How can I improve my sleep before important events?

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  • Thread starter mathsciguy
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    Hard Time
In summary: Create a regular sleep schedule. Establishing a regular bedtime and wake time helps to regulate the body's natural sleep-wake cycle.-Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. These beverages stimulate the nervous system and can disrupt sleep.-Avoid working or using the computer in bed. These activities can increase anxiety and disrupt sleep.-Avoid watching television in bed. These activities can lead to restless sleep and increased anxiety.-Avoid reading in bed. These activities can lead to dry mouth and difficulty sleeping.-Avoid using electronic devices in bed. These devices emit electromagnetic fields that can disturb sleep.
  • #1
I'm sure there are some of you (most, if not) who've experienced this, but mine's really bad. When I have classes for the next day, I could not sleep the night before because I'm thinking too much, ironically it's about being not able to sleep.

During the days where I have no classes, I seem to be able to sleep the night before (but it's still late though).

I'd appreciate it if someone could help me about this.
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  • #2
I can't help you, sorry. My problem with sleep is much worse than yours. [it's the morning classes that alert me NOT to sleep :biggrin:]
  • #3
When I can't sleep because my mind won't shut off, I'll get up and do a few sets of push ups to where it hurts and then turn on some white noise. It gives the brain something else to focus on.
  • #4
This really sucks though, the semester just started and I think I've never missed going to school looking drunk because I lack sleep.

@Greg Bernhardt: Yeah, I'd try exercising.
  • #5
work harder during the day
  • #6
I also have trouble sleeping, but found if you do cardio a few hours before you go to sleep it help a lot. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. This is stimulated by light and is probably the reason I have more trouble sleeping in winter than in summer. So maybe get out more when the sun is out.
  • #7
Find something really boring to read. I like old army field manuals myself. Works for me every time.
  • #8
It is very common. When our mind is full of thoughts, we cannot sleep. However, if you practice meditation and yoga exercise, it can help you get over with your sleep issues.
  • #9
I have some very helpful tips for such situations, but none of these work for me when I find myself in the same situation :(

So I give up and I do not try hard to sleep. And that works!

Do not worry about not being able to sleep. Do something useful in such time. If problem continues for more than a week then I suggest that you see a doctor.
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
When I can't sleep because my mind won't shut off, I'll get up and do a few sets of push ups to where it hurts and then turn on some white noise. It gives the brain something else to focus on.

I settle for the white noise (e.g. fan). I've also found the late night Golf Channel reruns to induce sleep, seriously. I've also used DVD movies I like, but have seen so many times I don't care to watch them again... bore me to sleep. Keep the volume very low so that it's almost like white noise.
  • #11
I know this problem well. Physical exercise works best for me. A lot of people I know like swimming or jogging.

I play Volleyball twice a week. The team keeps up the social pressure to not find excuses why today you can't go (too tired, too much work, too much this too much that). Once you settle into a routine and people get used to it, they will respect it and not ask you to do other things when they know you're out exercising.
  • #12
I find I get to sleep much better on average if I turn off the laptop, TV and any other screen >30 minutes before turning my light out and just reading. Interacting with a screen is too stimulating.
  • #13
Get rid of all TV, cell phones, and internet in the bedroom. Read for 45 minutes, and then fall asleep.
  • #14
I am chronically sleep-deprived due to respiratory problems related to MCS. Can't breathe=can't sleep. Nothing helps. I can get up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours and try to relieve the congestion, but by early morning I'm struggling to breathe. A neighbor (wreck-diver) told my wife tonight that he will ask his wife to bring up a mask and an oxygen-bottle when she comes back up here next weekend, to see if that will help me.
  • #15
mathsciguy said:
I'm sure there are some of you (most, if not) who've experienced this, but mine's really bad. When I have classes for the next day, I could not sleep the night before because I'm thinking too much, ironically it's about being not able to sleep.

During the days where I have no classes, I seem to be able to sleep the night before (but it's still late though).

I'd appreciate it if someone could help me about this.

Hi mathsciguy:smile: I've never had a problem with falling asleep and I do think a lot!:biggrin:

I did note that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a section
Sleep Hygiene Tips. I hope it helps you out.

The promotion of regular sleep is known as sleep hygiene. Here are some simple sleep hygiene tips:

Go to bed at the same time each night, and rise at the same time each morning.

Sleep in a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment, which is neither too hot nor too cold.

Make your bed comfortable and use it only for sleeping and not for other activities,
such as reading, watching TV, or listening to music.

Remove all TVs, computers, and other "gadgets" from the bedroom.

Avoid physical activity within a few hours of bedtime.

Avoid large meals before bedtime.

The website provides links to some valuable information that might be helpful to you, turbo. Take care.:smile:
  • #16
ViewsofMars said:
The website provides links to some valuable information that might be helpful to you, turbo. Take care.:smile:
Thanks VoM. I limit my evening meals to soups/light foods in limited quantities, and have a Honeywell HEPA filter that provides white noise, and other measures. Still, it's tough for me to get much more than 2-3 hrs a night, and a 4-hour uninterrupted sleep would be a god-send.

FAQ: How can I improve my sleep before important events?

1. Why am I having a hard time falling asleep?

There are several potential reasons for having trouble falling asleep. Some common causes include stress, anxiety, an uncomfortable sleeping environment, caffeine or alcohol consumption, and certain medications. It is important to identify the specific cause in order to find an effective solution.

2. How can I improve my sleep quality?

There are several ways to improve your sleep quality. Some helpful tips include creating a comfortable and dark sleeping environment, avoiding screens before bedtime, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, and practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.

3. Is it normal to wake up frequently during the night?

It is normal to wake up briefly a few times during the night. However, if you are waking up frequently and having trouble falling back asleep, it may be a sign of an underlying sleep disorder or other health issue. It is best to consult a doctor if this is a persistent problem.

4. How much sleep do I really need?

The recommended amount of sleep for adults is typically 7-9 hours per night. However, this can vary for each individual. It is important to listen to your body and determine how much sleep you need to feel well-rested and function properly during the day.

5. Is it bad to take sleeping pills?

Sleeping pills can be effective in the short-term for treating sleep problems, but they can also have negative side effects and should not be used as a long-term solution. It is important to consult with a doctor before taking any medication for sleep and to explore other options for improving sleep habits and patterns.

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