Can Rediscovering Curiosity Help Achieve Academic Dreams?

  • Thread starter johncena
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In summary: It sounds like you're not getting enough sleep. You need at least 7 hours of sleep a day to stay healthy and focused.
  • #1
I'm afraid whether this place is best to post my question.But i need a help as soon as possible.At first,i was very curious to know things or to investigate more about the world. Studying was not at all a burden for me. It was almost a spontanoeus process that i used to read books and i didn't even think about memorizing. Board exams was not at all a problem for me. I used to score almost full marks everytime and i did the problems in my own way. At this time, i hardly went to school. And honestly i didn't like going to school from my childhood.
Going to school or listening the classes destroyed my interest in studies Because in schools you don't need to understand the theorems you just need to "byheart" or study it by any "interesting" meathods, and they take the classes in that way. But 80% attendance is a must to write the final exam so i can't take leaves any more. So i have been going to school regulaly for 2 months and it has effected me a lot. I have lost interest in doing everything(even playing computer games ). And this is destroying my dreams to become an IITian. But i just can't give up.
What is the solution to this?
How can i get back my curiosity ?
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  • #2
find an interesting project -> study the requisite subjects in order to move forward with said project -> repeat as needed
  • #3
johncena said:
How can i get back my curiosity ?
Why do you want to know?
  • #4
johncena said:
I'm afraid whether this place is best to post my question.But i need a help as soon as possible.At first,i was very curious to know things or to investigate more about the world. Studying was not at all a burden for me. It was almost a spontanoeus process that i used to read books and i didn't even think about memorizing. Board exams was not at all a problem for me. I used to score almost full marks everytime and i did the problems in my own way. At this time, i hardly went to school. And honestly i didn't like going to school from my childhood.
Going to school or listening the classes destroyed my interest in studies Because in schools you don't need to understand the theorems you just need to "byheart" or study it by any "interesting" meathods, and they take the classes in that way. But 80% attendance is a must to write the final exam so i can't take leaves any more. So i have been going to school regulaly for 2 months and it has effected me a lot. I have lost interest in doing everything(even playing computer games ). And this is destroying my dreams to become an IITian. But i just can't give up.
What is the solution to this?
How can i get back my curiosity ?

It sounds like you're burned out. Even though you have a difficult goal you're trying to achieve, you still need to take breaks.

How much are you sleeping?
  • #5

I understand the importance of curiosity in driving our desire to learn and discover new things. It is concerning to hear that you have lost your curiosity and interest in learning due to the way education is being approached in your school. It is important to remember that education is not just about memorizing information, but also about understanding and critically thinking about the concepts being taught.

One solution to getting back your curiosity could be to find alternative ways to learn and explore your interests outside of school. This could include reading books, watching documentaries, attending workshops or seminars, or even conducting your own experiments at home. By taking charge of your own learning, you may find that your curiosity and passion for knowledge will be reignited.

Additionally, it may be worth talking to your teachers or school administrators about your concerns and how the current teaching methods are affecting your interest in learning. They may be open to incorporating more interactive and engaging methods into their lessons, which could help you regain your curiosity.

Lastly, it is important to remember that your dreams and aspirations should not be solely dependent on your performance in school. While it is important to do well academically, it is also important to have a well-rounded life and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Perhaps finding a balance between school and your other interests could help you regain your curiosity and motivation.

In conclusion, I encourage you to actively seek out new ways to learn and explore your interests, communicate your concerns with your teachers, and find a balance between school and other activities. With determination and a positive attitude, I have no doubt that you can get back your curiosity and achieve your dreams.

Related to Can Rediscovering Curiosity Help Achieve Academic Dreams?

1. How can I regain my curiosity?

To regain your curiosity, try exposing yourself to new experiences and ideas, asking questions, and actively seeking out knowledge and information. You can also try engaging in activities that spark your interest and challenge your thinking.

2. Why do I feel like I've lost my curiosity?

There could be several reasons for feeling like you've lost your curiosity. It could be due to a lack of stimulation and new experiences, a busy or routine lifestyle, or feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. It's important to identify the root cause to effectively regain your curiosity.

3. Can curiosity be learned?

Yes, curiosity can be learned and cultivated. It is a mindset and a skill that can be developed through practice and intentional effort. By actively seeking out new experiences and information, asking questions, and being open-minded, you can enhance your curiosity.

4. How can curiosity benefit me?

Curiosity has many benefits, both personally and professionally. It can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. It can also improve relationships and help you to continuously learn and grow.

5. What can I do to stay curious?

To stay curious, make it a habit to continuously seek out new experiences, learn new things, and challenge your thinking. Surround yourself with curious and open-minded individuals, and always be willing to ask questions and explore new ideas and perspectives.

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