Does vacuum energy gravitate and cause the universe to accelerate?

In summary, vacuum energy gravitates and contributes to the space-time curvature. Pressure affects the equation of state for dark energy and can result in an accelerating or decelerating universe.
  • #1
I was wondering, since vacuum energy is supposed to have some energy density,according to standard comology equating it to dark energy and cosmological constant , does this energy gravitate? I mean it looks like according to GR its stress-energy tensor with negative pressure should generate some curvature in the metric tensor, is this what is meant when is said to be gravitationally repulsive?
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  • #2
This is a good question. When considering if the universe is flat, hyperbolic or hyperspherical you only need to consider the density, the critical density being expressed as-

[tex]\rho_{c}=\frac{3H^2}{8\pi G}[/tex]

where for a flat universe [itex]\rho/\rho_c=1[/itex], less and the universe is hyperbolic, more and the universe is hyperspherical.

Normally, based on regular matter with an equation of state of 0, [itex]\rho/\rho_c=1[/itex] would halt the expansion of the universe but if we include for dark energy with an eos of -1, then the critical density can imply a flat but accelerating universe, the algebraic form for gravity in GR expressed as-

[tex]\rho+3P/c^2=\rho_m+\rho_\Lambda+3(-\rho_\Lambda c^2)/c^2=\rho_m-2 \rho_\Lambda[/tex]

where [itex]\rho_m[/itex] is baryonic & dark matter, [itex]\rho_\Lambda[/itex] is dark energy and [itex]P=w\rho c^2[/itex] where w is eos.

Based on the above, for a static universe, the following should apply-


which based on current observations isn't the case ([itex]\rho_\Lambda[/itex] being estimated as being considerably greater than [itex]\rho_m[/itex]), so it's my understanding that while the EFE, taking into account pressure in the [itex]T_{\mu\nu}[/itex] component would imply an accelerating universe, the critical density (not taking into account pressure) equation implies a flat one.
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  • #3
TrickyDicky said:
I was wondering, since vacuum energy is supposed to have some energy density,according to standard comology equating it to dark energy and cosmological constant , does this energy gravitate? I mean it looks like according to GR its stress-energy tensor with negative pressure should generate some curvature in the metric tensor, is this what is meant when is said to be gravitationally repulsive?
Yes, vacuum energy absolutely gravitates, and contributes to the space-time curvature. If we had the same expansion rate, and the same amount of normal/dark matter, but no dark energy, then we would have negative spatial curvature at present.
  • #4
Hi, stevedb1
I follow your reasoning up to this last statement
stevebd1 said:
it's my understanding that while the EFE, taking into account pressure in the [itex]T_{\mu\nu}[/itex] component would imply an accelerating universe, the critical density (not taking into account pressure) equation implies a flat one.
Do you mean that in your opinion,taking into account pressure, a flat universe shouldn't be an accelerating universe? or maybe I misunderstood this last part?
  • #5
Hi TrickyDicky

TrickyDicky said:
Do you mean that in your opinion,taking into account pressure, a flat universe shouldn't be an accelerating universe? or maybe I misunderstood this last part?

I'm saying that a flat universe can be an accelerating universe if you take into account pressure.
  • #6
stevebd1 said:
Hi TrickyDicky
I'm saying that a flat universe can be an accelerating universe if you take into account pressure.
Ok, I see.

Do you agree with chalnoth that the vacuum energy generates gravitational field?
  • #7
TrickyDicky said:
Do you agree with chalnoth that the vacuum energy generates gravitational field?

A negative one, hence the acceleration.
  • #8
Here's a few useful equations that demonstrate a flat and accelerating universe-

Friedmann equation-

[tex]H^2=\left(\frac{\dot{a}}{a}\right)^2=\frac{8\pi G}{3}\rho-\frac{kc^2}{a^2}+\frac{\Lambda c^2}{3}[/tex]

Friedmann acceleration equation-

[tex]\dot{H}+H^2=\frac{\ddot{a}}{a}=-\frac{4\pi G}{3}\left(\rho+\frac{3P}{c^2}\right)+\frac{\Lambda c^2}{3}[/tex]

where [itex]P[/itex] is pressure.

Both equations can be rewritten where-

[tex]\rho'\Rightarrow \rho_m+\frac{\Lambda c^2}{8\pi G}=(\rho_m+\rho_\Lambda)[/tex]

[tex]P'\Rightarrow P_m-\frac{\Lambda c^4}{8\pi G}=(P_m-P_\Lambda)[/tex]

where the equation of state for dark energy is [itex]w=-1[/itex] and for ordinary and dark matter, [itex]w=0[/itex].

Friedmann equation becomes-

[tex]H^2=\frac{8\pi G}{3}\rho'-\frac{kc^2}{a^2}[/tex]

which reduces to the critical density equation when [itex]k=0[/itex].

Friedmann acceleration equation becomes-

[tex]\dot{H}+H^2=-\frac{4\pi G}{3}\left(\rho'+\frac{3P'}{c^2}\right)[/tex]

which would normally show that both energy density and pressure would cause a deceleration in the expansion of the universe though the inclusion of the cosmological constant (or dark energy or vacuum energy) means the universe accelerates.


where q is the deceleration parameter-


where [itex]w=P'/(\rho'c^2)[/itex], the equation of state of the universe.
..A value of q greater than 0.5 indicates that the expansion is decelerating quickly enough for the universe eventually to collapse. A value less than 0.5 indicates that the expansion will continue for ever. In models with a cosmological constant, q can even be negative, indicating an accelerated expansion, as in the inflationary universe.
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Related to Does vacuum energy gravitate and cause the universe to accelerate?

1. What is vacuum energy and how does it differ from normal energy?

Vacuum energy is a type of energy that exists in a vacuum, which is a space devoid of matter. It is also known as the zero-point energy because it is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system can possess. It differs from normal energy in that it is not associated with any physical particles or interactions, and it has a constant value regardless of the presence of matter or radiation.

2. What are the properties of vacuum energy?

Vacuum energy has several important properties, including its constant value in empty space, its ability to contribute to the expansion of the universe, and its role in the Casimir effect, which is the attractive force between two uncharged parallel plates in a vacuum. It also has the ability to create virtual particles, which are pairs of particles and antiparticles that briefly exist due to the uncertainty principle.

3. How is vacuum energy related to the concept of dark energy?

Vacuum energy is closely related to the concept of dark energy, which is believed to be the force behind the accelerated expansion of the universe. Some theories propose that vacuum energy is the source of dark energy, while others suggest that it is a manifestation of dark energy. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between the two.

4. Can vacuum energy be harnessed for practical use?

At this time, vacuum energy cannot be harnessed for practical use. While it is a fundamental part of the universe, its extremely low energy density and constant value make it difficult to manipulate and extract for practical applications. However, scientists continue to explore potential ways to harness vacuum energy in the future.

5. How does vacuum energy impact our understanding of the universe?

Vacuum energy plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, particularly in the fields of quantum mechanics and cosmology. It helps to explain the behavior of particles and the expansion of the universe, and it also provides insight into the nature of space and time. Ongoing research on vacuum energy will continue to shape our understanding of the universe and its fundamental properties.

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