Calculate a polynomial function from other polynomial functions

In summary, the speaker is a student working on a thesis involving near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and the calibration of a NIR scanner to accurately measure moisture content in different materials and mixtures of these materials. They are using a polynomial function of 2nd degree to plot calibration curves and determine the moisture content in percent using the absorbance values. They have already plotted calibration graphs for wood, textiles, and PVC and now want to calculate a new calibration graph for a mixture of these materials. They plan to calculate the polynomial coefficients based on the percentages of each component and cite a source to support their calculation.
  • #1
Background information:

I have come up against a mathematical question which I as somebody with relatively limited exposure to maths can not seem to answer. I am a student working on a thesis dealing with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The NIR scanner is able to measure the moisture content in different materials. The scanner outputs two values: Absorbance and moisture content in percent. Currently, the scanner is not calibrated and the moisture content in percent is therefore inaccurate. My objective is to calibrate the scanner with regards to the moisture content for different materials as well as for different mixtures of these materials. To do this I am plotting calibration curves by taking a material (e.g. wood) and preparing several samples with different moisture contents between 0 and 40 %. I then scan the samples and record the absorbance values. Parallel to this I determine the moisture contents of the samples in the laboratory using drying ovens.

With these values I can now plot my calibration curve; the values for absorbance are entered into the y-axis and the moisture contents in percent are entered into the x-axis. I can now best describe my correlation with a polynomial of 2nd degree (y = ax^2 + bx +c). Now when I analyse a new wood sample with an unknown moisture content I can insert the value for absorbance as x into the function and calculate the moisture content in percent.

I have already plotted calibration graphs for the following materials:

Wood y = -6,0066x2 + 118,25x + 5,6884
Textiles y = 388,75x2 + 131,85x + 9,0221
PVC y = 85,467x2 + 18,372x + 0,1075Mathematical query:

I would now like to analyse different mixtures of these materials. My approach to plotting the correlation graphs will be the same as with the homogeneous samples. Additionally, I wish to test if it is possible to calculate a new calibration graph and compare that to the one I will plot as described above. An example of a heterogeneous sample would be a mixture of wood, textiles and PVC with the following composition:

Wood: 10 %
Textiles: 10 %
PVC: 80 %

I then would calculate the function which should belong to this mixed materal sample in the following way. I newly calculate the polynomial coefficients according to the percentages of the components (i.e. wood: 10 %, textiles: 10 % and PVC: 80 %):

a = (0,1 * -6,0066) + (0,1 * 388,75) + (0,8 * 85,467) = 1,0664794
b = (0,1 * 118,25) + (0,1 * 131,85) + (0,8 * 18,372) = 0,397076
c = (0,1 * 5,6884) + (0,1 * 9,0221) + (0,8 * 0,1075) = 0,0155705

The new polynomial function which describes the correlation of the heterogeneous sample is then:

y = 1,0665x^2 + 0,3971x + 0,0156

I have tried this in excel and it looks feasible from a graphical point of view, the slope of the calibration curve changes just as I thought it should etc..

My question here is if anybody can advise me whether this is mathematically correct to calculate a polynomial function from the three functions and the percentages? Is there anywhere a law or calculation rules regarding this what I have done (calculation of polynomial functions)? I would like to be able to to cite source from a book to back up my calculation.

Sorry for the long-winded question!
Kind regards
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  • #2
drpratai said:
Background information:

I have come up against a mathematical question which I as somebody with relatively limited exposure to maths can not seem to answer. I am a student working on a thesis dealing with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The NIR scanner is able to measure the moisture content in different materials. The scanner outputs two values: Absorbance and moisture content in percent. Currently, the scanner is not calibrated and the moisture content in percent is therefore inaccurate. My objective is to calibrate the scanner with regards to the moisture content for different materials as well as for different mixtures of these materials. To do this I am plotting calibration curves by taking a material (e.g. wood) and preparing several samples with different moisture contents between 0 and 40 %. I then scan the samples and record the absorbance values. Parallel to this I determine the moisture contents of the samples in the laboratory using drying ovens.

With these values I can now plot my calibration curve; the values for absorbance are entered into the y-axis and the moisture contents in percent are entered into the x-axis. I can now best describe my correlation with a polynomial of 2nd degree (y = ax^2 + bx +c). Now when I analyse a new wood sample with an unknown moisture content I can insert the value for absorbance as x into the function and calculate the moisture content in percent.

I have already plotted calibration graphs for the following materials:

Wood y = -6,0066x2 + 118,25x + 5,6884
Textiles y = 388,75x2 + 131,85x + 9,0221
PVC y = 85,467x2 + 18,372x + 0,1075

Mathematical query:

I would now like to analyse different mixtures of these materials. My approach to plotting the correlation graphs will be the same as with the homogeneous samples. Additionally, I wish to test if it is possible to calculate a new calibration graph and compare that to the one I will plot as described above. An example of a heterogeneous sample would be a mixture of wood, textiles and PVC with the following composition:

Wood: 10 %
Textiles: 10 %
PVC: 80 %

I then would calculate the function which should belong to this mixed materal sample in the following way. I newly calculate the polynomial coefficients according to the percentages of the components (i.e. wood: 10 %, textiles: 10 % and PVC: 80 %):

a = (0,1 * -6,0066) + (0,1 * 388,75) + (0,8 * 85,467) = 1,0664794
b = (0,1 * 118,25) + (0,1 * 131,85) + (0,8 * 18,372) = 0,397076
c = (0,1 * 5,6884) + (0,1 * 9,0221) + (0,8 * 0,1075) = 0,0155705

The new polynomial function which describes the correlation of the heterogeneous sample is then:

y = 1,0665x^2 + 0,3971x + 0,0156

I have tried this in excel and it looks feasible from a graphical point of view, the slope of the calibration curve changes just as I thought it should etc..

My question here is if anybody can advise me whether this is mathematically correct to calculate a polynomial function from the three functions and the percentages? Is there anywhere a law or calculation rules regarding this what I have done (calculation of polynomial functions)? I would like to be able to to cite source from a book to back up my calculation.

Sorry for the long-winded question!
Kind regards

I don't think you need a reference for that. It's just straight percentages. You have for the mixture:

[tex]m=0.1 w+0.1 t+0.8 p[/tex]


[tex]w=a_1 x^2+a_2 x+a_3[/tex]
[tex]t=b_1 x^2+b_2 x+b_3[/tex]
[tex]p=c_1 x^2+c_2 x+c_3[/tex]

plug all that in and you get the same thing you wrote above.
  • #3
Well, you have the absorbance and you want the moisture content, right? So, let's say for each material (wood, textiles, pvc, etc) there is a function [itex]f_{m}(x) = y[/itex] where [itex]x[/itex] is the absorbance and [itex]y[/itex] is the moisture content and [itex]m[/itex] is the material type. Then, your polynomials [itex]p_{m}[/itex] are approximations to the actual functions. That is [itex]f_m(x)\simeq p_m(x)[/itex]. Now, say you have a material that is 10% wood, 10% textiles, 80% PVC. If it is correct that the moisture content of this sample is given by [itex].1f_{wood}(x) + .2f_{textiles}(x) + .8f_{pvc}(x)[/itex] then the polynomial apporximation that you have given is correct. But, I think it would be best if you were able to calibrate the equipment with mixtures of materials. That is, instead of being a function that takes absorbance and spits out moisture content, make a function that takes absorbance, %wood, %textiles, %pvc and spits out moisture content. I'm away from my normal computer so I don't have excel, but I think this is something that can be done in excel.
  • #4
Thanks for the feedback!

@Robert1986, I do intend on calibrating the scanner for a typical mixture of
materials. I will then compare the results with a calculated calibration. If it
works well I plan to write a small program that allows the operator to enter the
composition of the sample so that a calibration is calculated in real time which
wold be advantageous as the calibration process can take a week or more due to
the necessity of drying samples etc.

Related to Calculate a polynomial function from other polynomial functions

1. What is a polynomial function?

A polynomial function is a mathematical function that is defined as a combination of one or more terms, where each term is a constant multiplied by one or more variables raised to a non-negative integer power. It is written in the form of f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a1x + a0, where an, an-1, ..., a1, and a0 are constants and x is the variable.

2. How do you calculate a polynomial function from other polynomial functions?

To calculate a polynomial function from other polynomial functions, you can use the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. First, combine like terms and simplify the expression. Then, use the properties of exponents to simplify the powers. Finally, determine the coefficients of the resulting polynomial function.

3. Can you provide an example of calculating a polynomial function from other polynomial functions?

Yes, for example, if we have the polynomial functions f(x) = 2x3 + 5x2 - 3x + 2 and g(x) = 3x2 - x + 1, we can calculate a new polynomial function h(x) by adding and subtracting these two functions. This would result in h(x) = 2x3 + 8x2 - 2x + 3.

4. What are some real-life applications of polynomial functions?

Polynomial functions have various real-life applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science. They are used to model and solve problems involving motion, growth and decay, optimization, and data analysis.

5. Are there any limitations to using polynomial functions for calculations?

Yes, there are some limitations to using polynomial functions for calculations. Some equations cannot be represented by a polynomial function, and some problems cannot be solved using polynomial functions. Additionally, as the degree of the polynomial function increases, it becomes more complex and difficult to solve.

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