Calculate the Radial & Angular Components of Force for Particle Trajectory

In summary, after starting from rest at r=10 and theta=0 radians, a 10kg particle follows a trajectory given by r=10-2t, theta=0.2t. The radial and angular components of the force, as functions of time, are Fr=-4+0.8t and Ftheta=-8, respectively. The motion is along a spiral with constant angular velocity and decreasing radius. The linear speed decreases at a constant rate.
  • #1
A particle with mass 10 kg starts from rest at r=10 and theta=0 radians, following a trajectory given by r=10-2t, theta = 0.2t. Find the radial and angular components Fr and Ftheta of the force, as functions of time, that will cause this motion.

Please help me get started on this problem what is my first move?
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  • #2
Write up the position vector of the particle,
determine the acceleration: it is the second derivative of the position vector with respect time. Then apply Newton second law to get force from acceleration.
You can work either in a polar coordinate system or convert r(t) and theta(t) to the Descartes coordinates, x and y.

  • #3
I am a little confused as to what you mean by the position vector isn't it the equation given?
  • #4
the position vector i believe is the displacement which would involve an equation relating position and time and the derivative of that equation would leave you with the equation of or acceleration.
  • #5
mopar969 said:
I am a little confused as to what you mean by the position vector isn't it the equation given?

You need the components of acceleration. What have you learnt, how can you calculate the components of acceleration in polar coordinates?

  • #6
Sorry about that I was not thinking what you meant. Here is wwhat I have done:
Vector r= r r(hat)
Velocity = r(dot) r(hat)+r r(hat dot)
I found what r(hat dot) is and plugged it into the equation
So now,
velocity = r(dot) r(hat)+r theta(dot) theta(hat)
acceleration = vector r (r(double dot) -r theta(dot squared))+theta(hat) (r theta(double dot)+2 r(dot) theta(dot)

I know that r= 10-2t
r(dot) = -2 and r(double dot)=0

So, all I need to do now is plugg them into the acceleration equation right?
  • #7
Correct! :) (if you meant vector r as r(hat))

  • #8
Her is where I am then what:

acceleration= 10 rhat -2trhat+(-1.12)

Now what do I need to do to find fr and f theta?
  • #9
You have derived correctly the expression for acceleration. The force is mass times the acceleration. If you multiple a vector by a number, all components have to be multiplied. The force, just like the acceleration has both radial and angular components, which are m times those of the acceleration. So the components of the force are:

radial: Fr = [r(double dot) -r theta(dot squared)] * m

angular: Ftheta = [r theta(double dot)+2 r(dot) theta(dot)] * m

Just plug in everything and simplify. ehild
  • #10
radial: -4+0.8t
angular: -8

This is what I got when I simplified everything please check my answers. Also, how come there is no t value in the second answer? Did I do something wrong or what does this mean?
  • #11
10kg makes for one heckuva particle, btw.
  • #12
So, are my answers correct?
  • #13
You solved the problem, it is correct. This is a motion along a spiral, with constant angular velocity. The period of one turn is constant, while the radius decreases. Therefore the linear speed decreases, at a constant rate. ehild

FAQ: Calculate the Radial & Angular Components of Force for Particle Trajectory

1. What is the meaning of "radial & angular components of force" in particle trajectory calculations?

The radial component of force refers to the component of force that acts towards or away from the center of rotation or motion. The angular component of force refers to the component of force that acts perpendicular to the radial component, causing the particle to change direction or move along a curved path.

2. How are the radial & angular components of force calculated for a particle's trajectory?

The radial and angular components of force are calculated using vector mathematics. The radial component of force can be calculated by taking the dot product of the force vector and the unit vector in the direction of the particle's displacement. The angular component of force can be calculated by taking the cross product of the force vector and the unit vector perpendicular to the particle's displacement.

3. Why is it important to calculate both the radial & angular components of force in particle trajectory?

The radial and angular components of force are important because they determine the direction and magnitude of the force acting on a particle, which ultimately affects the particle's trajectory. Without taking into account both components, the calculated trajectory may not accurately reflect the particle's motion.

4. What factors can affect the radial & angular components of force in particle trajectory calculations?

The factors that can affect the radial and angular components of force include the magnitude and direction of the applied force, the mass and velocity of the particle, and any external forces or constraints acting on the particle.

5. How can the calculations of radial & angular components of force be applied in real-life scenarios?

The calculations of radial and angular components of force can be applied in various fields such as physics, engineering, and biomechanics. For example, in physics, these calculations are used to predict the motion of particles in gravitational or electromagnetic fields. In engineering, they are used to design structures and machines that can withstand various forces. In biomechanics, they are used to analyze and optimize the motion of human or animal movements.

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