Acoustics of metal alloys question

In summary, Donnie is an audio engineer who is researching the acoustic properties of different common alloys such as phosphor bronze, brass, copper, nickel silver, etc. His goal is to test the amplitude and frequency modes of each alloy in various forms, including simple bars, pipes/tubes, and drum cylinders with and without drum heads attached. Donnie is looking for guidance on how to test and measure these properties, and is interested in finding a program that can accurately simulate acoustic principles. He mentions that he is willing to help anyone with audio measurements, and is grateful for the information provided by the other person in the conversation. They discuss using programs like Matlab, Mathematica, and Comsol for analysis, and mention the Bruel and K
  • #1
I design percussion instruments and I have been researching for some time now the acoustic properties of different common alloys such as phosphor bronze, brass, copper, nickel silver (german silver) and so on... Specifically I want to test the amplitude and frequency modes of each. This would be in several different forms though; I need to test the alloys in a simple bar (8"-12") form, pipe/tube form (2" OD x 4' L), and most importantly with a drum cylinder with and without drum heads attached.

I am an audio engineer so the recording and testing is not a problem. I just need someone to point me in the right direction as far as how to test and measure. What would be awesome is if I could find a program that would accurately simulate the acoustic principals that way I could test anything in any configuration without trying to find all these metals myself.

Thanks! - (this is my first post)


PS... if anyone has any audio measurements they would like tested let me know and I might be able to help you out.
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  • #2
With accurate material properties you can come up with simple analytical models that can predict some of these for you. For simple beam testing it's pretty simple to treat a single degree of freedom beam as follows.

You could derive the equations yourself from the fourth order differential equation for bending, but a good engineering reference book (Roark) will give you expressions for natural frequencies for beams with varying end conditions to save you the trouble. For instance, the nth natural frequency of a beam is:

[tex]\omega_{n}=\alpha^{2}_{n}\sqrt{\frac{EI}{m L^{4} }}[/tex]

where [tex]\alpha_{n}[/tex] is a constant depending on the clamping conditions and the modal number, I is the moment of inertia, m the mass, L the length and E the Young's Modulus of your material. Note you can break m down into [tex]\rho A[/tex], the density multiplied by the cross sectional area. There are entire data tables published elsewhere for the clamping constants for each modal number.

There is another expression (which will be given in the reference either as a combination of hyperbolic and trigonometric sines and cosines, or as a combination of powers of e) to give you the modal shapes. As for cylinders, that would require a little more thought but I'm willing to bet there are solutions out there for them. Bear in mind that both for real beams and cylinders there will be more than just the one degree of freedom, therefore other modes and frequencies will be present.

In terms of measuring excitation, you could mount accelerometers at various points on the body and then excite your system either through an instrumented impact hammer or a shaker. Either way you can test at various frequencies and measure the response at various points to show the mode shapes and amplitudes. It's often worth trying to predict the modal shapes for simple excitations before setting up sensors in order to ensure you don't mount a transducer at a nodal point.

Have a look at the Bruel and Kjaer website for some decent primers on vibration testing.

Hope this helps.
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  • #3
Wow! Thank you so much for all the great information! This gives my mind a lot of numbers to crunch. Would MatLab, Mathematica, Comsol etc. be a reliable program for this kind of analysis?

Thanks again,


PS... I actually have a pair of Bruel and Kjaer 4006's
  • #4
You could do it Excel if you really wanted to! Matlab is perfect (Octave for open source if you're that way inclined), and I've carried out similar analyses in MathCAD, LabVIEW and even in C++.

This is actually a typical exercise (for the beams anyway) for mechanical engineering students in a stress analysis, vibrations or finite element analysis course. You can model the system in an FE package, and verify your answers approximately against reference analyses (such as Roark) or by actually deriving the solutions yourself.
  • #5

Hello Donnie,

Your research on the acoustic properties of different metal alloys is quite interesting. Acoustics is a complex field and there are various factors that can affect the amplitude and frequency modes of a material, such as its density, stiffness, and internal damping. Additionally, the shape and size of the object also play a role in determining its acoustic properties.

To accurately measure the acoustic properties of these alloys, you will need specialized equipment such as a sound level meter, vibration analyzer, and impedance tube. These tools can help you measure parameters such as sound pressure level, frequency response, and impedance.

In terms of testing, you can use different techniques such as frequency response analysis, modal analysis, and impedance analysis to determine the amplitude and frequency modes of the alloys in various forms (bar, pipe, drum cylinder). It would be important to ensure that your testing conditions are controlled and consistent to get accurate results.

As for simulating the acoustic properties, there are various software programs available that can help you model and simulate the behavior of different materials. Some commonly used programs in acoustics research include COMSOL, ANSYS, and Abaqus. These programs can provide valuable insights into the acoustic behavior of materials in different configurations.

I hope this information helps you in your research. Good luck with your studies!

Related to Acoustics of metal alloys question

1. What is the relationship between the composition of metal alloys and their acoustic properties?

The composition of metal alloys can greatly affect their acoustic properties. Different ratios of metals and other elements can result in variations in density, stiffness, and thermal conductivity, which all impact how the alloy responds to sound waves.

2. How does the structure of metal alloys affect their acoustic behavior?

The atomic structure of metal alloys, including the arrangement of their crystalline lattice, can impact their acoustic properties. Different crystal structures can influence how sound waves travel through the alloy and how they are reflected or absorbed.

3. Can metal alloys be designed for specific acoustic purposes?

Yes, metal alloys can be engineered with specific acoustic properties in mind. By carefully selecting the composition and structure of the alloy, it is possible to create materials with desired acoustic characteristics, such as high or low sound absorption or good sound transmission.

4. How do impurities or defects in metal alloys affect their acoustics?

Impurities or defects in metal alloys can disrupt the orderly atomic structure and affect the propagation of sound waves through the material. This can result in changes to the acoustic properties, such as reduced sound transmission or increased sound absorption.

5. Are there any applications of metal alloys in acoustics?

Yes, metal alloys have various applications in acoustics. They are commonly used in musical instruments, such as brass instruments and strings for guitars, as their acoustic properties can be tailored to produce desirable sounds. Metal alloys are also used in soundproofing materials and in the construction of acoustic panels for noise control.

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