Noetherian Modules, Submodules and Factor Modules .... Problem/Exercise

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In summary, it has been shown that if $M$ is an R-module, $N$ is a submodule of $M$, and both $N$ and $M/N$ are noetherian, then $M$ is also noetherian. This is done by showing that $M$ is finitely generated by elements from $N$ and $M/N$, and using the fact that every submodule of a noetherian module is finitely generated. However, there may be some uncertainty in the proof regarding the specific steps taken to show that $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N \cap K$. Further clarification may be needed in this area.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member

\(\displaystyle M\) is an R-module.
\(\displaystyle N\) is a submodule of M.
\(\displaystyle N\) and \(\displaystyle M/N\) are Noetherian

Show that \(\displaystyle M\) is Noetherian ...


Progress so far ...Let \(\displaystyle K\) be a submodule of \(\displaystyle M\) ... must show \(\displaystyle K\) is fingen ...

Consider the mapping \(\displaystyle \pi \ : \ M \to M/N\) where \(\displaystyle \pi (x) = \overline{x}\)

We then have \(\displaystyle \pi (K) = K/N\) ... ... ... suspect \(\displaystyle K/N\) is fingen ... but how to prove that ... and indeed ... how would that help ... ?
Not sure of direction here ... but following hint from steenis ...
Consider \(\displaystyle x \in K\) ... then \(\displaystyle \overline{x} \in M/N\) ...

But ... \(\displaystyle M/N\) is fingen ... so \(\displaystyle \overline{x} = \sum \overline{ a_i } r_i\) where \(\displaystyle \overline{ a_i } \in M/N\) so that \(\displaystyle a_i \in M\) ...

Thus \(\displaystyle \overline{x} - \sum \overline{ a_i } r_i = \overline{ 0 } \)

Hence \(\displaystyle x - \sum a_i r_i \in N\) ... ... ... ... ... (1) ... ... (is this step correct?)[Now ... a bit lost in overall direction ... but will now attempt to show that that \(\displaystyle x - \sum a_i r_i \in K \cap N\) ... ] But it also follows that \(\displaystyle x \in K\) ...

... implies \(\displaystyle \overline{x} \in K/N\) ... and so \(\displaystyle \sum \overline{a_i} r_i \in K/N\)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow \sum a_i r_i \in K\) ... ... ... but how do I justify this ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K\) since \(\displaystyle K\) is submodule ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K \cap N\) ... ... see (1) above ...
Is the above correct ...?

I have been guided by hints from steenis but am lacking a clear overall strategy for the proof ...I suspect that \(\displaystyle K/N\) is fingen because \(\displaystyle K/N \subseteq M/N\) and we have that \(\displaystyle M/N\) is fingen .. and I suspect \(\displaystyle K \cap N\) is fingen because \(\displaystyle N\) is fingen ... BUT proofs ... ?

... also I suspect if we show \(\displaystyle K/N\) and \(\displaystyle K \cap N\) to be fingen then we can show that \(\displaystyle K\) is fingen ... but not sure how ,,,
Can someone clarify the above, correct any errors/weaknesses and indicate the way forward ...
Hope someone can help ...


A further thought ...

We have shown that \(\displaystyle x - \sum a_i r_i \in K \cap N\) ...

... and ...

because \(\displaystyle K \cap N \subseteq N\) and \(\displaystyle N\) is fingen we have that \(\displaystyle K \cap N\) is fingen ... ( it that sufficient for a proof ...? )

... hence ...

\(\displaystyle x - \sum a_i r_i = \sum b_i r'_i\) ...

so ... \(\displaystyle x = \sum a_i r_i + \sum b_i r'_i\) ...

that is \(\displaystyle K\) is finitely generated by \(\displaystyle a_1, a_2, \ ... \ ... \ , a_r, b_1, b_2, \ ... \ ... \ , b_s\) ... ...

so ... \(\displaystyle M\) is Noetherian ...
But do we need a more rigorous proof of the fact that \(\displaystyle K \cap N\) is fingen ...

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  • #2
You are ready, well done.

$M$ is a right $R$-module, $N \leq M$, $N$ and $M/N$ are noetherian. To prove: $M$ is noetherian,
We use that if every submodule of $M$ is fingen, then $M$ is noetherian.
Let $K \leq M$ be a submodule of $M$.
$N \cap K \leq N$, $N$ is noetherian, so $N \cap K$ is fingen, say $N \cap K = \langle b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$ (because every submodule of a noetherian module is fingen)
$M/N$ is noetherian, so it is fingen, say $M/N = \langle \bar{a_1}, \dots, \bar{a_r} \rangle$, $a_i \in M$

Take $x \in K$, then $\bar{x} = \Sigma \bar{a_i} r_i \in M/N$
It follows that $\bar{x} - \Sigma \bar{a_i} r_i = \bar{0}$ and $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N$
$x \in K$ thus $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N \cap K$

Therefore $x - \Sigma a_i r_i = \Sigma b_j s_j$, so $x = \Sigma a_i r_i + \Sigma b_j s_j$,
concluding that $K = \langle a_1, \dots, a_r, b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$ is fingen and $M$ is noetherian.

Dp you post this, in your own words, on PF to amaze them ?
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  • #3
steenis said:
You are ready, well done.

$M$ is a right $R$-module, $N \leq M$, $N$ and $M/N$ are noetherian. To prove: $M$ is noetherian,
We use that if every submodule of $M$ is fingen, then $M$ is noetherian.
Let $K \leq M$ be a submodule of $M$.
$N \cap K \leq N$, $N$ is noetherian, so $N \cap K$ is fingen, say $N \cap K = \langle b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$ (because every submodule of a noetherian module is fingen)
$M/N$ is noetherian, so it is fingen, say $M/N = \langle \bar{a_1}, \dots, \bar{a_r} \rangle$, $a_i \in M$

Take $x \in K$, then $\bar{x} = \Sigma \bar{a_i} r_i \in M/N$
It follows that $\bar{x} - \Sigma \bar{a_i} r_i = \bar{0}$ and $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N$
$x \in K$ thus $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N \cap K$

Therefore $x - \Sigma a_i r_i = \Sigma b_j s_j$, so $x = \Sigma a_i r_i + \Sigma b_j s_j$,
concluding that $K = \langle a_1, \dots, a_r, b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$ is fingen and $M$ is noetherian.

Dp you post this, in your own words, on PF to amaze them ?
Thanks steenis ... really neat proof ..

Just a clarification ...

I am still a bit puzzled as to how/why exactly $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N \cap K$

We have \(\displaystyle x \in K\) ... but don't we need to show somehow that \(\displaystyle \Sigma a_i r_i \in K\) ...
Can you help ...

  • #4
I am very embarrassed but I do not know. I took it for granted, but thinking about it I can not find it.

Maybe you have a point.

Do not ask mathwonk yet, I need som time to think about it, maybe we misread the post of mathwonk
  • #5
For now I think that we must not say that $N \cap K$ is fingen, but $N$ is fingen, because $N$ is noetherian. So let $N = \langle b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$.
$x - \Sigma a_j r_j \in N$ then $x - \Sigma a_i r_i = \Sigma b_j s_j$
$x = \Sigma a_i r_i + \Sigma b_j s_j$

Something like this ?
  • #6
steenis said:
I am very embarrassed but I do not know. I took it for granted, but thinking about it I can not find it.

Maybe you have a point.

Do not ask mathwonk yet, I need som time to think about it, maybe we misread the post of mathwonk
Is my reasoning below incorrect? (From Post #1...)
But it also follows that \(\displaystyle x \in K\) ...

... implies \(\displaystyle \overline{x} \in K/N\) ... and so \(\displaystyle \sum \overline{a_i} r_i \in K/N\)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow \sum a_i r_i \in K\) ... ... ... but how do I justify this ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K\) since \(\displaystyle K\) is submodule ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K \cap N\) ... ... see (1) above ...
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  • #7
I want some time to think.

I think mathwonk meant $N$ instead of $N \cap K$, read his post again.

You could ask mathwonk why he mentioned $N \cap K$, what it is doing in his proof.

Sorry, we continue tomorrow, tasmanian and dutch time.
  • #8
steenis said:
For now I think that we must not say that $N \cap K$ is fingen, but $N$ is fingen, because $N$ is noetherian. So let $N = \langle b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$.
$x - \Sigma a_j r_j \in N$ then $x - \Sigma a_i r_i = \Sigma b_j s_j$
$x = \Sigma a_i r_i + \Sigma b_j s_j$

Something like this ?
I know you need time to think ... but just a quick point ...

Surely $N \cap K$ is fingen ... it is after all a submodule of a Noetherian module ...

  • #9
  • #10
steenis said:
Sorry if I made that point too stridently or with too heavy an emphasis ... I certainly didn't mean to offend ...

Perhaps I worded it carelessly ...

  • #11
No, I am sorry my answer was so short, I was in a hurry. I try to be more polite in future.
  • #12
steenis said:
No, I am sorry my answer was so short, I was in a hurry. I try to be more polite in future.
No problem at all ... I was just worried and concerned that you felt that I had been offensive ...

I'm relieved ...

  • #13
Peter said:
Is my reasoning below incorrect? (From Post #1...)

But it also follows that \(\displaystyle x \in K\) ...

... implies \(\displaystyle \overline{x} \in K/N\) ... and so \(\displaystyle \sum \overline{a_i} r_i \in K/N\)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow \sum a_i r_i \in K\) ... ... ... but how do I justify this ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K\) since \(\displaystyle K\) is submodule ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K \cap N\) ... ... see (1) above ...


I do not know yet, I am doubting. I will wait for the answer of mathwonk.
  • #14
steenis said:
I do not know yet, I am doubting. I will wait for the answer of mathwonk.
OK ... understand...

Nothing from mathwonk yet ...

  • #15
Peter said:
Is my reasoning below incorrect? (From Post #1...)

But it also follows that \(\displaystyle x \in K\) ...

... implies \(\displaystyle \overline{x} \in K/N\) ... and so \(\displaystyle \sum \overline{a_i} r_i \in K/N\)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow \sum a_i r_i \in K\) ... ... ... but how do I justify this ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K\) since \(\displaystyle K\) is submodule ...

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x - \sum a_i r_i \in K \cap N\) ... ... see (1) above ...


Dear Peter, I have made a BIG mistake: $K/N$ only exists when $N \subset K$, which is not given in this case. So if $x \in K$, then we cannot say $\bar{x} \in K/N$, however $\bar{x} \in M/N$. I am very sorry, but I am learning from this too.
  • #16
steenis said:
Dear Peter, I have made a BIG mistake: $K/N$ only exists when $N \subset K$, which is not given in this case. So if $x \in K$, then we cannot say $\bar{x} \in K/N$, however $\bar{x} \in M/N$. I am very sorry, but I am learning from this too.
Oh! Of course you are right ...

I will have to acknowledge this on my post to mathwonk ...

  • #17
You are too friendly ...
  • #18
steenis said:
You are too friendly ...
Have acknowledged the error ... and in doing so mentioned that you pointed out the error ...

Problem/issue ... now we do not have a solution ... :( ...

  • #19
You are still worried about $K \cap N$, I think we do not need it. I think it was a mistake of mathwonk and I hope he will answer to our questions on PF soon.

Meanwhile I will post a corrected proof in the next post.
  • #20
steenis said:
You are still worried about $K \cap N$, I think we do not need it. I think it was a mistake of mathwonk and I hope he will answer to our questions on PF soon.

Meanwhile I will post a corrected proof in the next post.
Great ...

  • #21
Corrected proof.

$M$ is a right $R$-module, $N \leq M$.
$N$ and $M/N$ are noetherian, to prove $M$ is noetherian.
We use that if every submodule of $M$ is fingen, then $M$ is noetherian.
So let $K \leq M$, we have to prove that $K$ is fingen.

$M/N$ is noetherian, so it is fingen: $M/N = \langle \bar{a_1}, \dots, \bar{a_r} \rangle$, with $a_i \in M$.
$N$ is noetherian, so it is fingen: $N = \langle b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$.

Take $x \in K$, then $\bar{x} \in M/N$, so $\bar{x} = \Sigma \bar{a_i} r_i \in M/N$.
Then $x + N = \Sigma a_i r_i + N$ and $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N$.
Therefore $x - \Sigma a_i r_i = \Sigma b_j s_j$, so $x = \Sigma a_i r_i + \Sigma b_j s_j$.
Concluding that $K = \langle a_1, \dots, a_r, b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$, thus $K$ is fingen, and $M$ is noetherian.
  • #22
steenis said:
Corrected proof.

$M$ is a right $R$-module, $N \leq M$.
$N$ and $M/N$ are noetherian, to prove $M$ is noetherian.
We use that if every submodule of $M$ is fingen, then $M$ is noetherian.
So let $K \leq M$, we have to prove that $K$ is fingen.

$M/N$ is noetherian, so it is fingen: $M/N = \langle \bar{a_1}, \dots, \bar{a_r} \rangle$, with $a_i \in M$.
$N$ is noetherian, so it is fingen: $N = \langle b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$.

Take $x \in K$, then $\bar{x} \in M/N$, so $\bar{x} = \Sigma \bar{a_i} r_i \in M/N$.
Then $x + N = \Sigma a_i r_i + N$ and $x - \Sigma a_i r_i \in N$.
Therefore $x - \Sigma a_i r_i = \Sigma b_j s_j$, so $x = \Sigma a_i r_i + \Sigma b_j s_j$.
Concluding that $K = \langle a_1, \dots, a_r, b_1, \cdots, b_s \rangle$, thus $K$ is fingen, and $M$ is noetherian.
Yes, that is it ... I had just realized that because N was fingen that \(\displaystyle x - \sum a_i r_i \in N\) gives us the answer ...

But then ... I was thinking that because you had suggested a focus on \(\displaystyle N\) not \(\displaystyle K \cap N\) ...

Great work!

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Related to Noetherian Modules, Submodules and Factor Modules .... Problem/Exercise

1. What is a Noetherian module?

A Noetherian module is a module over a ring that satisfies the ascending chain condition on submodules. This means that every increasing chain of submodules eventually stabilizes, or in other words, there is no infinite increasing chain of submodules.

2. How are submodules defined in Noetherian modules?

Submodules in Noetherian modules are defined as a subset of the module that is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Additionally, submodules must also be modules over the same ring as the original module.

3. What is a factor module?

A factor module, also known as a quotient module, is a module that is obtained by dividing a larger module by one of its submodules. This results in a new module with elements that are cosets of the submodule.

4. How are factor modules related to Noetherian modules?

Factor modules are also required to satisfy the ascending chain condition on submodules in order to be considered Noetherian. This means that the submodules of a factor module must also eventually stabilize, just like the submodules of a Noetherian module.

5. What are some applications of Noetherian modules?

Noetherian modules have many applications in abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, and commutative algebra. They are useful in solving problems related to ring and module theory, as well as in understanding the structure of algebraic varieties and commutative rings.

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