Chemical Reaction to pulverize Aluminum?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of separating aluminum atoms through chemical reactions and methods, such as electrolysis and ball milling. It is stated that aluminum oxide is always present and difficult to remove, and that a ball mill with charcoal powder can prevent the formation of the oxide layer. It is also mentioned that reducing aluminum oxide without melting aluminum is technically possible but challenging.
  • #1
I'm trying to think of a way to take a piece of aluminum foil and chemical separate the atoms 1 by 1.

I was originally thinking of trying some sort of Electrolysis type reaction by turning the Aluminum into Aluminum Oxide... though I'm still searching for the chemical reaction/method to remove the oxide from the aluminum, resulting the Oxygen and Aluminum to split, therefor aluminum powder.

I know reversal of rust is possible with electrolysis but I'm not sure on the chemical reactions that take place.

Is there any chemical way of atomizing/pulverizing Aluminum or any other metals without grinding them?
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  • #2
Google for methods of nanoparticles production. No idea if you will find something about aluminum, but there are some general approaches that work for many other substances.
  • #3
Will look into it. I'm not specifically looking for nano particle dust... just fine dust... I've seen people grind it in blenders from Aluminum Foil but many times they report that it clogged and broke the blender.. which I would rather not do :P.

Any potential non-chemical(that won't break the blender :P) methods for pulverizing Foil are welcome also :).
  • #4
individual aluminum atoms could never work. There is always a layer of aluminum oxide that is a couple atoms think surrounding it. If you want powdered aluminum, your best bet is a ball mill. Thats really the only practical way of doing it. Aluminum oxide is not going to want to go back to aluminum. The temperatures that would be generated from electrolysis would melt it anyway. Chemical means would melt it. I've done so much research. A ball mill is the only way to go. If you do decide to go with the ball mill, put a tablespoon of charcoal powder in with it. It coats the aluminum and prevents the oxide layer from forming.
  • #5
samblohm said:
There is always a layer of aluminum oxide that is a couple atoms think surrounding it.

To some extent - yes. Unless you keep the aluminum in a dry, inert atmosphere (not an easy task).

Aluminum oxide is not going to want to go back to aluminum.

Huh? Just a moment ago you wrote Al is always covered with oxides, now you write oxide doesn't want to cover Al?

The temperatures that would be generated from electrolysis would melt it anyway. Chemical means would melt it.

What would melt what? Metal? That requires 660 deg C, not a temperature that you see every day. Oxide? That requires several thousands of deg C, even less likely to obtain.

If you do decide to go with the ball mill, put a tablespoon of charcoal powder in with it. It coats the aluminum and prevents the oxide layer from forming.

I doubt, as long as there is oxygen present, aluminum will get oxidized immediately.
  • #6
I meant that Aluminum oxide is not going to want to give up its oxygen and turn back into aluminum metal. It would require a lot of energy. The amount of energy required would melt the aluminum so chemical means would just fuse the aluminum together. Same with electrolysis.
  • #7
OK, I understand what you meant. But your conclusion is wrong. Technically speaking it should be possible to reduce aluminum oxide without melting aluminum, amount of energy doesn't determine temperature in which process takes place. It happens that best processes we know for aluminum reduction do require high temperatures, but for reasons other than amount of energy involved.

Related to Chemical Reaction to pulverize Aluminum?

1. What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances (reactants) are converted into different substances (products). This conversion involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds between atoms.

2. How does pulverizing aluminum affect its chemical properties?

Pulverizing aluminum, or grinding it into a fine powder, exposes more surface area of the metal to the surrounding environment. This increases the likelihood of a chemical reaction occurring, as the reactive surface area is larger.

3. What kind of chemical reaction takes place when aluminum is pulverized?

When aluminum is pulverized, it undergoes an oxidation reaction with the oxygen in the air. This results in the formation of aluminum oxide, a white powdery substance.

4. Can pulverized aluminum spontaneously combust?

Yes, pulverized aluminum can spontaneously combust if it is in contact with a strong oxidizing agent, such as potassium permanganate or potassium chlorate. This is because the fine powder has a large surface area and is highly reactive, leading to a rapid and exothermic reaction.

5. Is there a safe way to handle and store pulverized aluminum?

Yes, it is important to handle and store pulverized aluminum in a dry and well-ventilated area to reduce the risk of spontaneous combustion. It should also be kept away from strong oxidizing agents and heat sources. When handling, it is recommended to wear protective gear and avoid inhaling the powder.

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