Faraday's law and loop of wire of resistance

In summary, the person is trying to find out the power needed to pull a loop of wire through a magnetic field and equate it to the power dissipated in the wire.
  • #1
Dominguez Scaramanga
Hello there, I'm new to this place, I thought these forums looked like a wonderful source of knowledge, so purhaps some of you could be so kind as to help with the following problem...? (here's hoping I'm in the right forum for a start...)

sorry about the length of it, but i did draw a picture! :wink: http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QADfAkYTL2tjEDZUv*E*lQ54rKER9RkgjSMAd6dd2kQv4rwGnfWenVWaLADu*HOLB85dAhlAI!P2SHdFPJ!VG04XQLHUrfTpzozfAgBwORc/8c.jpg?dc=4675485221241691806
(damn, sorry bout the smudge marks, I must have used two different whites :blush: )

...Consider the rectangular loop of wire of resistance [tex]R[/tex] shown above, being pulled with velocity [tex]v[/tex] perpendicular through a uniform magnetic field [tex]B[/tex] (which is coming out of the screen).

now, I have worked out that current [tex]I[/tex] will be induced when the circuit enters, and leaves the B-field, due to that being the times when there is a rate of change of flux - [tex]\varepsilon=-\frac{d\Phi_{B}}{dt}[/tex] and the fact that[tex]I=\frac{\varepsilon}{R}[/tex].Using this I found that the induced current is

(first question, is this correct?)

now, I have to;
"Determine the total external power required to pull the loop through the region of the magnetic field. show that this is equivilent to the electrical power dissapated in the wire".

This is the part I am stuck on...


but I am not sure as to how I could work out the power needed to pull the circuit through the field, and equate it to the above. any suggestions?

any help would be greatly appreciated :confused:
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  • #2
Dominguez Scaramanga said:
but I am not sure as to how I could work out the power needed to pull the circuit through the field, and equate it to the above. any suggestions?

any help would be greatly appreciated :confused:

Well, it seems to me they want you to calculate the force that is induced on the loop of wire, and calculate

[tex] \vec{force} \cdot \vec{velocity} = (\vec{force} \cdot \vec{distance}) / time [/tex]
  • #3
thankyou very much :smile:

pitty I've sent the paper off now hehe, ah well, thanks all the same!

FAQ: Faraday's law and loop of wire of resistance

1. What is Faraday's Law?

Faraday's Law is a principle in physics that explains the relationship between a changing magnetic field and an induced electromotive force (EMF) in a conductor.

2. How does Faraday's Law relate to a loop of wire with resistance?

A loop of wire with resistance can be used to demonstrate Faraday's Law by showing the effect of a changing magnetic field on the induced EMF in the wire.

3. What is the formula for calculating the induced EMF in a loop of wire with resistance?

The formula for calculating the induced EMF in a loop of wire with resistance is E = -N(dΦ/dt), where E is the induced EMF, N is the number of turns in the loop, and dΦ/dt is the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the loop.

4. Can Faraday's Law be used to generate electricity?

Yes, Faraday's Law is the principle behind the operation of generators, which use a changing magnetic field to induce an EMF in a loop of wire and generate electricity.

5. How does the resistance of a wire affect the induced EMF according to Faraday's Law?

The resistance of a wire does not directly affect the induced EMF according to Faraday's Law, as the formula is dependent on the rate of change of magnetic flux and the number of turns in the wire, not its resistance. However, the resistance of the wire can affect the current that is produced by the induced EMF.
