Midterm Definition and 77 Threads

A term is a period of duration, time or occurrence, in relation to an event. To differentiate an interval or duration, common phrases are used to distinguish the observance of length are near-term or short-term, medium-term or mid-term and long-term.
It is also used as part of a calendar year, especially one of the three parts of an academic term and working year in the United Kingdom: Michaelmas term, Hilary term / Lent term or Trinity term / Easter term, the equivalent to the American semester. In America there is a midterm election held in the middle of the four-year presidential term, there are also academic midterm exams.
In economics, it is the period required for economic agents to reallocate resources, and generally reestablish equilibrium. The actual length of this period, usually numbered in years or decades, varies widely depending on circumstantial context. During the long term, all factors are variable as opposed to the short run during which at least one factor must be fixed.
In finance or financial operations of borrowing and investing, what is considered long-term is usually above 3 years, with medium-term usually between 1 and 3 years and short-term usually under 1 year. It is also used in some countries to indicate a fixed term investment such as a term deposit.
In law, the term of a contract is the duration for which it is to remain in effect (not to be confused with the meaning of "term" that denotes any provision of a contract). A fixed-term contract is one concluded for a pre-defined time, although it may also include provision for it to be extended. A contractor required to deliver against a term contract is often referred to as a "term contractor".

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  1. Zack K

    Testing I did terrible on my Midterm exam

    So I need a bit of advice because I feel like crap right now. I'm a first year student right now majoring in physics, and I happen to be taking a criminology course as a breadth/elective course. I barely studied for the midterm exam because I thought it would be easy. Lo and behold I got 50% on...
  2. S

    Studying Bombed Thermal Midterm, Advice for Final Exam

    Hello all, I am a third year physics and math major at a quarter system public school. This year I've been getting pretty decent grades and achieved a 4.0 last quarter on 4 upper div math and physics classes. This quarter I am taking Topology II, EM Waves, Thermal Physics and a breadth class...
  3. D

    Solving a Midterm Physics Problem: Masses A & B with Springs

    Homework Statement Masses A and B, each having a mass of 32.2 slugs, are constrained to move in frictionless slots. They are connected by a rigid, massless rod of length L = 2 ft. Mass B is connected to two massless linear springs, each having a spring constant k = 60 lbF / ft. The springs are...
  4. maxhersch

    Testing Difficulty with Modern Physics Midterm

    I am currently in Honors Physics 3 which is the third introductory course of my physics degree program and covers modern physics beginning with special relativity. So far we have covered Lorentz transformations and velocity additions, relativistic energy and momentum, blackbody radiation, photon...
  5. W

    Two Midterm Questions: Velocity of Falling Ball and Acceleration of Braking Car

    Homework Statement The first- A ball falls off an edge 1m high and lands 0.9m away. What is the velocity of the ball as it falls off the edge, and what is the velocity of the ball as it hits the ground? The second- A man is driving at a constant speed of 20m/s. He sees a deer 112m away and...
  6. S

    Multivariable Calculus - midterm questions

    I have two problems I need help with 1. Homework Statement https://ccle.ucla.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=801511 https://ccle.ucla.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=778704 2,3. Answers and work are givenIn the surface integral problem, I do not understand how it sets it up for Method 1. (How does...
  7. M

    Physics Struggles? Don't Give Up!: Worried Physics Student

    I am currently a physics undergrad and I thought I was good at physics. In high school I was pretty proficient in physics and got good grades without studying. My first semester in college I got 2 C's (in calc and physics) but that was because I did not study a lot. This semester I thought I was...
  8. J

    Scientific Politicians In The Midterm Elections

    I want to support a scientifically oriented politician in the upcoming US midterms. I'm not looking to have people argue about which party is more scientifically oriented. Specifically, I want to support someone who either has a primarily scientific background or makes science a top priority...
  9. A

    Help Midterm tomorrow Pulley, Newton's Laws Problem

    1. Homework Statement An object consists of 3 connected masses as seen in the figure. None of the surfaces have friction except the surface on m1 which has the coefficients μs=0.4 y μk=0.3. What is the acceleration of each one of the masses? It looks like the following image but m1 is the...
  10. gfd43tg

    Engineering Solving Old Midterm Problem: Voltage Across 9kΩ Resistor

    I am working on the second problem of an old midterm, and I cannot figure out how they got that answer for the voltage across that 9kΩ resistor. I said the current going through the resistor is the same as that going through the inductor, so I figured I would find the current as a function of...
  11. S

    Boost Your Physics Grades: Tips from a Columbia University Student

    Hi Guys, I need some advice/help. I am a undergrad at Columbia University, and am in my first semester, with an intended major of Astrophysics. I had my first midterm a month ago, where I got a decent 80%, and my homework grades were pretty consistently around that grade too. I go to...
  12. D

    Probability Midterm Question: Fruit row counting

    Homework Statement You have 10 pieces of fruits of which 1 is an orange, 1 is an apple, 1 is a pear, and 1 is a peach. How many ways are there to organize them in a row if the apples and oranges must be together and the pears and peaches cannot be together. Homework Equations Mostly...
  13. A

    Physics I Midterm Exam in 2 days

    Please Help! Physics I Midterm Exam in 2 days! 1. A car travels 95 km to the north at 70.0 km/h, then turns around and travels 21.9 km at 80.0 km/h. What is the difference between the average speed and the average velocity on this trip? Answer 27 km/h. 2. How many nanoseconds does it take...
  14. F

    Dynamics midterm coming up don't understand pulley questions

    Determine the speed of the elevator if each motor draws in the cable with a constant speed of 5 m>s. Here is a link to the question and diagram. Scroll down to page 154. Its question 12-199. http://www.mem.odu.edu/~bawab/ME205f/hwk12.pdf I don't understand how to get the distances. Any...
  15. H

    Need to get A+ on the next math midterm

    Hello everybody. After getting back my last math midterm I feel like a damn orangutan who's one wooden box short of getting that dangling banana. My question is, what are your strategies for acing your math midterms? I understand most of the material and I do study fastidiously but somehow that...
  16. D

    Recovering from a bad physics midterm test.

    I probably got a C on my test and are feeling really down. I ran out of time. If I had more time, I would have likely done much better. I understood all the concepts, did countless practice problems, but took my time on some questions rather than speeding through them and pacing myself...
  17. B

    Midterm Today- Help calculating friction and forces PLEASE

    Problem: A man mows his lawn and pushes the mower at a constant speed. The effective coefficient of kinetic friction between the mower and the lawn is 0.40. He pushes on the lawn mower handle at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. (Assume the lawn surface is horizontal.) The mower has a...
  18. D

    What Should I Study for Midterm?

    Textbook is 'complex variables and applications' by Brown We are covering: CH.1 - complex numbers CH.2 - analytic functions CH.3 - elementary functions CH.4 - integrals CH.5 - series i'm looking for a pattern of topics in the replies that will indicate what I should study. Please...
  19. L

    Failed first Physics midterm; looking for advice.

    Hello everyone. -waves- I'm new so...don't kill me or...anything like that, but y'all seem like nice people, what with the devoting-your-time-to-helping-with-homework questions thing. That's super cool of you. (: So, I have this scenario, and I'm looking for some advice. I failed my first...
  20. Shackleford

    Preparing for First Midterm: How Can I Catch Up?

    Not exactly sure how to do (a) and (b). Do I need to calculate the distribution function of this density? My first midterm got moved up to this Thursday. Unfortunately, I'm a bit behind in this class. I don't think I'm going to be able to adequately cover all of the material in time...
  21. J

    A few questions before my midterm on Friday

    Homework Statement 1) What is a cool way to prove that ∫e-x2dx = √π / 2 ? 2) What does it mean if ∫f(x,t)dt converges uniformly on the interval a ≤ x ≤b? Does it basically mean that it'll converge for all x in that interval? Explain this to me as if I were an 8-year-old girl. 3) My...
  22. F

    Can Two Independent Vectors Span R2?

    Homework Statement I am just wondering if I have Span{v1,v2} where v1 is not a scalar multiple of v2, then it is known that they span a plane, in fact it is R2 So the question is, how? There can be at most one parameter right? One parameter means the solution is a line, we need two to...
  23. M

    Solving Algebra Problem: (7/4)^x = 5^(1-x)

    Alright, I just did my Math midterm and I came across this question. (7/4)^x = 5^(1-x) I would use Latex, but I find it confusing to use :(. Anyways, what I ended up doing was using my graphing calculator and putting (7/4)^x in Y1 and 5^(1-x) in Y2. Then I just found where they intersect and...
  24. Gokul43201

    News US Midterm Elections - Predictions and Post-mortems

    Use this thread for all discussion relating to today's midterms. Until 4:00pm ET today, you can put in your predictions for the makeup of the Senate, House, and Statehouses, as well as for any individual races that you might find interesting (e.g., Senate: NV, CA, CO, WA). Also feel free...
  25. S

    Why Did I Score Poorly on My Electronics I Midterm Despite Setting the Curve?

    breaking from the mold... I received my midterm exam back today for electronics I. While I did set the curve, I still performed extremely poor. I wonder if some curious minds could look at my performance and shed some light on some of the critical mistakes that I made... [please see...
  26. J

    Testing Ambiguous writing in midterm exam

    Hello guys. I was wondering if you guys could give me your opinion/advice for the following scenario: Yesterday I wrote my first midterm in statics (1st year engineering), which is worth 30% of the final mark. The written part of this exam, worth half of the entire midterm, consisted in a...
  27. T

    Help With Physics Midterm Question: Part C

    I got this question in a practice midterm and i can't seem to even start this problem, i tried using my textbook (university physics) and nothing to be found in there either. Does anyone know start this problem? thanks so we were able to to get part a and b. on part c we were able to get the...
  28. J

    Just finished my phy 2 midterm 3

    Just finished my phy 2 midterm 3!- one problem I am iffy about Homework Statement So first question I have is on a conceptual problem in our exam dealing with wavelength and frequency of light along with speed in water and Air 1. The frequency of light in water is____ that of air 2. The...
  29. Char. Limit

    Ace Your AP Calculus Midterm: Tips & Tricks!

    Hello, I have an AP Calculus midterm tomorrow and was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks to help me succeed. The course material covers finding derivatives of any single-variable function, applying them in optimization and related rates, integral approximation, finding the integral by...
  30. C

    Study guide for AP Chem midterm HELP PLEASE

    These were the only questions out of the 110 question study guide that I didn't understand, I have no clue how to do them since it's been a while since I've done stuff from early chapters. I would love it if anyone can help me and give me a step-by-step! Thank you in advance! Fe2O3 + 3CO -->...
  31. L

    Failing Calc Midterm: Overcoming Setback & Moving Forward

    I just failed my last calc midterm, which likely means that I'll fail the course, or get a D. This sets me back an entire year, because I lose four courses. I'm going to try to take it again next semester. Has anyone had to deal with this sort of thing? Any tips on how to handle it?
  32. G

    Miscalculations and Misjudgements: My EngG130 Midterm Story

    F*** my life UGGGHH! Today I wrote my EngG130 (engineering mechanics: statics) midterm that's worth 35% of my final grade. This would normally be very stressful/difficult, and I managed to compound this with my bullheadedness. We are allowed faculty approved calculators, great I have a...
  33. S

    Moment of Density Problem midterm in 2 hours helpppp

    Moment of Density Problem... midterm in 2 hours helpppp Homework Statement If f is a nonnegative function whose integral is equal to 1, then f defines a probability density; the kth moment of this distribution is defined to be the average value of x^k with respect to this density. Compute all...
  34. N

    Physics Midterm Explanation Kirkoff Rule

    Its the part c question...which states C) Suppose we made V = 0. Find the new current running through the 5.00 ohm resistor.So I just took the biggest loop and did it this way Sum of V = 0 So starting at the upper left hand corner of the circuit -3A(15 Ohms) + 50 V + I (5) = 0 -45 + 50 +5I...
  35. N

    Calculating Energy Stored in Capacitors in a Series Circuit

    Ok try to review for the finals but I need help in understanding this problem. So I can say that there is a resistance, 2 capacitors in series, and voltage source (Vo). Vo = 20.0 V R = 5.00 kilo ohm C1 = 12.0 micro F C2 = 4.0 micro F Switch is closed at t = 0. How much energy will...
  36. N

    Physics Midterm Question 3 Help

    Ok, well I asked this question somewhere else and he said the same answer I wrote on my exam. But I got docked heavily for that. Ok well here's the problem: A negative charge - Q is distributed uniformly over a half circle with radius 'R'. P is at the center of the half circle. A) Show that...
  37. N

    How Do You Calculate the Charge of a Point Charge Near a Charged Plane?

    Homework Statement A point charge 'q' hangs motionless from a mass less string at an angle, due to the forces of gravity and electrical attraction with a nearby infinite conducting plane of charge. Conducting wire sigma = -3.0 E -8 String is next to the conducting wire with a angle...
  38. N

    Physics Midterm: Calculate Electric Field at Origin

    Homework Statement A two point charges (Qa and Qb) are placed along the y and x axis, as shown below: The Qa charge is placed 3 meters up from the y axis, which contains a -5.00 microcolumb charge. The Qb charge is placed 4 meters away from the x axis, which contains a 8.00...
  39. Matterwave

    Solving E&M Midterm: Force & Torque on Magnetic Dipole

    So I got a question on a E&M Midterm: There is a line current of I at the origin going in the Z direction. There is a magnetic dipole of: \vec{m}=m_r\hat{r}+m_\varphi\hat{\varphi} located at (r,\varphi). What is the force and torque on this magnetic dipole? So I used the equations...
  40. A

    Midterm Mishap: What Are My Options?

    Now this particular midterm is not with physics but since I am in the physics program, I thought I could post it. All right on the Friday that just passed (March 20th) I was writing a philosophy midterm when I got up to go use the washroom, I did not ask for prior approval, which in...
  41. B

    Integration by parts MIDTERM really quick question

    integration by parts! MIDTERM...really quick question...please help! Homework Statement \int arctan4t dt Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ive been attempting this all day. the answer is t arctan4t-1/8 ln(1+16t^2)+C i get this asnwer up until the 1/8... a...
  42. B

    Integration by parts MIDTERM really quick question

    integration by parts! MIDTERM...really quick question...please help! Homework Statement Evaluate the two following integrals: \int xcos5x dx and \int ln(2x+1) dx Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ok, for the first one, the answer is 1/5 x sin5x +...
  43. Y

    Calc Midterm, First Year University (derivative related stuff)

    Homework Statement If f(x)=x^x for x>0, find the constant a such that f'(a)=2f(a) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution f'(a)=a*a^(a-1) =a^a 2f(a)=2a^a 2a^a=a^a ln2a^a=lna^a aln2a=alna ...?
  44. G

    Verify unsolvable ODE on Midterm

    Long story short, Professor was replaced with a replacement professor on the day of the midterm. The replacement prof. announces, after 3/4 of the time allowed has passed that the first question might contain a typo. He doesn't suggest how to fix the problem or anything. He just claims there...
  45. T

    HELP. exam tomorrow. practice midterm questions

    Two problems. Problem 1. (30 Points) When leaving for work, a woman leaves a cup of coffee on top of her car. The cup stays fixed on the car, and the car moves according to the function: x(t) = (2.0 m/s) t + (1.0 m/s2) t2 At time t = 2.0 s, a gust of wind comes from behind the...
  46. K

    Prime Ideals in Z[sqrt(2)] and Cosets in ZxZ/I

    I'm in an algebra (ring) class and I'm looking at a previous midterm (I have attached it here to prove that this is not homework problem). Can anyone tell me how to answer question 3 and 5? I will repeat again in here: 3) Let R = Z[sqrt(2)] and P = <sqrt(2)> the ideal generated by...
  47. D

    Noob topic, midterm this Tuesday.

    This Tuesday, I am going to walk into my class and take the first test this semester, which also happens to be my midterm. I'm taking Physics 204 - Mechanics and it's pretty much kicking my butt ha ha. The teacher has told us that a "cheat sheet" will be allowed STRICTLY for equations...
  48. J

    Please help me for midterm ON GRADE 11 boolen algebra

    i really need someone to me verify my answer. i will be having my exam next week and iam stuck . please iam really stuck on some of this question. ' is not '' its not, not 1. F = B.(A''. B' . C') 2. F = A. (A''+ B' + C') 3. F = A . (B''.C') + A . (B + C') 4. F = (A'' +...
  49. mcknia07

    Any tips for surviving a Physics Midterm?

    So, I have a Physics Midterm tomorrow, and I'm totally freaking out about it. I am starting to finally get it, but the whole idea of a test, I don't like. Does anyone have any tips to help me get though it? I think I have more stress than anyone else in the class, because I have to try to prove...
  50. J

    Why Is Static Friction Crucial for Safe Curves in Physics?

    I've been doing a lot of extra questions for physics lately, but I just can't wrap my head around these questions. I've attempted a a lot of others, but these just seem different for some reason? Please help me solve them, including Free Body Diagrams if possible. 1. If a curve with a radius...