What is Fraction: Definition and 652 Discussions

A fraction (from Latin fractus, "broken") represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters. A common, vulgar, or simple fraction (examples:


{\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{2}}}


{\displaystyle {\tfrac {17}{3}}}
) consists of a numerator displayed above a line (or before a slash like 1⁄2), and a non-zero denominator, displayed below (or after) that line. Numerators and denominators are also used in fractions that are not common, including compound fractions, complex fractions, and mixed numerals.
In positive common fractions, the numerator and denominator are natural numbers. The numerator represents a number of equal parts, and the denominator indicates how many of those parts make up a unit or a whole. The denominator cannot be zero, because zero parts can never make up a whole. For example, in the fraction 3/4, the numerator 3 indicates that the fraction represents 3 equal parts, and the denominator 4 indicates that 4 parts make up a whole. The picture to the right illustrates 3/4 of a cake.
A common fraction is a numeral which represents a rational number. That same number can also be represented as a decimal, a percent, or with a negative exponent. For example, 0.01, 1%, and 10−2 are all equal to the fraction 1/100. An integer can be thought of as having an implicit denominator of one (for example, 7 equals 7/1).
Other uses for fractions are to represent ratios and division. Thus the fraction 3/4 can also be used to represent the ratio 3:4 (the ratio of the part to the whole), and the division 3 ÷ 4 (three divided by four). The non-zero denominator rule, which applies when representing a division as a fraction, is an example of the rule that division by zero is undefined.
We can also write negative fractions, which represent the opposite of a positive fraction. For example, if 1/2 represents a half dollar profit, then −1/2 represents a half dollar loss. Because of the rules of division of signed numbers (which states in part that negative divided by positive is negative), −1/2, −1/2 and 1/−2 all represent the same fraction — negative one-half. And because a negative divided by a negative produces a positive, −1/−2 represents positive one-half.
In mathematics the set of all numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not zero, is called the set of rational numbers and is represented by the symbol Q, which stands for quotient. A number is a rational number precisely when it can be written in that form (i.e., as a common fraction). However, the word fraction can also be used to describe mathematical expressions that are not rational numbers. Examples of these usages include algebraic fractions (quotients of algebraic expressions), and expressions that contain irrational numbers, such as



{\textstyle {\frac {\sqrt {2}}{2}}}
(see square root of 2) and π/4 (see proof that π is irrational).

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  1. O

    Integrating with Fractions: Understanding the Solution for (x^2 - 2x)/2

    Can someone please help me with this problem. Please see the attached image. The integration when removing the min and max is also provided, how is the answer x2/2 - x3/6? Do we not do anything with the 1 - 1/2 part? and the +2 part? Are we only looking at (x2-2x)/2? I appreciate the help.
  2. Runei

    Partial fraction expansion

    Now this is a pretty straight forward question. And I just want to make sure that I am not doing anything stupid. But when doing partial fraction expansions of the type \frac{K}{s^{2}+2\zeta\omega_{n}s+\omega_{n}^{2}} Shouldnt I always be able to factor the denominator into the following...
  3. S

    MHB Another interesting fraction

    \text{We have: }\:\dfrac{1}{89} \;=\;0.01123595\,\,.\,.\,. \text{The decimal is formed like this:} . . 0.0{\bf1} . . 0.00{\bf1} . . 0.000{\bf2} . . 0.0000{\bf3} . . 0.00000{\bf5} . . 0.000000{\bf8} . . 0.000000{\bf{13}} . . 0.0000000{\bf{21}} . . 0.00000000{\bf{34}} . . . . . . \vdots...
  4. J

    Chemistry Calculate fraction of relative molecular mass

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  5. K

    How to simplify this fraction?

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  6. T

    Partial fraction decomposition with complex function

    As part of a project I have been working on I fin it necessary to manipulate the following expression. e^(icx)/(x^2 + a^2)^2 for a,c > 0 I would like to decomp it into the form A/(x^2 + a^2) + B/(x^2 + a^2) = e^(icx)/(x^2 + a^2)^2 but I am having trouble getting a usable outcome.
  7. S

    MHB What is the pattern behind the repeating decimal in this interesting fraction?

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  8. O

    Integrating Partial Fractions: x^2+2x-1/2x^3+3x^2-2x (x>1/2)

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  9. N

    Partial Fraction Question: HELP with Polynomial Long Division

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  10. H

    Gravitational Fields Problem: Find the fraction ΔgM /g

    Homework Statement Let ΔgM represent the difference in the gravitational fields produced by the Moon at the points on the Earth's surface nearest to and farthest from the Moon. Find the fraction ΔgM /g, where g is the Earth's gravitational field. (This difference is responsible for the...
  11. A

    Integration involving partial fraction

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  12. T

    Which fraction of the observed CMBR signal is due to some foreground contaminant

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  13. R

    Partial fraction decomposition

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  14. S

    What Fraction Of Her True Weight Was Indicated?

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  15. T

    Help With Partial Fraction Decomposition

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  16. Dembadon

    Comp Sci Programming: Fraction Arithmetic in C++

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  17. P

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  18. B

    What fraction of square matrices are singular?

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  19. L

    Arranging a fraction to simplify it

    Homework Statement \stackrel{lim}{x\rightarrow}∞ \sqrt{x^2+x}-x I'm taking the limit of a rational function as x approaches ∞. However, within the problem, there is an algebraic arrangement I'm having trouble with. How would I get from the first fraction to the second fraction? Applying...
  20. Vorde

    Why can't we view the derivative as a fraction?

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  21. A

    Why doesn't partial fractions work in this case?

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  22. J

    Half Life - Calculate Fraction Remaining

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  23. R

    MHB Products in Fraction: Bigger with Sub/Super Scripts

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  24. J

    What fraction of the distance do the block move?

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  25. jinksys

    Partial Fraction Decomp with a constant

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  26. N

    Not so basic algebraic fraction manipulation

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  27. C

    Find f'(x): 1/(1-4X) Homework Solution

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  28. E

    Is There a General Formula for this Partial Fraction Function?

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  29. B

    Integration by partial fraction problem (∫dx/x(x^2 + 4)^2)

    Homework Statement I came across a problem that I can't solve and it is ∫dx/x(x^2 + 4)^2 Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution So I'm pretty sure this is to be solved by partial fraction since I am on a chapter on Integration by partial fraction. so I started with...
  30. S

    Calculating fraction of aluminum lttice sites at certain temps

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  31. S

    Mole Fraction of O2 to Mass of O2

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  32. S

    Simplify Fractions: 2/(49^1/3+7^1/3+1)

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  33. H

    Fraction of integrals with different variables

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  34. H

    Arctan of a fraction of two tangents?

    if: arctan[tan(f(x))/tan(g(x))] then, f(x)/tan(g(x)) ? Is this correct or does the tan function at the denominator also vanish? Please advise
  35. H

    Integrating a Tricky Fraction: Solving ∫(1/(x^2-x+1)dx

    Homework Statement ∫(1/(x^2-x+1)dx Homework Equations No idea The Attempt at a Solution I tried this by the subsitution method but that attempt was feeble as it only complicated the integral even further. let t=x^2-x+1 this integral can neither be split into partial...
  36. S

    Stokes Parameters - Fraction of Linear/Circular Polarization

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  37. Femme_physics

    Basic Algebra Simplifying a complex fraction

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  38. D

    How to integrate a fraction of sums of exponentials?

    Is it possible to have an solution to this sort of integral? And if not, why not? \int_0^\infty \frac{e^{-ax}}{e^{-bx}+e^{-cx}}dx Is a Taylor expansion the only way forward? Many thanks David
  39. E

    Integration with fraction in exponential

    Hi all, am stuck with the integral with fraction in exponential The equation I=∫exp(bz)/(a+iz)*exp[(6*a^2-ik*w^2*z)/(z^2+a^2)]*dz I already tried to partial fraction the 2nd exponential term, then i tried to perform integration by parts but it doesn't work well.i tried substitution too...
  40. D

    Fraction of Elements in a group mapped to own inverse by automorphism

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  41. L

    What fraction of the air molecules

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  42. M

    Write as a simple fraction in lowest terms

    Homework Statement \frac{\frac{2}{3}x(x^{2}+4)^{1/2}(x^{2}-9)^{-2/3}-x(x^{2}-9)^{1/3}(x^{2}+4)^{-1/2}}{x^{2}+4} The Attempt at a Solution \frac{x(x^{2}+4)^{-1/2}(x^{2}-9)^{-2/3}(\frac{2}{3}(x^{2}+4)-(x-9))}{x^{2}+4} Then: \frac{x(\frac{2}{3}(x^{2}+4)-(x-9))}{(x^{2}+4)^{3/2}(x^{2}-9)^{2/3}}...
  43. D

    Help Factorial Partial Fraction Decomposition

    Homework Statement Show that n/(n+1)!=(1/n)-(1/(n+1)!) I am totally lost on the algebraic steps taken to come to this conclusion. It is for an Infinite series. Thanks
  44. E

    Partial Fraction Expansion (Inverse Z-Transform)

    Homework Statement H(z) = \frac{6-z^{-1}}{1+0.5z^{-1}} + \frac{2}{1-0.4z^{-1}} = k + \frac{A}{1+0.5z^{-1}} + \frac{2}{1-0.4z^{-1}} where A = (6-z^{-1}) is evaluated at z^{-1}=-2. Homework Equations Partial fraction expansion. The Attempt at a Solution Why is z^{-1} set equal to -2? I...
  45. B

    Fraction Algebra Rusty Need Help on Equation

    I was reading and came across a formula that didn’t look right so I tried to simplify the left side to match the right side; however, my fraction algebra is a little rusty and could use some guidance. I did get the 2 fractions to a common denominator; however, the best I could do was factor out...
  46. M

    Iterated Integration with a fraction

    I need help with Iterated Integration. I'm trying to integrate the following equation: ∫ylnx/x from e^y to y for dx, y>0 (sorry about the messy equation; first time user) I know how to integrate ln, but the fraction has me thrown for a loop. I tried U-substitution, but the equation kept...
  47. S

    Integrating a Fraction with a Constant: Decomposition or Not?

    Homework Statement i need to integrate: \frac{1}{r(u-r)}dr Homework Equations u is a constant The Attempt at a Solution im not sure if i should decompose the fraction. i tried that, but it didnt seem to be of any help.
  48. A

    Imaginary fraction questions. lost.

    im studying for my circuits midterm and the proff has handouts with questions and answers but not detailed answers. i can't figure out how he went from a fraction to an answer. (-j2)(2+j2)/-j2+2+j2 the answer on the paper is 2-j2 i do not know what I am allowed to do with the 2 next to...
  49. P

    Finding the Limit of a Fraction with Exponential Terms

    \lim_{n\rightarrow ∞}\frac{3^n+2*5^n}{2^n+3*5^n} I tried using l'hopitals rule and got \lim_{n\rightarrow ∞}\frac{3^n*ln(3)+2(5^n*ln5)}{2^n*ln(2))+3(5^n*ln5)} I'm not quite sure if that is the right way to approach this. This problem is an early one in the assignment so I assume that...
  50. S

    Continued fraction convergents

    Hi, I think I have the first part of the question correct but can't seem to get the second so any help would be fantastic. Q: Express \frac{327}{117} as a continued fraction and find the convergents of it. My working: \frac{327}{117}=2 +\frac{93}{117} =2+\frac{1}{\frac{117}{93}}...