry: :smile:
  • #23
Not counting posts in GD is a good thing, IMHO. Otherwise, we'd start getting so-called "post padding parties" where massive threads crop up all the time with zero content merely for the purpose of increasing post counts.
  • #24
I agree,yet "zero content" applies for many of the existing threads in GD...No offense.

  • #25
Phobos said:
Not counting posts in GD is a good thing, IMHO. Otherwise, we'd start getting so-called "post padding parties" where massive threads crop up all the time with zero content merely for the purpose of increasing post counts.

You mean ones like the thread-killer thread? :-p
  • #26
The thread killer thread is high quality, what are you talking about? I have over 250 posts in that thread, each one as good as the rest. :smile:
  • #27
Phobos said:
Not counting posts in GD is a good thing, IMHO. Otherwise, we'd start getting so-called "post padding parties" where massive threads crop up all the time with zero content merely for the purpose of increasing post counts.
You haven't been in GD recently, have you? :biggrin:
  • #28
Evo said:
You haven't been in GD recently, have you? :biggrin:

Guess not! :redface:
I must be click-shy of GD topics that go on for more than 3 pages.
  • #29
Phobos said:
Guess not! :redface:
I must be click-shy of GD topics that go on for more than 3 pages.
By the third page, there's rarely a topic anymore. :biggrin:
  • #30
Phobos said:
Not counting posts in GD is a good thing, IMHO. Otherwise, we'd start getting so-called "post padding parties" where massive threads crop up all the time with zero content merely for the purpose of increasing post counts.


Remember TheoryWizard's thread, "Post you fools, post!" in PF2? I made posts in that thread that specifically stated that they were there to boost my post count.
  • #31
Evo said:
By the third page, there's rarely a topic anymore. :biggrin:

Third page?!?

Try third post...
  • #32
enigma said:
Third page?!?

Try third post...

:smile: You mean threads in GD have a topic?

Well, I think we've disproven the theory that people only create endless threads to increase their post count. It seems we're fully capable of that without any added incentives. It just helps keep us from tipping to one side as we might if the side of our brain used for logical discussions develops disproportionately from the side used for illogical discussions. :-p
  • #33
Moonbear said:
:smile: You mean threads in GD have a topic?
In the past they did..

FAQ: Why Are Some Replies Not Counted in Forum Threads?

1. Why do some replies not get counted in forum threads?

There are several reasons why a reply may not be counted in a forum thread. One common reason is that the reply was posted in a thread that has been closed or archived. In this case, the reply may still be visible, but it will not be included in the total reply count. Another reason is that the reply may have been deleted by a moderator or the original poster. Additionally, some forums have filters or algorithms in place that may exclude certain replies from being counted, such as replies that contain spam or inappropriate content.

2. How can I make sure my reply gets counted in a forum thread?

To ensure that your reply is counted in a forum thread, make sure to post it in an active thread that is not closed or archived. Also, be sure to follow the forum's guidelines and avoid posting spam or inappropriate content. If your reply still does not get counted, you may want to reach out to a moderator for assistance.

3. Can replies be manually added to a forum thread's reply count?

In most cases, replies cannot be manually added to a forum thread's reply count. The reply count is typically automated and reflects the number of visible replies in the thread. However, if a reply was mistakenly deleted or not counted due to a technical issue, a moderator may be able to manually adjust the reply count.

4. Do replies that are marked as "read" count towards the reply count in a forum thread?

In most cases, replies that are marked as "read" will count towards the reply count in a forum thread. However, some forums may have settings that allow users to mark replies as "read" without actually viewing them, in which case these replies may not be counted.

5. Why is it important to have an accurate reply count in forum threads?

An accurate reply count in forum threads is important because it helps users gauge the level of activity and engagement in a particular thread. It also allows for easier navigation and organization of threads, as users can quickly see which threads have the most replies. In addition, an accurate reply count can help moderators identify and address any issues that may be preventing certain replies from being counted.

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