Is the Speed of Sound in Wind a Viable Topic for a Research Paper?

In summary, the conversation is about the topic of the speed of sound in different air velocities and whether it is an appropriate topic for a research paper. The person is also looking for reading material and asks about the role of the Doppler effect in sound speed. Various sources and considerations are suggested for the research topic.
  • #1
This isn't really a homework problem, but I am doing a research paper on the topic 'the Speed of sound in different air velocities'.

I was just wondering is this is an appropriate topic, and whether or not I would be able to research and collect enough data for a 4000 word essay.

Any comments, suggestions, or just anything is well appreciated.

Also, if possible could you recommend any reading material that would help with my topic?

Physics news on
  • #2
Do some research on the speed of sound, which is a function of the mass density of the gas through which it travels (same of liquids and solids).

Compare typical wind velocities with the speed of sound, and consider the Doppler effect.

One could consider the properties of the sound too

See also -
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  • #3
thanks so much.

just a question, does the doppler effect have a place in this? Since it isn't the observer who moves or the sound source, just the medium, does it affect the speed of sound?
  • #4

FAQ: Is the Speed of Sound in Wind a Viable Topic for a Research Paper?

What is the speed of sound in wind?

The speed of sound in wind varies depending on the speed and direction of the wind. Generally, the speed of sound increases with an increase in wind speed. The average speed of sound in still air at sea level is approximately 343 meters per second.

How does wind affect the speed of sound?

Wind can affect the speed of sound in several ways. Firstly, wind can increase or decrease the speed of sound depending on whether it is blowing in the same direction or opposite direction as the sound waves. Additionally, wind can also cause refraction, where sound waves bend as they pass through areas of varying wind speeds, resulting in changes in the speed of sound.

What are the units used to measure the speed of sound in wind?

The speed of sound in wind is typically measured in meters per second (m/s). However, in some cases, it may also be measured in kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph).

How does temperature affect the speed of sound in wind?

Temperature has a significant impact on the speed of sound in wind. As temperature increases, the speed of sound also increases, and vice versa. This is because sound travels faster in warmer air due to the increased speed of the molecules.

Is the speed of sound in wind constant?

No, the speed of sound in wind is not constant. It can vary depending on various factors such as wind speed, direction, temperature, humidity, and altitude. However, in general, the speed of sound is relatively consistent and can be used to calculate the effects of wind on sound propagation.
