Electroweak Symmetry: Exploring the Unified Force

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of weak bosons at high energies, the idea that the Higgs field can sit on top of the potential peak, and the behavior of the unified electroweak force at high energies. There is also a discussion about the behavior of the λ coupling and the stability of the system at high energies. Finally, a source is suggested for further information on the topic.
  • #1

I have read that above a certain temperature, the weak bosons become massless and become indistinguishable to the photon. Is the idea simply that at high enough energies, the Higgs field can sit on top of the peak in the mexican hat potential? I.e. at high enough energies, it's vacuum expectation value can be 0 (even if that were the case, surely it would still "prefer" to sit in the brim)? Would the leptons then also become massless?

That's my main confusion, but as a sub-question I was also wondering what exactly "electroweak" implies. Does it suggest that above certain energies the electromagnetic and weak interactions are literally the same? Does it just mean that photons can mediate radioactive decay (and indeed are indistinguishable from the weak bosons), or does the unified force behave differently to the sum of its parts?


Edit: I am trying to think of how they would behave as a single force in a similar way to electromagnetism, but I am not really sure how exactly EM behaves either. Electricity and Magnetism are two aspects of this one force, but they affect charges completely differently and beyond getting the photon I am not sure what unifying them does for us. I have a reasonable physics background but nowhere near the amount of maths or physics to be able to rigorously understand the standard model.
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  • #2
jbar18 said:

I have read that above a certain temperature, the weak bosons become massless and become indistinguishable to the photon. Is the idea simply that at high enough energies, the Higgs field can sit on top of the peak in the mexican hat potential? I.e. at high enough energies, it's vacuum expectation value can be 0 (even if that were the case, surely it would still "prefer" to sit in the brim)? Would the leptons then also become massless?
That's exactly right. The Higgs potential contains temperature-dependent terms that "restore" the symmetry at temperatures above the critical temperature of the phase transition: see
  • #3
bapowell said:
That's exactly right. The Higgs potential contains temperature-dependent terms that "restore" the symmetry at temperatures above the critical temperature of the phase transition: see

No, not exactly right. The OP thinks that the Higgs field would be sitting at the top of the hat - that is in a meta stable state. That's not what happens. As your own figure shows, at a temperature above the critical temperature, there is no hat.
  • #4
Also do we know what happens with the λ coupling?
From what I saw today, the λ changes by energy (thus by temperature) and in fact it tends to be zero (or even negative) for high energies (~10^10 GeV) which instead of having that "image" you posted would imply the total break down of the system with no stable point.

Although I am not totally sure about the whole diagram... what makes it change like that?
It must not be μ otherwise the Higg's mass wouldn't be a constant (it is given by sqrt[-2 μ2 ] )
And λ drops by energy :/
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  • #5
ChrisVer said:
Also do we know what happens with the λ coupling?
From what I saw today, the λ changes by energy (thus by temperature) and in fact it tends to be zero (or even negative) for high energies (~10^10 GeV) which instead of having that "image" you posted would imply the total break down of the system with no stable point.
Can you post a reference that lambda tends to zero or negative at high energy?
  • #6

I am sorry, it was the fastest search, of course if you search more about it you'll find better sites...
As for the |H|^6 terms it says I am not quiet sure...I asked my professor today about it, and he told me it would destroy the renormalizabilty of the theory :/ Though I need to look deeper in it to understand it

Also if the answer lies in Beyond the SM physics, I don't know it (Today we saw that thing in class), so let's not care about that limit (of zero or negative) of high energies, but in lesser ones that of course SM should "hold" where lambda still drops
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  • #7
I don't see the problem with a mildly negative lambda. At high temperatures, the finite temperature terms (that go as [itex]\sim T^2\phi^2[/itex]) tend to dominate unless lambda is strongly negative. I don't know how strongly negative off-hand, but I recall that the theory goes non-perturbative anyway before this happens.
  • #8
bapowell said:
I don't see the problem with a mildly negative lambda. At high temperatures, the finite temperature terms (that go as [itex]\sim T^2\phi^2[/itex]) tend to dominate unless lambda is strongly negative. I don't know how strongly negative off-hand, but I recall that the theory goes non-perturbative anyway before this happens.

Maybe you are right.
But if the temperature dependence is on ΦΦ term, wouldn't that imply that the Higg's mass is not constant? as I stated above...

But on what you said- even the slightiest negative lambda would make the system unstable (your Vhiggs curve drops because of the ΦΦ term and grows because of the ΦΦΦΦ term)... that's why I said I wouldn't like to speak about the limit of negative lambdas, but the region where it still fell and SM is a nice theory...:P

*correct myself- it would be metastable since the lifetime to "break out" would be extremely large even compared to the Universe's lifetime*
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  • #9
In principle, yes, the Higgs mass is temperature dependent.

FAQ: Electroweak Symmetry: Exploring the Unified Force

1. What is the Electroweak Symmetry?

The Electroweak Symmetry is a theory in particle physics that explains the unification of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces into a single force at high energies. It was first proposed by physicists Abdus Salam, Sheldon Glashow, and Steven Weinberg in the 1960s and has been extensively studied and tested since then.

2. What is the significance of the Electroweak Symmetry?

The Electroweak Symmetry is significant because it provides a framework for understanding the fundamental interactions between particles and the forces that govern them. It also helps to explain the origin of mass in particles through the Higgs mechanism, which is a key component of the theory.

3. How is the Electroweak Symmetry tested and verified?

The Electroweak Symmetry has been extensively tested and verified through experiments at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. These experiments involve colliding particles at high energies to recreate the conditions of the early universe and observe the behavior of particles and forces under these extreme conditions.

4. What are the implications of the Electroweak Symmetry for the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Electroweak Symmetry is a fundamental part of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the most widely accepted theory for explaining the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. The successful verification of the Electroweak Symmetry has further strengthened the validity of the Standard Model and provided a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of our universe.

5. Are there any current challenges or unanswered questions related to the Electroweak Symmetry?

While the Electroweak Symmetry has been extensively tested and verified, there are still some unanswered questions and challenges related to this theory. For example, it does not incorporate the gravitational force, and there is ongoing research to try and unify all four fundamental forces into a single theory. Additionally, the exact mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking, which gives particles mass, is still not fully understood.

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