Father puts .45 rounds into teenage girl's laptop

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In summary, a teenage girl wrote a rant about her parents on Facebook and tried to hide it from them, but her father found it and responded by destroying her laptop with a gun. The father's actions have sparked debate about appropriate parenting methods and the lessons being taught to the daughter.
  • #36
Evo said:
It wasn't public, she had everything set to "private", but he's in IT and he hacked into her computer and her FB page.

Private on Facebook? That's a bit of a joke.

Depends how many 'friends' she has on there and whether or not they are actually friends or just random people she met once at a party sort of thing. That is where private / public becomes sketchy.

Hacking is also a very misused word these days. Getting into Windows via the standard systems is hardly hacking - it's using a feature. And as for Facebook, it depends just how he got in. Storing passwords may be the answer.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
JaredJames said:
Private on Facebook? That's a bit of a joke.
Not quite, for quite some time now it's been possible to customise your privacy settings for how individuals and groups see your profile. So you can list certain people to see a very limited profile and list several close friends to see the full profile (these people are entirely unaware of this unless you tell them). According to the news report I saw earlier she had set the note to private to be viewed by a few friends and he saw it by logging onto her facebook through her laptop.

The Huffington Post has a good review of the affair IMO
  • #38
I for one think the whole video is fake.

It's just the type of thing that would get all the 30+ on the internet riled up over how easy kids have it these days, and likewise, it's the type of thing that kids these days are dying to post on their facebook page.
  • #39
Listening to that letter, I'd have shot it too.
  • #40
QuarkCharmer said:
I for one think the whole video is fake.

I don't think so.
The way he loses command of his language every now and then, trembling while regaining control, looks very genuine.
  • #41
If he really wanted to make a point, he should have given her a 386 and a dial-up connection.

Give her the gun and she'd shoot the damned thing herself before long.
  • #42
Ivan Seeking said:
If he really wanted to make a point, he should have given her a 386 and a dial-up connection.

Give her the gun and she'd shoot the damned thing herself before long.

Once upon a time a 386 and a dial-up connection were the greatest things around.
Now people only want to shoot it!? ;)
What's happening to respect for the old?
  • #43
I wish I could afford to trash a computer. I wouldn't do it, I just wish I could afford it.
  • #44
I like Serena said:
Once upon a time a 386 and a dial-up connection were the greatest things around.
Now people only want to shoot it!? ;)
What's happening to respect for the old?

True, we need to go back to simpler times like when everyone wanted a spacepen and space ice cream and the russians used a pencil and did without the ice cream.

I miss my sliderule. It was so much faster, roughly accurate to 2 or 3 digits, no batteries, would work in all climates (never tested it in the arctic) and all errors were user errors.
  • #45
I do agree he would have been better off giving the laptop to charity that way his daughter couldn't hold it against him as easily plus it's a terrible waste in my opinion as he will probably end up having to buy a new one for her eventually actually that's probably the only way he will save face here now that it's national news. I also think he overreacted and that punishing her in such a public way is just going to reinforce her beliefs and possibly give the people listening to the claims reason to believe them or at least not say she's wrong to think that way.

What would you think of a parent shooting their childs teddy bear in the face in front of their kid? Because that's sort of what he did here.
  • #46
Containment said:
What would you think of a parent shooting their childs teddy bear in the face in front of their kid? Because that's sort of what he did here.

Most of the posts I'm all right with, but this paragraph is completely false. There's no comparison at all between a child's teddy bear and a 15-year-old brat's laptop that she's sending what I would consider abusive messages to the public on. None. Zip. Nada.
  • #47
The daughter seems to be growing up to be just what her father is teaching her to be by example.
  • #48
As a gun owner and a shooter, I'm pleased to see that he placed it properly on the ground and shot safely.
  • #49
Greatest father ever.

A lot of you are whining about the rather ingenius method he used to teach the child some respect, but let's get real. The girl clearly is completely irresponsible. Her irresponsibility this time cost her, apparently, $130 in software + $7 in bullets. In the real world, irresponsibility can cost you your job or, depending on what you do, other people's jobs or lives even.

Lesson, you have been learned.
  • #50
micromass said:
I actually laughed at that complete overreaction.

But anyways, I feel that that father has some skewed visions of parenting. Firstly, respect must be earned. If your daughter is disrespectful, then it is her choice. The parent shouldn't punish her for that.

That is absurd. I don't think any parent raising their child in the best way possible needs to earn the child's respect. Seriously? At 15, the parent still needs to earn the child's respect? Taking care of it and not allowing it to starve is good enough. The extras such as designer clothing and a laptop are not needed. That child can write on some old scratch paper to do its homework (like I did) or create its own file cabinet to store data it may need down the line. Cell phone with texting? Nope, can easily get a pre-paid phone for $20 w/out texting. The child needs to earn the parents respect, not the other way around.

The daughter is a spoiled brat, so I don't care that the father put a bullet through her laptop. At least she'll think twice or hide her insulting messages more securely next time she decides to go on a rant.
  • #51
phoenix:\\ said:
That is absurd. I don't think any parent raising their child in the best way possible needs to earn the child's respect. Seriously? At 15, the parent still needs to earn the child's respect? Taking care of it and not allowing it to starve is good enough. The extras such as designer clothing and a laptop are not needed. That child can write on some old scratch paper to do its homework (like I did) or create its own file cabinet to store data it may need down the line. Cell phone with texting? Nope, can easily get a pre-paid phone for $20 w/out texting. The child needs to earn the parents respect, not the other way around.

Earning respect does not equal buying designer clothing or laptop. I never said that.
But yes, a parent need to earn their child's respect. What do you think? That every child should automatically respect their parent? Note that the child never chose their parents, it were the parents that chose the child. I really don't see why a child should be forced to respect somebody.

The daughter is a spoiled brat, so I don't care that the father put a bullet through her laptop. At least she'll think twice or hide her insulting messages more securely next time she decides to go on a rant.

If the daughter is a spoiled brat, then maybe (highlight the word maybe) this is the fault of her parents?? They maybe raised her as a spoiled brat??
  • #52
Earning respect does not equal buying designer clothing or laptop. I never said that.

The line about the extras are just extraneous things that parents usually give as gifts so that the child can be happier. It is a form of love and in that same light should earn more respect from the child for the parent. The parent just doesn't give the child things for no particular reason. Gifts are a form of endearment of the child.

What do you think? That every child should automatically respect their parent? Note that the child never chose their parents, it were the parents that chose the child.

There is an apparent difference in "automatically respecting" and respecting those who've spent possible hundreds of thousands taking care of you from doctors appointments, dentists, and taking out extra cash to pay for further education (college), etc..., when really, they didn't have to in the first place. That entitles respect and the child not respecting the parent only means it doesn't respect what the parent has done for it. If the child doesn't like it, it can pave its own way in the world by supporting itself on its own dime.

If the daughter is a spoiled brat, then maybe (highlight the word maybe) this is the fault of her parents?? They maybe raised her as a spoiled brat??

They raised her the best way the could but like many other parents, they aren't perfect. The father just decided to teach her a lesson because she disrespected him.
  • #53
phoenix:\\ said:
The line about the extras are just extraneous things that parents usually give as gifts so that the child can be happier. It is a form of love and in that same light should earn more respect from the child for the parent. The parent just doesn't give the child things for no particular reason. Gifts are a form of endearment of the child.

Gifts are endearment, but you shouldn't bribe your kids with gifts. Gifts are not a way to buy your childs love. You should earn your childs respect with a proper education and valuable lessons.
In a way, it's probably better if you teach your child to be happy without having to bribe them with gifts.

There is an apparent difference in "automatically respecting" and respecting those who've spent possible hundreds of thousands taking care of you from doctors appointments, dentists, and taking out extra cash to pay for further education (college), etc..., when really, they didn't have to in the first place. That entitles respect and the child not respecting the parent only means it doesn't respect what the parent has done for it. If the child doesn't like it, it can pave its own way in the world by supporting itself on its own dime.

Parents chose to have a child. They chose to give so much money to doctors appointments and dentist and so on. If they wouldn't do that, then they would be neglecting their children.
Children owe their parents nothing, since they never chose to be born to begin with. And a child should certainly not be automatically thankful because their parents pay for doctors appointments because it is the duty of the parent to provide such things.
They raised her the best way the could but like many other parents

And you know this how??

The father just decided to teach her a lesson because she disrespected him.

Yep, she taught her child that

1) Public humiliation is ok.

2) If you're bigger and stronger then the other person, then you should utilize that power.

3) It's ok to hurt the person who you're supposed to love

4) It's ok to totally disrespect personal property that is expensive and that other people can't afford

5) It's not ok to vent in private against your friends

6) It's ok to hack other people their facebook account

Hmmmm, I wonder where the child gets her morals from??
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  • #54
Gifts are endearment, but you shouldn't bribe your kids with gifts. Gifts are not a way to buy your childs love. You should earn your childs respect with a proper education and valuable lessons.
In a way, it's probably better if you teach your child to be happy without having to bribe them with gifts.

Not saying it is bribery, there is an obvious difference between the two. Giving a gift to a love one is not bribing that person to love him/her back. That is a misrepresentation of my post.

Parents chose to have a child. They chose to give so much money to doctors appointments and dentist and so on. If they wouldn't do that, then they would be neglecting their children.
Children owe their parents nothing, since they never chose to be born to begin with. And a child should certainly not be automatically thankful because their parents pay for doctors appointments because it is the duty of the parent to provide such things.

Not choosing to be born is a weak argument. The non-living have no voice in the matter of being born or not. To say they didn't choose to be born is like saying nonexistence is existence. It is a gross illogical argument to make.

The child being born and being able to conceptualize and form thoughts in the world is proof of its existence and want to remain vigilant and steadfast in the world of the living. The child doesn't decide it because it couldn't decide it as it didn't exist until the parents made it so.

Children owe their parents as much as the parents owe their children if they so choose to keep taking care of them. Reciprocity for those who take care of you should be greatly considered, and although you don't have to do the same in the matter, it is a common method between those with strong bonds between one another.

And you know this how??

I am assuming on that matter, so you can fault for it if you'd like, but your previous post will be thrown into question as well. "They obviously taught her to be that way", you don't know that as someone may just feel entitled. I've seen poor kids believe they were entitled to more than what they were given. Not everyone is the same given the specifics of the environment although it may contribute to portion of the personality development.

1) Public humiliation is ok.

Child publicly humiliated the parent.

2) If you're bigger and stronger then the other person, then you should utilize that power.

He didn't use strength in the matter. So that is an invalid point.

3) It's ok to hurt the person who you're supposed to love

Showing her how it feels to be humiliated in the public eye...? And do you know she's hurt?

4) It's ok to totally disrespect personal property that is expensive and that other people can't afford

What would you say if the father decided to give the laptop away to a person that couldn't afford it? Reason I am bringing this up is because your last point is irrelevant.
  • #55
Jimmy Snyder said:
I wish I could afford to trash a computer. I wouldn't do it, I just wish I could afford it.

I wanted to post exactly this. It must be nice to be so rich that the father can afford to just destroy a perfectly good laptop rather than sell it or give it to charity. Maybe for his next punishment he can burn his daughter's clothes in front of a homeless shelter.
  • #56
Facebook message from Tommy Jordan, the father mentioned in the OP title:

Media Response to Anita Li, from the Toronto Star

Since you took the time to email us with your requests like we asked, I’ll take the time to give you an honest follow-up response. You’ll have to forgive me for doing so publicly though; again I want to be sure my words are portrayed the way I actually say them, not cut together to make entirely different points.

Your questions were:
Q: Why did you decide to reprimand your daughter over a public medium like YouTube?

A: Well, I actually just had to load the video file itself on YouTube because it’s a better upload process than Facebook, but the intended audience was her Facebook friends and the parents of those friends who saw her post and would naturally assume we let our children get away with something like that. So, to answer “Why did you reprimand her over a public medium like Facebook” my answer is this: Because that’s how I was raised. If I did something embarrassing to my parents in public (such as a grocery store) I got my tail tore up right there in front of God and everyone, right there in the store. I put the reprisal in exactly the same medium she did, in the exact same manner. Her post went out to about 452 people. Mine went out to about 550 people… originally. I had no idea it would become what it did.

Q: How effective do you think your punishment was (i.e. shooting her laptop and reading her letter online)?

A: I think it was very effective on one front. She apparently didn’t remember being talked to about previous incidents, nor did she seem to remember the effects of having it taken away, nor did the eventual long-term grounding seem to get through to her. I think she thought “Well, I’ll just wait it out and I’ll get it back eventually.” Her behavior corrected for a short time, and then it went back to what it was before and worse. This time, she won’t ever forget and it’ll be a long time before she has an opportunity to post on Facebook again. I feel pretty certain that every day from then to now, whenever one of her friends mentions Facebook, she’ll remember it and wish she hadn’t done what she did.

The second lesson I want her to learn is the value of a dollar. We don’t give her everything she asks for, but you can all imagine what it’s like being the only grandchild and the first child. Presents and money come from all sides when you’re young. Most of the things she has that are “cool” were bought or gifted that way. She’s always asked for very few things, but they’re always high-dollar things (iPod, laptop, smartphone, etc). Eventually she gets given enough money to get them. That’s not learning the value of a dollar. Its knowing how to save money, which I greatly applaud in her, but it’s not enough. She wants a digital SLR camera. She wants a 22 rifle like mine. She wants a car. She wants a smart phone with a data package and unlimited texting. (I have to hear about that one every week!)

She thinks all these things are supposed to be given to her because she’s got parents. It’s not going to happen, at least not in our house. She can get a job and work for money just like everyone else. Then she can spend it on anything she wants (within reason). If she wants to work for two months to save enough to purchase a $1000 SLR camera with an $800 lens, then I can guarantee she’ll NEVER leave it outside at night. She’ll be careful when she puts it away and carries it around. She’ll value it much more because she worked so hard to get it. Instead, with the current way things have been given to her, she's on about her fourth phone and just expects another one when she breaks the one she has. She's not sorry about breaking it, or losing it, she's sorry only because she can't text her friends. I firmly believe she'll be a LOT more careful when she has to buy her own $299.00 Motorola Razr smartphone.

Until then, she can do chores, and lots and lots of them, so the people who ARE feeding her, clothing her, paying for all her school trips, paying for her musical instruments, can have some time to relax after they finish working to support her and the rest of the family. She can either work to make money on her own, or she will do chores to contribute around the house. She’s known all along that all she has to do is get a job and a lot of these chores will go away. But if you’re too lazy to work even to get things you want for yourself, I’m certainly not going to let you sit idly on your rear-end with your face glued to both the TV and Facebook for 5 to 6 hours per night. Those days are over.

Q: How did your daughter respond to the video and to what happened to her laptop?

A: She responded to the video with “I can’t believe you shot my computer!” That was the first thing she said when she found out about it. Then we sat and we talked for quite a long while on the back patio about the things she did, the things I did in response, etc.

Later after she’d had time to process it and I’d had time to process her thoughts on the matters we discussed, we were back to a semi-truce… you know that uncomfortable moment when you’re in the kitchen with your child after an argument and you’re both waiting to see which one’s going to cave in and resume normal conversation first? Yeah, that moment. I told her about the video response and about it going viral and about the consequences it could have on our family for the next couple of days and asked if she wanted to see some of the comments people had made. After the first few hundred comments, she was astounded with the responses.

People were telling her she was going to commit suicide, commit a gun-related crime, become a drug addict, drop out of school, get pregnant on purpose, and become a stripper because she’s too emotionally damaged now to be a productive member of society. Apparently stripper was the job-choice of most of the commenters. Her response was “Dude… it’s only a computer. I mean, yeah I’m mad but pfft.” She actually asked me to post a comment on one of the threads (and I did) asking what other job fields the victims of laptop-homicide were eligible for because she wasn’t too keen on the stripping thing.

We agreed we learned two collective lessons from this so far:

First: As her father, I’ll definitely do what I say I will, both positive and negative and she can depend on that. She no longer has any doubt about that.

Second: We have always told her what you put online can affect you forever. Years later a single Facebook/MySpace/Twitter comment can affect her eligibility for a good job and can even get her fired from a job she already has. She’s seen first-hand through this video the worst possible scenario that can happen. One post, made by her Dad, will probably follow him the rest of his life; just like those mean things she said on Facebook will stick with the people her words hurt for a long time to come. Once you put it out there, you can’t take it back, so think carefully before you use the internet to broadcast your thoughts and feelings.

Interesting, I'd say. Puts more perspective on the whole thing.
  • #57
phoenix:\\ said:
Not saying it is bribery, there is an obvious difference between the two. Giving a gift to a love one is not bribing that person to love him/her back. That is a misrepresentation of my post.

OK, if you shouldn't love someboyd because they give you a gift, why should you love them then?

Not choosing to be born is a weak argument. The non-living have no voice in the matter of being born or not. To say they didn't choose to be born is like saying nonexistence is existence. It is a gross illogical argument to make.

The child being born and being able to conceptualize and form thoughts in the world is proof of its existence and want to remain vigilant and steadfast in the world of the living. The child doesn't decide it because it couldn't decide it as it didn't exist until the parents made it so.

Indeed, so the parents made the choice. The child never chooses their parents and their environment, and therefore has no requirement to respect it.

The only one with a choice were the parents.

Children owe their parents as much as the parents owe their children if they so choose to keep taking care of them. Reciprocity for those who take care of you should be greatly considered, and although you don't have to do the same in the matter, it is a common method between those with strong bonds between one another.

I don't see why children would owe their parents. If the parents are worthy of respect, then I agree that they should get it. But not all parents are worthy of respect. For example: abusive parents, neglecting parents, alcoholic parents, etc. To say that you should respect your parents because they are your parents is just wrong.

I am assuming on that matter, so you can fault for it if you'd like, but your previous post will be thrown into question as well. "They obviously taught her to be that way"

I never said that. Please don't misquote what I said.

Child publicly humiliated the parent.

Yes, and that obviously made it right?? What next?? Children get to wear T-shirts saying "I disrespected my parents" or "I stole something"??

He didn't use strength in the matter. So that is an invalid point.

He didn't use his physical strength, but rather his mental strength. He knows the child can't do anything back to him.

Showing her how it feels to be humiliated in the public eye...? And do you know she's hurt?

I forgot to say in point 1 that the child never humiliated her dad in front of the public eye. She just sent a message to a few close friends. You never vented about your parents to your friends??

What would you say if the father decided to give the laptop away to a person that couldn't afford it? Reason I am bringing this up is because your last point is irrelevant.

I would be more ok with it, since that also teaches that charity is important in life. (I wouldn't be entirely ok with it, but it's an improvement as to what he did now)
  • #58
Char. Limit said:
Interesting, I'd say. Puts more perspective on the whole thing.

Yep, and he continues to trash his daughter in front of everybody.
  • #59
OK, if you shouldn't love someboyd because they give you a gift, why should you love them then?


Indeed, so the parents made the choice. The child never chooses their parents and their environment, and therefore has no requirement to respect it.

The only one with a choice were the parents.

What are you saying exactly? I don't feel battling around possible differing opinions on respect is good for this current argument, so I would need you to define what you think it is means to respect something.

I am taking respect as an act of abiding by the established rules and being courteous of one's feelings. The daughter broke those two tenets of respect (there is more to the definition though). The father doesn't have to respect the daughter either even if she didn't choose as she couldn't.

The daughter can choose her environment now though, she could very well ask for more independence via getting a job like the father wants her to do, but she doesn't. While she didn't decide to be born into it, she surely chose to stay within it.

I never said that. Please don't misquote what I said.

My mistake.

Yes, and that obviously made it right?? What next?? Children get to wear T-shirts saying "I disrespected my parents" or "I stole something"??

I personally would have taken a different approach to the situation but what is considered "right" is something I don't exactly judge when it concerns parenting. I get the point of view that he took, but I am not deciding whether it is right or wrong, I just don't care as I said before.

He didn't use his physical strength, but rather his mental strength. He knows the child can't do anything back to him.

She defied him plenty of times (as stated within the video), she can still defy him again if she so pleases. The rest is speculative on your part in which you told me to not to do, but you get to do it?

I forgot to say in point 1 that the child never humiliated her dad in front of the public eye. She just sent a message to a few close friends. You never vented about your parents to your friends??

Most children do it, but I never felt the need to do it. Don't have the best parents but I could have gotten worse parents than the ones that raised me.

But to respond to the "public" thing, can other children see it, do their parents also get to see the message, etc...? If so, then it is more local embarrassment as it seeps through the minds of other parents that their family is more dysfunctional and that in turn causes gossip. Of course, what the father did is on a whole other level of making my previous point irrelevant, but still, the initial situation is embarrassing. Obviously the father didn't care too much for the embarrassment so, I'll recede on that point (public humiliation).

I would be more ok with it, since that also teaches that charity is important in life. (I wouldn't be entirely ok with it, but it's an improvement as to what he did now)

Giving things away isn't exactly helping for a long term, it may gratify the present, but all in all, a laptop is useless to a person living rather below the mean average. They'd possibly end up selling it to keep their home afloat. Destroying the laptop is fine as long as he can afford it. If I burnt $1 million would you hate me for it? I am at a loss but you lost nothing, so it shouldn't matter to you what is done with property so as long as you don't own it. As for him "teaching" the daughter things, that has passed, he tried grounding her, didn't work obviously, she has her own mind and she will have to change herself, nothing more the father can do but to react in his mind.
  • #60
micromass said:
If the daughter is a spoiled brat, then maybe (highlight the word maybe) this is the fault of her parents?? They maybe raised her as a spoiled brat??
Obviously. Kids pick up on their parents' attitudes and values by osmosis, by being around them all day long for years. The behavior the Dad is protesting is behavior he and or the mother unwittingly taught her. It doesn't surprise me that a guy who responds to a problem like this with a .45 has a bratty daughter. What surprises me is that she's not much worse.
  • #61
Asta Lavista, Laptop.
  • #62
micromass said:
Indeed, so the parents made the choice. The child never chooses their parents and their environment, and therefore has no requirement to respect it.

I answered this exact point many posts back.

A parent chooses to have a child, correct. That parent then becomes bound to provide the legally acceptable minimum the child needs to survive. The child doesn't have to show any respect for them doing that.

It's all the other stuff, the 'added extras' that the child should respect the parent for. They can even be a sign of respect both ways (see previous post for that one).

The way you are going on, you'd think parents are supposed to supply many thousands of dollars of kit for their kids and the kids should just believe "yeah, you're my parents that's what your supposed to do". Utter non-sense - their not supposed to do anything of the sort.

No, you shouldn't bribe kids with presents. I know someone who did this for years and their kids are complete brats.
  • #63
micromass said:
I forgot to say in point 1 that the child never humiliated her dad in front of the public eye. She just sent a message to a few close friends. You never vented about your parents to your friends??

1. Do we know it was set so privately no one outside of the personal friends could see it?

2. She was still grounded for 3 months from the last time she slagged them off - circumstances around which we don't know where she did it - publicly or otherwise.
  • #64
There are too many unknowns to have an opinion on the incident.

As far as kids respecting their parents and vice versa goes, I don't think it should be a necessity.

Because a 15 year old might have unrealistic expectations from her parents. Imagine for example a child that, in order to respect her parents, expects from them to always buy her the things she asks and not do any chores around the house. Imagine also that (as many children do) she is set on her opinion no matter what. How can the parents earn her respect then? She shouldn't expect these things and respect or not, she will have to comply! Words can get you so far, after that its either the parents' way or the child's.

The only criterion of how good parenting was to a child is what she does when she grows up eventually. Maybe a little disrespecting isn't all that bad! Every child and every parent is special.
  • #65
zoobyshoe said:
Obviously. Kids pick up on their parents' attitudes and values by osmosis, by being around them all day long for years. The behavior the Dad is protesting is behavior he and or the mother unwittingly taught her. It doesn't surprise me that a guy who responds to a problem like this with a .45 has a bratty daughter. What surprises me is that she's not much worse.

I pretty much agree, although I have no problem whatsoever, with what he did. The only problem i see comes, IMO, when he publicly dissed his daughter to get even with her for dissing him publicly, seems hypocritical. On the other hand, one could say that he publicly dissed her to show her how it felt to be publicly dissed.

It reminds me of an old saying, by the time your bad enough to kick your fathers a**, you will have too much respect for him to ever think about doing it. Respect comes with time, during the teenage years it is hard to focus on the good, its easy to focus on the bad.
  • #66
Jasongreat said:
I pretty much agree, although I have no problem whatsoever, with what he did. The only problem i see comes, IMO, when he publicly dissed his daughter to get even with her for dissing him publicly, seems hypocritical. On the other hand, one could say that he publicly dissed her to show her how it felt to be publicly dissed.

It reminds me of an old saying, by the time your bad enough to kick your fathers a**, you will have too much respect for him to ever think about doing it. Respect comes with time, during the teenage years it is hard to focus on the good, its easy to focus on the bad.
Laws are different in different places. Here in San Diego discharging a firearm is illegal within the city limits except at a firing range. He would have been ticketed and the gun might have been confiscated. No one wants to live next to someone who shoots a gun off when he's ticked at his kids. It's on the psycho side. I know a guy who had the cops come over twice because he was in the back yard shooting at rattle snakes. His neighbors, quite rightly, called the cops. It turned out the guy was losing his mind - had a brain tumor. That's the feeling I would have about anyone who shot a gun off at home; there must be a screw loose.
  • #67
Both are wrong. You figure it out.
  • #68
cristycs said:
Both are wrong. You figure it out.

What a brilliant and totally enlightening post! Informative too.
  • #69
Char. Limit said:
What a brilliant and totally enlightening post! Informative too.

Well it is. A logical person should see it. (might need a bit of imagination to).

EDIT: hint "math" problem.
  • #70
cristycs said:
Both are wrong. You figure it out.

cristycs said:
Well it is. A logical person should see it. (might need a bit of imagination to).

EDIT: hint "math" problem.

Are we allowed to shoot you?

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