Best Textbooks for Physics and Calculus: Share Your Recommendations!

In summary, it seems that there are a lot of threads on which textbooks are best for varius subjects (mainly physics and calculus). so, i started this thread to see everyones view on the best textbooks for subjects related to physics. i'll try to make a list of the best ones for each subject. so, tell us your favorite textbooks.
  • #1
it seems that there are a lot of threads on which textbooks are best for varius subjects (mainly physics and calculus). so, i started this thread to see everyones view on the best textbooks for subjects related to physics. i'll try to make a list of the best ones for each subject. so, tell us your favorite textbooks.



Quantum Mechanics:

Gravitation - By Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler

also tell what subjects to add.
Physics news on
  • #2
Let me start with the best textbooks in physics:
Definitely the list will include
Physics, by John Cutnell and Kenneth Johnson
University Physics, by Hugh D Young
Fundamentals of Physics, by Resnick et al

I would also like to see also some posts on Computer Science textbooks, like Computer Architecture, Programming, Software Engineering, and other topics.
  • #3
Physics, Ohanian is pretty good
  • #4
Computer Science textbooks

Ohanian book is also very good.

Some excellent Computer Science textbooks could be:

Peter Norton's New Inside the PC, by Peter Norton,

Computer Architecture:
The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software, by Irv Englander,
Structured Computer Architecture, by Andrew Tanenbaum,

C++: How To Program, by Deitel and Deitel;
The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroustrup,

Java: How To Program, by Deitel and Deitel;
The Java Programming Language, by James Gosling,

Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications, by Doug Comer,
Computer Networks, by Andrew Tanenbaum,

Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence, by Luger,
Prolog programming for Artificial Intelligence, by Ivan Bratko,

Operating Systems:
Modern Operating Systems, by Andrew Tanenbaum,
Operating Systems, by Deitel,

Software Engineering:
Software Engineering, a Practitioner's Approach
Software Engineering, by Sommerville
The Mythical Man Month, by Fred Brooks,

Database Systems, by Elmasri
  • #5
From previous threads, these were some of the books recommended. They're for undergraduate level.

Mechanics Symon

Electromagnetic Fields ROnald K. Wangness

There was another E&M book but i forget.

The Art of Electronics is also a good one.
  • #6
Yep I've also got Symons' Mechanics somewhere - a very good book.

Theoretical Concepts in Physics by M.S. Longhair is another one of my favourites, it's diffcult to describe as it has a unique style and is really meant to act as a supplement tthe final year of a BSc, what it does iss examine the theoretical foundations, history and the most inetresting aspect of several important theories in a technical, but fun way!
  • #7
Abstract algebra: Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian

Linear algebra: Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler
  • #8
Are the "Schaum's Outlines" series for maths good?
  • #9
I would say for computer
C++ Primer by lippman
is good
C++ the programming language
Operating system gragne,silbersvich
Algorithm Cormen
  • #10
Thinking in C++ - Bruce Eckel
  • #11
Object Oriented Analysis and Design:

Object Oriented A&D, by Grady Booch,
Design Patterns, by Erich Gamma et al.
  • #12
Does anyone know a book that provides A LOT of worked out problems for undergraute mechanics and electrodynamics?
  • #13
Herb said:
Does anyone know a book that provides A LOT of worked out problems for undergraute mechanics and electrodynamics?

Look for the Schaum's Outlines series, or Schaum's solved problem series.
  • #14
Some Physics Related Areas :

Q. Mech : Cohen-Tannoudji et al; Sakurai
Stat Mech : Pathria; Hwang
Class Mech : Goldstein; Jose & Saletan
Class Fields : Landau & Lif$hitz
Math Methods in Physics : Morse & Feschbach; Arfken & Weber; Spiegel
E&M : Griffiths; Jackson
Solid State Physics : Ashcroft & Mermin; Kittel
Device Physics : Paul Davies; Sze
Electronics : Horowitz & Hill
Vacuum Physics : Roth
Basic Physics : Resnick et al
Basic Physics Problems : Irodov; Thompson (Thinking Like a Physicist)
  • #15
Two of my books I liked:
Newman, J. Marine Hydrodynamics
White, E. Viscous Fluid Flow
  • #16
hi ,
Quantum Physics :
Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol 3 : Feynman ;
General Physics :
Concepts of Physics : vol I , Vol II : H.C.Verma : This is really nice
Mathematics :
Problems and Theorems in Analysis : vol I , II : G.Polya,G.Szego.
Topics in Algebra : I.N.Herstein.
Java :
thinking in Java : Bruce Eckels.
Theory of computation : Michael Sipser
  • #17
Algebra: Michael Artin, dummitt and foote, lang.

Calculus: Tom Apostol, spivak, courant.

calculus on manifolds, mike spivak.

differential geometry, mike spivak.

differential topology, john milnor, guillemin and pollack, hirsch.

de rham cohomology and characteristic classes: bott and tu, milnor and stasheff

morse theory: milnor

singular points of complex hypersurfaces: milnor

algebraic curves: walker, fulton, j.p. serre (algebraic groups and class fields)

algebraic varieties and schemes: mumford, kempf, hartshorne.

curves and abelian integrals: riemann, werke; george kempf, notes from mexico, griffiths notes from china, book by arbarello, cornalba, griffiths and harris. mumford michigan lectures, AMS book by rick miranda.

algebraic surfaces: beauville; barth, peters, van de ven.

vector bundles on surfaces: robert friedman.

curves on surfaces: mumford.

higher dimensional varieties: kolla'r and mori

complex analysis: henri cartan.

several complex variables: gunning and rossi.

real analysis: zygmund and wheeden.

complex abelian varieties: birkenhake and lange
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  • #18
mathbio: keshet
mathneurosci: Kerstner
Reinforcement Learning: Sutton Barto
Simulations/Math Modeling: Computational Beauty of Nature By Gary Flake.
  • #19
Herb said:
The Art of Electronics is also a good one.

The authors were Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. We used to call it "Horrific and Hill". One of the worst textbooks I ever encountered. Each to his own. :smile:

My favourites:

Special Relativity: Mermin (the best writer among physicists)
General Relativity: MTW (desert island book)
Statistical Mechanics: Tolman
Cosmology: Harrison
Number Theory: LeVeque
Analysis: Shilov
Quantum Theory: Bohm
Physics in general: Landau/Lif****z series
Stellar Remnants: Shapiro/Teukolsky
  • #20
Physics-related math: Baez and Muniain
Distribution Theory: Friedlander
Special Relativity: Dixon
General Relativity: Synge, Wald
Mathematical Physics: Thirring
Electronics: Horowitz and Hill
Basic Physics: Feynman Lectures
E&M: Jackson, LL (Electrodynamics of Continuous Media)
Fluid and Plasma Physics: Rai Choudhuri
  • #22
cragwolf said:
Physics in general: Landau/Lif****z series

Ha, ha, I just noticed this. I can't write Lifsh1tz, just because I can't write sh1t. That is so lame and immature.
  • #23
It's easy... Landau/Lifshitz. :biggrin:
  • #24
Ah, like this!

Landau & Lifshitz.
  • #25
Yes, but writing Lifshitz in such a manner is tedious and gives me the shits. :zzz:
  • #26
calculus: kline, spivak (very theoretical for an intro), apostol
intro analysis: pfaffenberger/johnsonbaugh, apostol, baby rudin
analysis/measure: royden, rao, big daddy rudin, halmos
complex analysis & complex variables: brown/churchill (for beginners or engineers), hille, caratheodory, ahlfors, marsden, bak/newman, conway, markusevich. complex analysis must have the most quantity of quality when it comes to texts
algebra: baby herstein, big daddy herstein, hungerford (hardcore!), grove, jacobson, maclane/birkhoff
topology: munkres, willard, kelley
set theory: kamke, suppes
  • #27
Introductory Discrete Mathematics by V.K. Balakrishnan

It is a very concise and informative introduction to discrete mathematics.

I am not sure if this is a good book for someone who knows nothing about the subject, but as a refresher it has done wonders for me. I've read some other good books too, one that are known for being good books, but this one just really does something for me, I don't know what it is. His writing style is very direct. There is no "fluff" hehe.
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  • #28
here are some really good books, for people who want to be extremely knowledgeable.

not a text, but the first english translation of the works of riemann, one of the greatest mathematicians ever:

gauss: disquisitiones, is already available in translation, from springer verlag.

euler's book: Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite, Vol. 1, also from springer

euclids elements is available free:
  • #29
Quantum Mechanics: Sakurai, Shankar, Gasiorowicz (but only as a reference, not necessarily for learning QM). For solid-state applications, check out Liboff.

Topology: Munkrees, Gemignani, Kelley,

Analysis: Rosenlicht

General Relativity: Carroll

Statistical Mechanics: Wannier (a bit more advanced but nonetheless useful and this one has Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Kinetic Theory of Gases all rolled up into one).

Differential Equations: Edwards and Penny (very good book)

Engineering Statistics: DeVore

Mechanical Engineering Mechanics: Beer and Johnston

Nonlinear Dynamics: Strogatz (very very good book)

Laser Theory: O'Shea, (provides a basic understanding of laser theory without too much QM)
  • #30
There are two books so far that have been recommended to me which I'm going to get and those are:

General Relativity from A to B by Robert Geroch

N. David Mermin's pedagogical classic, "Space and Time in Special Relativity".

I'm also looking for two other books but unfortunately there are not many good reviews available to help me make a decision so I'm wondering if you fellows could help.

Firstly, I would like a Physics fact book that could describe the different principles involved, equations etc.

Secondly, a book that can explain Physics in laymans terms. (I have some knowledge of Physics but I tend to learn bit and pieces that capture my interest for a time and I would like to fill in the gaps :)) )

This is for personal study at not neccessarily for any future qualifications.
  • #31
"thinking physics" for laypersons.
  • #32
Do you mean:

Thinking Physics: Understandable Practical Reality
by Lewis Carroll Epstein
  • #33
i don;t remember, but it was an informal paperback used at dukes TIP summer program for bright junior higha nd high school kids.

it seems the author had a nice smile and wore a cap.

there were questions like: if you are riding in a truck and have a jar of flies, will the flies br forced up against one side of the jar?
  • #34
more good books on advanced calculus:

by dieudonne (foundations of modern analysis),

by loomis and sternberg (advanced calculus)

by nickerson, spencer and steenrod (advanced calculus).

all out of print, which says something about the state of education today in US.
  • #35
I started studying a book on mutlivariable calculus/linear algebra a few days back and I have already started to like it a lot:

Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach by John Hubbard and Barbara Hubbard

I especially enjoy reading the margin notes, sometimes I find something which I didn't know before.

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