Elastic Collision with 2 Carts

In summary, Homework Equations state that: -The Conservation of Momentum Theorm states that the sum of the masses of two objects after they collide is the same as the original masses of the two objects. -If one object is lighter, they will move off in the same direction. -If one object is heavier, the lighter object will bounce back.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There are two carts, A and B, they hit each other and bounce off (Elastic)
Here is what is given: vi=0
Mass of A=.8kg I call it Ma
Mass of B=1.6 kg I call it Mb
Vbo=1.0 m/s
vfb=.3 m/s

Homework Equations

conservation of Momentum I have p1 = p2 Ma Vai + Mb Vbi = Ma Vaf + Mbf Vbf The question is what is Vf on cart a? I do not know what to do after the conservation of momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

The question is what is Vf on cart a?

conservation of Momentum I have p1 = p2 Ma Vai + Mb Vbi = Ma Vaf + Mbf Vbf I do not know what to do after the conservation of momentum
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  • #2
Is this correct?

Ma Vao + Mb Vbo = MaVaf + Mbf Vbf

.8 Vao + 1.6 Vbo = .8 Vaf + 1.6 Vbf

.8 + 0 + 1.6 (1) = .8 Vaf + 1.6 (.3)

1.6 (.7) = .8 Vaf

Vaf= sqrt 2.07

Vaf= 1.4 m/s ?
  • #3
This is a bit confusing because you keep changing the names of the variables. In particular, what are Vbo and vib? Seem like they should be the same thing (original = initial?), but you quote different values for them.
And why do you take sqrt at the end?
  • #4
They are the same and I don't know
  • #5
Ma Vao + Mb Vbo = MaVaf + Mbf Vbf this is the same as Ma Vai + Mb Vbi = Ma Vaf + Mbf Vbf and I haven't changed the values, they are still Here is what is given: vi=0
Mass of A=.8kg I call it Ma
Mass of B=1.6 kg I call it Mb
Vbo=1.0 m/s
vfb=.3 m/s
  • #6
SherBear said:
Ma Vao + Mb Vbo = MaVaf + Mbf Vbf this is the same as Ma Vai + Mb Vbi = Ma Vaf + Mbf Vbf and I haven't changed the values, they are still Here is what is given: vi=0
Mass of A=.8kg I call it Ma
Mass of B=1.6 kg I call it Mb
Vbo=1.0 m/s
vfb=.3 m/s
So Vbo and Vbi mean the same, but what is vib (which has a different value)? And is vfb the same as Vbf? If not, please define all the variables.
  • #7
typo vib=0 is Vao = 0, because initially it is at rest
  • #8
I have it figured out, I will post what I have after school
  • #9
Before the crash, Cart A is at rest and cart B is on the right side moving toward cart A. (moving toward cart A negatively)

After the crash, Cart A would be moving to the left if cart B crashed into it, and cart B would bounce off and move the other way to the right?

Taking the Conservation of Momentum Theorm

Ma(Vao) + Mb (Vbo) = Ma(Vaf) + Mb(Vbf)

.8kg + 0 + 1.6 kg (-1.0 m/s) = .8 (Vaf) + 1.6 kg (.3 m/s)

Vaf = .8kg + 0 + 1.6 kg (-1.0 m/s) / .8 kg + 1.6 kg (.3 m/s)

Vaf= -0.625 m/s ?
  • #10
SherBear said:
Before the crash, Cart A is at rest and cart B is on the right side moving toward cart A. (moving toward cart A negatively)

After the crash, Cart A would be moving to the left if cart B crashed into it, and cart B would bounce off and move the other way to the right?

Taking the Conservation of Momentum Theorm
It's not a theorem, it's a law.
Ma(Vao) + Mb (Vbo) = Ma(Vaf) + Mb(Vbf)

.8kg + 0 + 1.6 kg (-1.0 m/s) = .8 (Vaf) + 1.6 kg (.3 m/s)
How did "Ma(Vao) " become ".8kg + 0"?
Also, you originally gave Vbo as 1m/s and Vbf as .3 m/s. Having arranged the model with B on the positive axis side of A, you've found it necessary to make Vbo negative, but you haven't changed the sign of Vbf. I think you'll find that will mean the system actually gained energy!
  • #11

When two things collide and are elastic do they go separate ways if elastic or the same way? That's why I didn't make .3 m/s negative.
  • #12
SherBear said:
When two things collide and are elastic do they go separate ways if elastic or the same way? That's why I didn't make .3 m/s negative.
Whether you should have made the .3m/s negative depends on the information provided. You were given two speeds with the same sign. If no direction was specified you should assume they were in the same direction, so if you flip the sign of one you must flip that of the other.
But to answer your question, it depends on the relative masses. If momentum and energy are both conserved, and one object starts at rest:
- if the rest object is the lighter (the case we have here), they will move off in the same direction.
- if the rest object is heavier, the lighter object will bounce back
- if equal in mass, the impacting object will come to rest.
  • #13
Ok I understand. Thank you for all your time and patience. =-)

Related to Elastic Collision with 2 Carts

1. What is an elastic collision?

An elastic collision is a type of collision where the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved. This means that the total energy before the collision is equal to the total energy after the collision.

2. How is the velocity of each cart affected in an elastic collision?

In an elastic collision, the velocity of each cart is affected by the mass and velocity of the other cart. The lighter cart will experience a larger change in velocity compared to the heavier cart, but the final velocities of both carts will be equal and opposite after the collision.

3. What is the equation for calculating the final velocities in an elastic collision?

The equation for calculating the final velocities in an elastic collision is:

v1f = (m1 - m2)v1i / (m1 + m2)

v2f = (2m1)v1i / (m1 + m2)

Where v1f and v2f are the final velocities of the two carts, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two carts, and v1i is the initial velocity of the first cart.

4. Can an elastic collision occur between two objects of different masses?

Yes, an elastic collision can occur between two objects of different masses. In fact, the final velocities of the two objects will be different, with the lighter object experiencing a larger change in velocity compared to the heavier object.

5. How does an elastic collision differ from an inelastic collision?

An elastic collision differs from an inelastic collision in that in an inelastic collision, some kinetic energy is lost and the total energy of the system is not conserved. In an inelastic collision, the final velocities of the objects may also be different compared to an elastic collision where the final velocities are always equal and opposite.

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