Calculus III: A Disappointing Start?

In summary, this person's professor said that the course is geared toward non science majors and that most of the work will be done in the last few weeks. The person should probably just do the extra work on their own.
  • #1
Hey, i just started calculus III at a local college and its a bit... weak. I know we're not going to jump right in and start doing calc with numerous variables, but it still seemed like it was going to be too easy. The review we did was pathetic. We did one differential equation and one integral. Then matched some terms. Worst was that a lot of the class did pretty poorly. I was expecting to be pretty far behind because I've only taken one AP calc class, bc level. But i really doubt that now. My professor said we'll mostly be working on being able to visualize 3 dimensions and how to graph functions in 3d. He said we likely won't do much calc at all until the very end of the course. I'm just curious, but it that regular? He said we mightn't do everything in the book, because that's for egineers and stuff, but i wonder if i should maybe just do the extra stuff on my own anyways then. I'm just wondering if the course is too easy and what other mosre challenging schools (which i hope to get in to) will be like.

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  • #2
everybody tells me that CalIII is easier than CalII. anyway, everything is easy in the beginning
  • #3
Calc III can be very difficult and easy. The difference lies in where you take the class.

If your're taking the couse at a community college then, the course is geared towards non science majors. The empahsis is geared toward basic calculation of vectors and the like.

If your'e taking the course at a school like Georgia Tech (I live in Atl.) or Georgia State Univ. (kickass physics dept.) then the course is going to deal with vector operators (div grad, curl), Stokes Theorem and so on. For Math majors the course is going to stress proofs and contain more Linear Algerbra.

I'm a physics major who wound up taking the couse at a community college. It sucked. We didn't even cover mutiple integrals. It was a essientially Cal II review with vectors. I would have been eaten alive in EMAG or Mechanics. I had to cover most of the advanced material myself. :mad:

I recommend this book:

div, grad, curl and all that: an informal text on vector calculus
by H.M. Schey
  • #4
At the Univ. of Washington we are on a quarter system, and our Calculus III course is actually geared toward Series Calculus (Including Taylor) and Vector functions with an introduction to multivariable differential calculus. We did not however, go into Multiple Integrals, and thus did not go into Vector calc at all, since you must really understand Multiple Integrals to understand the important theorems in v.analysis.

So it depends on whether your college is quarter, semester or trimester. I found Calc II (integral) harder than calc III at my school.
  • #5
Calc 3 is the most fun of the 3. you learn very few new things but rather you learn how to apply all the stuff you have learned... and vectors are the best part I think.
  • #6
no multiple integrals? but those are one of the best things in calc 3, especially when you realize that the process is simpler than finding the volume of revolutions in cacl 2.
  • #7
True but when setting up triple integrals of dV using spherical and cylindrical coordinates? It gets pretty tedious :(
  • #8
naw... Spherical and cylindrical coordinates are not that much harder than polar or cartesian. you just have to remember more stuff.
  • #9
well ya, the school I'm going to is a liberal arts school, sort of community college. There are math majors in the course, i don't know how they feel about it. It seems we'll be mostly learning about how to visualize 3d space. Maybe a little calc... I don't know about vectors or second intergrals... all i know is he's even said the course would be more aptly named "Understanding mathematics in 3 dimensions" or something like that. I dunno. It seems easy, which i don't mind i decided. He said our book is versatile and used in engineering schools, but that we won't go over most of it. So i can always do extra work on my own, which is ok, cause i have all you's to help me out! :biggrin:
  • #10
get out of that cruddy class and into the honors section. you are paying money for this. talk to the chairman of the department aboiut your concerns. they love to find good students and help them get placed correctly.

FAQ: Calculus III: A Disappointing Start?

What is Calculus III and why is it important?

Calculus III is the third course in the calculus sequence, which focuses on multivariable calculus. It is important because it builds upon the concepts learned in Calculus I and II and introduces new topics such as partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. It is also a foundational course for many fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

What topics are covered in Calculus III?

Calculus III covers topics such as partial derivatives, multiple integrals, vector calculus, and line and surface integrals. It also introduces students to concepts such as gradient, divergence, and curl, which are used in various applications in physics and engineering.

What are some common challenges students face in Calculus III?

Some common challenges students face in Calculus III include understanding and visualizing multivariable concepts, mastering vector calculus and its applications, and applying multiple integration techniques. Many students also struggle with the abstract nature of the course and the need for strong algebra and trigonometry skills.

What are some tips for succeeding in Calculus III?

Some tips for succeeding in Calculus III include practicing regularly, seeking help from professors or tutors when needed, and actively engaging in class discussions and problem solving. It is also important to have a strong foundation in Calculus I and II, as well as a good understanding of algebra and trigonometry.

How can Calculus III be applied in real life?

Calculus III has numerous real-life applications, especially in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, the concepts of partial derivatives and multiple integrals are used in optimization problems in engineering and economics. Vector calculus is applied in fluid mechanics and electromagnetism. Line and surface integrals are used in calculating work and flux in various physical systems.

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