Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, and the MCU

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
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In summary, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a unique and unprecedented event in the history of the movie and TV industry. The series and movies are interconnected, and the fans are enjoying it.
  • #1
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So, I don't know if people are just not liking the series or if the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is not of any great interest. But I find it strange that there isn't an acknowledgment of a rather unique and unprecedented event that we have never seen before in the movie and TV industry history.

For the first time ever, at least for as far as I can remember, there are a bunch of movies and TV series that are intertwined with each other. I have never seen anything like it before. I don't normally watch any kind of ongoing series on TV, but I'm drawn in with Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter, and then following the big-screen drama of the various Marvel Characters. If you are in the US, you would have seen how Captain America - Winter Soldier and Avengers - Age of Ultron were weaved seamlessly within Agents of SHIELD when the premier weekend of the movie impacted the TV series' storyline in the very next episode!

And while we all expect the various Avengers will have individual movies (Captain America and Iron Man) will clearly connect to each other and the Avengers movie, it appears that even the ones that did not have an obvious connection might make contact with each other (if you have sat through the credits during Age of Ultron, you would see the first hint that Guardian of the Galaxy world will be impacted by the Avengers' universe).

I've never cared for Marvel comics and characters before, so I don't know the intricate details of the storyline and the characters. But I am in awe of how they are juggling all of these at the same time. And the fact that in SHIELDS alone, they could easily have 3 or 4 different story lines, is just mindboggling.

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  • #2
Yes, this is pretty novel. Perhaps, Star Trek would a not so close second as there were movies being and multiple spin off series running concurrently though not with the intensity seen today.

Another close tv event might be the westerns which while not in the same universe of characters all had cowboy and wild west themes. Also cop shows or csi style shows which are popular today.
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  • #3
It is really quite an amazing and intricate universe they've built, and they deserve a lot of credit (and a lot of money.) I can't imagine how brilliant it must be for a long time consumer of Marvel stories to be around now, where everything they've read and enjoyed is coming to life (and in a good way as well, not in a Ang Lee Hulk or emo Spider-Man sequel way.)

In my opinion, the MCU series don't get nearly enough credit or viewership. Agents of SHIELD is top notch espionage/sci-fi stuff, with intricate arcs and twists. The way it tied in with The Winter Soldier was very satisfying. Agent Carter was very charming and great fun, and I do get a kick out of the aesthetics of that era along with the anachronistic Stark tech and Cold War intrigue. I haven't got around to Daredevil yet (bloody exam season,) but I've only heard good things about it.

As jedishrfu said, the only comparison near the scope of the MCU is probably Star Trek - five TV series and ten movies I think, creating a grand and unique universe. Perhaps the universe of Doctor Who, which had three canon series on it at some point, and has had a movie, and has decades of episodes, is comparable as well. But there is no doubt in the MCU's grander scale, and they're reaping the rewards they deserve. Long may it continue, because I'm loving it.
  • #4
Don't miss the 2-hour season finale tonight (if you're in the US). Advanced word is that a lot of unexpected things will be happening (as usual!). :)

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
Don't miss the 2-hour season finale tonight (if you're in the US). Advanced word is that a lot of unexpected things will be happening (as usual!). :)

Bah, as a measly foreigner I will have to watch it online. Also as I'm inundated with exams atm (maybe I should be revising right now,) I am a couple episodes behind. One gripe I have with these ABC shows have ads during an episode, actually actively distracting and obscuring things on screen. It is so annoying as they are actually intrusive, not least when the ABC logo pops up with this massive amber lens flare, it is so infuriating.
  • #6
Did Agents of Shield get better? I started watching it but lost interest after 5 or so episodes.
Wondering if I should give it another shot...
  • #7
cpscdave said:
Did Agents of Shield get better? I started watching it but lost interest after 5 or so episodes.
Wondering if I should give it another shot...

It got WAAAAAY better in the 2nd season. You've missed their best.

  • #8
cpscdave said:
Did Agents of Shield get better? I started watching it but lost interest after 5 or so episodes.
Wondering if I should give it another shot...

I honestly found the first half of season 1 very bland, but stuff goes down very suddenly and everything has been more awesome and interesting since. Definitely recommend giving it another shot.
  • #9

That was one kickin' finale! And no, I won't reveal any spoilers, but I will say that I will never complain about a broken fingernail anymore!

  • #10
ZapperZ said:
So, I don't know if people are just not liking the series or if the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is not of any great interest. But I find it strange that there isn't an acknowledgment of a rather unique and unprecedented event that we have never seen before in the movie and TV industry history.

For the first time ever, at least for as far as I can remember, there are a bunch of movies and TV series that are intertwined with each other. I have never seen anything like it before. I don't normally watch any kind of ongoing series on TV, but I'm drawn in with Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter, and then following the big-screen drama of the various Marvel Characters. If you are in the US, you would have seen how Captain America - Winter Soldier and Avengers - Age of Ultron were weaved seamlessly within Agents of SHIELD when the premier weekend of the movie impacted the TV series' storyline in the very next episode!

And while we all expect the various Avengers will have individual movies (Captain America and Iron Man) will clearly connect to each other and the Avengers movie, it appears that even the ones that did not have an obvious connection might make contact with each other (if you have sat through the credits during Age of Ultron, you would see the first hint that Guardian of the Galaxy world will be impacted by the Avengers' universe).

I've never cared for Marvel comics and characters before, so I don't know the intricate details of the storyline and the characters. But I am in awe of how they are juggling all of these at the same time. And the fact that in SHIELDS alone, they could easily have 3 or 4 different story lines, is just mindboggling.


This intertwining of the stories started in the comic books. Previously when I bought Spiderman, the story continued in Daredevil... and even in the X-men comic books, you need to buy about 5 different titles to get one story. They did it so the customers would buy all of them. This is the reason why I stopped reading them because if you miss one.. you won't miss the stories. Now this is present in the movies as well. In Thor part 1, the story literally continued in Avengers part 1, then continued in Thor part 2.

The stories in the current installments were all in the comic book stories in the 1970s-1990. So for years to come, they can come up with dozen of new stories that can make them literally earns hundreds of billions. What a way to make a lot of money!

I love Skye in Agents of Shield. Does anyone here doesn't find her pretty and sexy? :)
  • #11
I've been a fan of Marvel since the days the comics came over as ballast. I used to go to the newsagents round the corner and rummage through the stacks he had on the shelves. A far cry from Forbidden Planet and all those other commercial comic book stores.
So I was in seventh heaven when the MCU started to roll out. To see the superheroes I grew up with live on the big screen was totally mind blowing. Joss Whedon got The Avengers absolutely perfect; the man's a genius.
Agents of Shield took a while to settle in and fill out but it's improved a lot and is a great filler in between the movies. The tie into Captain America the Winter Soldier; The Inhumans, Black Panther, Just goes to show what good planning and team work can achieve. And did anyone notice the 'Man-Thing' reference?
  • #12
nathan mcgrath said:
And did anyone notice the 'Man-Thing' reference?

I missed it.

In any case, coming back to SHIELD, I've re-watched the season finale at least twice more, and I'm convinced that this is one of the best, if not THE best season finale of any series that I've ever seen. This is the SHIELD that many of us were expecting, especially from the disappointing first season (other than the "Ward-turn" episode). Keeping me on the edge of my seat for almost the entire 2 hours was not easy to do, and they did it.

I can't wait for September.

  • #13
Personally, i quite much enjoy Agents of shield season 1 also, if season two gets better, I'm sure it will be very good. :)
  • #14
GTOM said:
Personally, i quite much enjoy Agents of shield season 1 also, if season two gets better, I'm sure it will be very good. :)

The one that just ended WAS season 2.

  • #15
ZapperZ said:
I missed it.

In any case, coming back to SHIELD, I've re-watched the season finale at least twice more, and I'm convinced that this is one of the best, if not THE best season finale of any series that I've ever seen. This is the SHIELD that many of us were expecting, especially from the disappointing first season (other than the "Ward-turn" episode). Keeping me on the edge of my seat for almost the entire 2 hours was not easy to do, and they did it.

I can't wait for September.

It was an episode in which Agent Hill appeared. The scene was night time and she was standing on some steps in front of a building. She is speaking to someone on the phone and says "And what the hell is a Man-Thing?" Hey, I found a vid
  • #16
I've watched all three shows and I definitely love them, especially Agents of SHIELD! All those references to the events of The Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron blew my mind. I'm pretty excited to see how are they going to tie-in season 3 of AoS with Civil War. I'm also hoping to see references to Civil War in the second season of Daredevil and Marvel's Jessica Jones. The Superhero Registration Act is probably going to be the most important thing to happen yet in the MCU, in my opinion.

Also, did you like Ant-Man? It had nice tie-ins too!
  • #17
I love Ant Man. Just like Guardian of the Galaxy, I had such low expectation of the movie going in, and ended up being pleasantly surprised at how good and how clever the movie was. This movie is unlike any other Marvel movie, with Guardians being its closest cousin.

I can't wait how they'll incorporate Ant Man in Capt. America. Saying anymore will ruin the movie for you unless you did not sit through to the very end of the credits.

"I know a guy..."

  • #18
ZapperZ said:
I love Ant Man
hmmm, after seeing the trailer a few times I thought it looked incredibly lame, but maybe I will give it a chance now.
  • #19
Greg Bernhardt said:
hmmm, after seeing the trailer a few times I thought it looked incredibly lame, but maybe I will give it a chance now.

I had the same reaction with Guardians, and look at how much fun that movie became.

So don't judge a movie by its trailer! :)

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  • #20
ZapperZ said:
I can't wait how they'll incorporate Ant Man in Capt. America. Saying anymore will ruin the movie for you unless you did not sit through to the very end of the credits.

"I know a guy..."

Indeed I did. Best post-credits scene yet, it made me much more eager for CW.
  • #21
I won't see Ant-Man until it comes out on Redbox. I just hope that happens before the next Agents of Shield season starts.
ZapperZ said:

That was one kickin' finale! And no, I won't reveal any spoilers, but I will say that I will never complain about a broken fingernail anymore!

The finale for season 2 was awesome. I went from NOOOOO, to OMG in two seconds! You just got to give those writers a hand. :woot:
  • #22
Don't forget, the new season of SHIELD premiers here in the US next Tuesday!

Based on news reports, stuff that came out of the recent D23 convention, and all the pictures/trailers that we have seen, the Inhumans will be a huge part of this season.

But I'm more interested in how Coulson will grow his hand back! Maybe he'll do a Luke Skywalker-type of prosthetic. :)

  • #25
Borg said:
Ah yes. I remember something getting into the ocean last season. My wife takes Fish Oil supplements. I'll have to show her your link. :woot:

Don't risk making her mad, especially if the Terrigen crystal turns her into an Inhuman!

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  • #26
**********SPOILER ALERT**********

Don't read any further if you don't want to know what happened in Season 3 premier episode.The Season 3 Premier last night was good, but not the kick-ass episode that I was expecting where Season 2 finale left off. I have a feeling it is more of setting up of the premise for the entire season. Still, there were a lot of stuff being introduced, including a gay inhuman, a new agency to deal with the inhumans, and the fate of Simmons, who seemed to be stuck in another planet or universe. And from the teaser of next week's episode, it looks like May will be back! So I am expecting a lot of action! :)

And oh, if you caught it, there was even a brief reference to Ant Man via the mentioning of thePrimm suit by Coulson. I love it when they intertwine various parts of the Marvel universe that are already out there.

  • #27
ZapperZ said:
So, I don't know if people are just not liking the series or if the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is not of any great interest. But I find it strange that there isn't an acknowledgment of a rather unique and unprecedented event that we have never seen before in the movie and TV industry history.

For the first time ever, at least for as far as I can remember, there are a bunch of movies and TV series that are intertwined with each other. I have never seen anything like it before. I don't normally watch any kind of ongoing series on TV, but I'm drawn in with Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter, and then following the big-screen drama of the various Marvel Characters. If you are in the US, you would have seen how Captain America - Winter Soldier and Avengers - Age of Ultron were weaved seamlessly within Agents of SHIELD when the premier weekend of the movie impacted the TV series' storyline in the very next episode!

And while we all expect the various Avengers will have individual movies (Captain America and Iron Man) will clearly connect to each other and the Avengers movie, it appears that even the ones that did not have an obvious connection might make contact with each other (if you have sat through the credits during Age of Ultron, you would see the first hint that Guardian of the Galaxy world will be impacted by the Avengers' universe).

I've never cared for Marvel comics and characters before, so I don't know the intricate details of the storyline and the characters. But I am in awe of how they are juggling all of these at the same time. And the fact that in SHIELDS alone, they could easily have 3 or 4 different story lines, is just mindboggling.


I have noted this, and this is part of the reason why I tune into Agents of SHIELD (in fact, the season premiere of Agents of SHIELD just aired last night -- I'm going to catch it later on Rogers on Demand this Friday).
  • #28
This news article provides some background of the "villain" inhuman introduced in Season 3 premier. Lash is a known character in the Marvel comics, and there is already a history and progression of this character.

Of course, how much of the content from the Marvel comics will be incorporated into SHIELD is not known, and there is certainly a strong possibility that they will take some artistic liberty to change and add things. But as the article points out, it will be interesting to see if this is the beginning steps towards establishing the Marvels Inhuman movie that is being planned. There's a certain tons of material here if they go with all the Inhuman "Royal Family" line.

  • #29
ZapperZ said:
So, I don't know if people are just not liking the series or if the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is not of any great interest. But I find it strange that there isn't an acknowledgment of a rather unique and unprecedented event that we have never seen before in the movie and TV industry history.

For the first time ever, at least for as far as I can remember, there are a bunch of movies and TV series that are intertwined with each other. I have never seen anything like it before. I don't normally watch any kind of ongoing series on TV, but I'm drawn in with Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter, and then following the big-screen drama of the various Marvel Characters. If you are in the US, you would have seen how Captain America - Winter Soldier and Avengers - Age of Ultron were weaved seamlessly within Agents of SHIELD when the premier weekend of the movie impacted the TV series' storyline in the very next episode!

And while we all expect the various Avengers will have individual movies (Captain America and Iron Man) will clearly connect to each other and the Avengers movie, it appears that even the ones that did not have an obvious connection might make contact with each other (if you have sat through the credits during Age of Ultron, you would see the first hint that Guardian of the Galaxy world will be impacted by the Avengers' universe).

I've never cared for Marvel comics and characters before, so I don't know the intricate details of the storyline and the characters. But I am in awe of how they are juggling all of these at the same time. And the fact that in SHIELDS alone, they could easily have 3 or 4 different story lines, is just mindboggling.


Yeah, this Marvel Universe thing has been going on in the comics for quite some time. It's been building up for fifty years, so it's very complicated, a mammoth soap opera. The superheros get divorced, have affairs, turn good or evil then back again, get elected president, assassinated, brainwashed, you name it. Now they have thousands of parallel universes going, though they focus on only a few. You can have an affair with the parallel universe version of your dead lover, travel back in time and seduce her before she died, travel back in time to kill the Bad Guy before he can make his mischief. get transformed into a cyborg against your will, etc.

Dad: "Is Cobrawoman's superpower her ability to fit into her costume?"
Calvin: "Nah, they can all do that."
  • #30
The 2nd episode of the season, I must say, was quite satisfying. Finally, the entire team is now back, even the black sheep of the team in the form of Ward. I can't wait for May to start kicking some butt!

  • #31
I'm pretty much in awe, as ZapperZ is.
Back in the 1960's, when I was growing up, the normal trend for any spinoffs was for the cast for the new and old shows would make an appearance together - once - then never see each other or be mentioned again. Archie Bunker had several spinoffs, and I think it had set a record for how many shows branched out from it and the child series in its era that is probably still held today.

As was mentioned above, comic books of that time were already doing numerous crossovers and interactions, with DC and Marvel really doing full bore competition for the same group of people reading them. But you almost never saw such on TV or movies (maybe one or two at the time--I can't recall specifics, but there was something back then).

And there were so many lost opportunities that the fans would've loved to see: Knight Rider, Airwolf, and Battlestar 1980 all could've had a cameo with each other as they were all created by Glen Larson. Can we imagine the looks on Apollo and Michael Knight's faces would've been if the Colonial Warriors got a chance to encounter that "rolling cylon"?:eek:o_O KITT might survive getting hit, with that special armor--but the car would damned know he got shot and sure as hell wouldn't want to get hit again!:H

Such crossovers are recent and often enjoyable if the producers pay enough attention to all the involved brands to make the encounters believable. The various CSIs, the Law & Order, Boston Legal interacting was a delight to see. NCIS really should've let their teams have more contact than what they've done so far--it might make their brands last a bit longer.

Seeing the Marvel movies, as well as the DC universe, taking off and trying to integrate their cinematic productions has me completely stoked, although I'm worried that DC is trying to keep their products rather isolated now. Smallville alluded to Green Arrow and Flash, yet neither "Arrow", "the Flash" nor "Gotham" have yet to invite Welling or former Smallville cast members over to their shows. I hope they wake up and change that trend back to better integration.

What's really been impressive was the Once Upon A Time, which was loosely based on Grimms' Fairy Tales, pulling in other storybook genres, like Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland into their "universe". day...we will get to see if a light saber can cut through Wolverine's claws?:wink:
  • #32
The big question this season is
Now that we know he changes into human form, he could be anyone. Here's a guess that Andrew survived the assassination attempt because he is Lash. I know that I'm being led on by the show but, I think that it's Rosalind Price, the director of the ACTU.
  • #33
**********SPOILER ALERT**************

Don't read any further if you don't want to know.I like this season's episodes so far, but I'm a bit frustrated with the juggling of too many storylines.

The one I find least convincing is Coulson approving of sending Hunter to go after Ward. What's up with that? I know he and May have a personal axe to grind with him, but considering that he wasn't (at least in the first 2 episodes) a real threat, and that they have way bigger fish to deal with, I find it difficult that they would divert 2 important members of the team to go hunt for him.

And then there were a few "huh?" moments. This week's episode, when they invaded Dwight Frye apartment, they started out with 3 agents (Daisy, Mack, and one from ATCU). But by the time we got into Dwight's actual apartment, the other two were gone, leaving only Daisy. I remember crying out loud: "What the heck happened to the other two?"

The storylines that I am most intrigued with are (i) the possibility that Lash is someone we already know (my bet is on Rosalind); (ii) and Simmons wanting (or was it needing?) to go back to the planet she was stranded on. This, of course, assuming that Dr. Garner, May's ex, didn't make it out of the assassination.

But with what had been going on since the beginning, I'm not putting anything past them to come up with a twist.

  • #34
If this preview is an accurate hint, tonight's showing of SHIELD (here in the US) is a I-can't-believe-you-missed-it episode. We'll find out, hopefully in full, what happened to Jemma on that planet.


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