Did I Ace the Color Vision Test?

In summary, the conversation is about a color hue test that many people have taken, with varying results. Some found it easy and got a high score, while others struggled and got a lower score. The conversation also discusses factors that may have affected the results, such as test conditions and monitor differences. Many people also shared their personal experiences and techniques for taking the test. Overall, the conversation highlights the subjectivity and difficulty of color perception.
  • #1
Gold Member

I thought I got perfect. I am aghast to find I did poorly.

I'm gonig to blame it on test conditions. I'll try it again under proper lighting and viewing conditions.
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  • #2
I got a 15. What did you get? Surprisingly, I did poorest in the blue green range which is the part I found easiest.
  • #3
I got a 12, which I guess is ok...
  • #4
Men are suppose to have a much harder time than women distinguishing between blue and green. Also, this test is pretty bogus since the hue depends on your monitor and your VGA hardware. Especially if your still running a CRT.
  • #5
I got a 3 and was completely shocked that I faired this poorly (the first two replies led me to believe that the test was out of 20). But then I read how the thing was actually scored... :smile:
  • #6
I got 79! I must be blind..
  • #7
i got a 7 :D
  • #8
Topher925 said:
Also, this test is pretty bogus since the hue depends on your monitor and your VGA hardware. Especially if your still running a CRT.

True, but keep in mind, this test doesn't depend on the absolute value of the colours, merely on the relative value. That'll be less subject to monitor nuances.
  • #9
Your score: 8
FM Hue Test Results

A lot better than I expected.
  • #10
i got a 20. i did surprisingly well on the last one, which is the one i found to have the greatest difficulty.
  • #11
Your score: 0
Gender: Male

I am going to have my wife take this test. She is always telling me I am color blind about clothes :cool:
  • #12
I got a 16, I thought I did better than that. Looking at the spectra now, I can see errors.

When I was doing the first one, it made my eyes all weird. The colors were changing and the blocks looked like their sides were all crooked.


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  • #13
Phew. OK, test conditions do make a diff.

Last night, at midnight, on my laptop, in my dim living room, I scored a whopping 87 or so.

Today, at work, I scored 3 (I've always known I had excellent colour sensitivity). And I didn't spend any longer on it today.
  • #14
My best effort was an 89. poo.
  • #15

don't really what that means!

It looked like an application of sorting algorithms. I used quick sort!
  • #16
I took one look and gave up.

Give me a number sequence any day!
  • #17
4, in a dark room after a few glasses of red. Will try again tomorrow when I'm awake. I can see how you can get one or two in the wrong order, but I'm amazed how many people are challenged by this.
  • #18
I got a 4. Now my eyes hurt!
  • #19
I went back and did it. Got a 4! I'm as surprised as anyone. My eyes are also bugging out now. I took a while, though, flipping each tile back and forth with the adjacent ones.

I found that if you look a little off to the side, like looking for a faint star, I could determine the colors better. My center of vision started to jitter around on me.
  • #20
The first few are pretty easy to place. I found when I was nearing the completion of a row that it helped to back up a bit and scan the row. The mismatched hues seemed to jump right out.

I got a perfect score of 0. It must have been from shopping for paint with my wife all of these years :cool: I would hate to see an electrical control panel that uses those color hues.
  • #21
I got an 81 and I'm not doing that damn test again.

I'm not surprised I did poorly - my dad is severely color blind. I got one of my X chromosomes from him, you know.
  • #22
Personally, I think it is as much a test of bloody-headed persistence as it is of colour acuity...
  • #23
so i guess a 144 must be bad huh..
  • #24
DaveC426913 said:
Personally, I think it is as much a test of bloody-headed persistence as it is of colour acuity...

roger that.
  • #25
10 didnt think I'd do so well.
  • #26
I got an 8. Not too bad for an old fart.
  • #27
Oerg said:
so i guess a 144 must be bad huh..

What? Did you just click submit without doing anything??
  • #28
anirudh215 said:
What? Did you just click submit without doing anything??
Actually, worst scores are in the 1000's.
  • #29
Sucked pretty bad, about a 15... but I knew going in I have a hard time with hues that are close together...On the other hand I work with a guy who would have spent 2-3 hours trying to get it absolutely perfect and would have gotten about a 1-2...

I worked it on a different computer and monitor and got a different score than above...
  • #30
I went back to the test (tired from yard-work, and with a bit more patience), took a few extra seconds flipping close ones and got a perfect score. I know that the human eye can judge some pretty subtle differences in color, but perhaps the most trained set of eyes I know of belong to a specialist with a high-speed offset printer here in Central Maine. He was the one who visited to calibrate the monitors in our graphics department so that what our photographers and our graphics-layout people saw on their monitors matched what the printers' people would see. Interestingly, the printers refused to take responsibility for color-matching if we used solid-state monitors - we had to use high-end CRTs.
  • #31
I got a 4. Thought I was perfect.
  • #32
23 here.

DaveC426913 said:
Actually, worst scores are in the 1000's.

I'll bet those are bogus or random, or people deliberately trying to get it wrong. Note the final score page considers 99 to be high.
  • #33
I took it again and got an 8 and I can't figure out what I got wrong.
  • #34
Chi Meson said:
I found that if you look a little off to the side, like looking for a faint star, I could determine the colors better. My center of vision started to jitter around on me.
I found the same thing. Scanning up and down the row just above or below it, without actually focusing on the row, seemed to make the odd balls jump out. I got a 3. :blushing:
  • #35
That's weird, I thought the look-to-the-side trick worked only for night time (non-color) vision. Color receptors are densest in the center of the field of vision ... I think.

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