Photon Absorption: Atom, Transition Level, and Energy

In summary, there is no one single frequency at which absorption is possible for atoms. The linewidth of absorption is broadened due to the uncertainty principle and the motion of atoms. In systems made of atoms, there are collective effects that can also affect absorption. There are various possibilities for the leftover energy, such as two-photon absorption or recoil of an electron. The Kramers' dispersion theory equation explains the interaction between the atom and the radiation field, and the birth of matrix mechanics is described in van der Waerden's book.
  • #1
All the while, I thought that an atom only absorbs a photon that precisely corresponds to one of the transition level (resonance), but now I read that the atom will also absorb photon with wavelengths different from the transition level in question.
So, my question is, suppose I have two energy level = E, and the photon has energy 2E, how would the atom actually absorb E amount to the transition and what happens to the other leftover E ?
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  • #2
well, some "leftover" energy could go into the recoil of the nucleus...

Or, if your atom has two electrons in the lower energy level (different spin states tho) they could each make a transition, thus absorbing 2E.

furthermore, energy levels in "real" systems made of atoms are not perfectly sharp, thus there is no one single frequency at which absorption is possible.
  • #3
Are you talking about single atoms?
Single atoms usually do just absorb photons with energies, which correspond to one of the transitions. The linewidth of the absorption is always a bit broadened due to the uncertainty principle (homogenous or natural broadening) and due to the motion of atoms(inhomogenous broadening), but these ranges are still narrow.

Maybe you are not talking about single atoms, but stoms in solids. Here the situation is different as there are collective effects of the solid like oscillations of the lattice (phonons), oscillations of the electrons (plasmons) and such stuff, which can carry away energy as well.
  • #4
One common effect is two-photon absorption. In this case the photon energy should be E/2. In high intensity fields an atom can absorb two E/2 photons simultaneously and jump between levels separated by E.
  • #5
Still another possibility, if the photon energy is high enough, is the recoil of an electron by Compton effect.
  • #6
I was reading Leonard Susskind's "The Cosmic Landscape," and he was describing how spectral absorption lines are created. I wondered if there is an exact difference in energies between two electron orbitals, then isn't a photon of exactly that energy required to be absorbed by the electron to make the quantum jump? An if so, where would such a special and exact photon come from? Reading this thread made me laugh at my "rookie" mistake. Electrons and photons interact is all kinds of ways per QED, of course, and as pointed out here, the uncertainty principle gives lie to any notion of exactness.
  • #7
The linewidth of an energy level is simply given by 1/lifetime, this is just classical physics (the "classical uncertainty principle", the relation between Fourier transform pairs), it is essentially the same thing as the quality factor of a resonator.
Incidently, the lifetime of a photon in a high-quality resonator is also given by its frequency divided by Q; so in this case classical physics and QM give the same result.

In atomic clocks energy levels with long lifetimes are used for precisely this reason; long lifetimes give a small bandwidth.
  • #8
touqra said:
All the while, I thought that an atom only absorbs a photon that precisely corresponds to one of the transition level (resonance), but now I read that the atom will also absorb photon with wavelengths different from the transition level in question.
So, my question is, suppose I have two energy level = E, and the photon has energy 2E, how would the atom actually absorb E amount to the transition and what happens to the other leftover E ?

There is the Kramers' dispersion theory equation which led via for instance a joint paper
from Kramers and Heisenberg to Heisenbergs discovery of his Matrix Quantum mechanics.
This plays in 1924. kramers' dispersion relation between the atom and the radiation field:

[tex]{\cal M}\ =\ E\frac{e^2}{4\pi^2 m}\left(\sum_{abs}\frac{f_i}{\nu_i^2-\nu^2} - \sum_{emis}\frac{f_j}{\nu_j^2-\nu^2} \right)[/tex]

Where the [itex]f[/itex] are interaction coefficients, the [itex]\nu_i,\ \nu_j[/itex] are the characteristic frequencies
of the atom and [itex]\nu[/itex] is the frequency of the radiation field.

You see that the the chance for interaction is highest if the incoming frequency is
equal to the characteristic frequency but is not zero if they are not equal. The break-
through in this formula was the inclusion of the second (negative) term which describes
the emission stimulated by the incoming radiation. Regards. Hans

P.S. The birth of matrix mechanics is described in van der Waerden's book: "The sources
of quantum mechanics" which includes all the relevant papers.
Last edited:
  • #9
Hans de Vries : I'm doing my thesis and i want to know if you can put the reference of your information please...your information its very good, it was what i was looking for.
  • #10
starlindisima said:
Hans de Vries : I'm doing my thesis and i want to know if you can put the reference of your information please...your information its very good, it was what i was looking for.

This thread had its last activity in 2007. Nevertheless, I think Hans has provided a reference at the end of his last post:

Hans de Vries said:
P.S. The birth of matrix mechanics is described in van der Waerden's book: "The sources of quantum mechanics" which includes all the relevant papers.

  • #11
ZapperZ said:
This thread had its last activity in 2007. Nevertheless, I think Hans has provided a reference at the end of his last post:



FAQ: Photon Absorption: Atom, Transition Level, and Energy

1. What is photon absorption?

Photon absorption is the process by which an atom absorbs a photon, or a particle of light, and gains energy. This energy can cause an electron in the atom to move to a higher energy level.

2. How does an atom absorb a photon?

An atom can only absorb a photon if the energy of the photon matches the energy difference between the atom's current energy level and a higher energy level. When a photon collides with an atom, its energy is transferred to an electron in the atom, causing it to move to a higher energy level.

3. What is a transition level in photon absorption?

A transition level in photon absorption refers to the specific energy level that an electron moves to when absorbing a photon. This level is determined by the energy of the photon and the energy levels of the atom.

4. How is energy involved in photon absorption?

Energy plays a crucial role in photon absorption as it is the driving force behind the process. The energy of the photon must match the energy difference between the atom's energy levels in order for absorption to occur. The absorbed energy is then used to move an electron to a higher energy level.

5. What are some real-world applications of photon absorption?

Photon absorption has many practical applications, such as in solar panels where photons from sunlight are absorbed by a material, generating electricity. It is also used in various medical imaging techniques, such as MRI and X-rays, where photons are absorbed by different tissues in the body to create images. Additionally, photon absorption is important in the study of atomic and molecular structures in chemistry and physics.

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