Politics & Marriage: Chad's Stance

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In summary: I wanted to get married because it was traditional, but I didn't really like the person I was marrying, I would be a fool because now I'm stuck with them. If you want to get married because it is a religious thing, that's one thing. But if you want to get married because it is a tradition, then you should be willing to go along with the person you're marrying, even if you don't like them. I think that it is at this point that one must remember the difference between the religious cerimony and the legal status recognised by the sate. Seperation of church and state demands that the state cannot force the church to recognise a gay couple as
  • #71
Originally posted by Evo
(SNIP) I had a civil marriage by a judge in a courthouse because I do not believe in organized religion. Some religious people would not even consider that a "marriage" in their sense. Bottom line - marriage in the US is a legal contract in the eyes of the law. Religion has nothing to do with marriage, legally. (SNIP)
Uhmmm, sorry not really true, not from your history, (US) not from current standards, not from anything other then the state allowing you a choice of religious or Civil marriage...if you are unsure, just try getting a religious marriage, by someone who isn't a religious person...the law will show up, (if they find out) or, they, simply put, will NOT recognize the marriage, LEGALLY!

Just cause you didn't have one, and don't want one, doesn't write off the issue legally...not at all!

Broad blanketing statements, such as is emboldened above, serve to mislead...not much else...
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  • #72
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
<originally posted by Evo - Religion has nothing to do with marriage, legally.> Uhmmm, sorry not really true, not from your history, (US) not from current standards, not from anything other then the state allowing you a choice of religious or Civil marriage...if you are unsure, just try getting a religious marriage, by someone who isn't a religious person...the law will show up, (if they find out) or, they, simply put, will NOT recognize the marriage, LEGALLY!

Just cause you didn't have one, and don't want one, doesn't write off the issue legally...not at all!

Broad blanketing statements, such as is emboldened above, serve to mislead...not much else...
It is a true statement, the "religious" person performing the marriage has to file the proper legal paperwork, otherwise it is not...legal.

Originally posted by Mr Robin Parsons - just try getting a religious marriage, by someone who isn't a religious person...the law will show up
Do you mean a religious person who isn't authorized by law to perform a legal marriage? That's exactly what I am saying. "Religion" has nothing to do with legal marriage. You can "find" someone in a church that has received authority (that's why they say "by the powers invested in me by the state of (fill in blank), but that doesn't mean that religion itself has legal authority. I do believe that there is still a separation of church and state.
  • #73
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
That is simply your opinion, and if it means so little why are they fighting so hard for it, why not simply use the word "Wed", why the express nessesity of the word "Marriage"?
You seem to suffer from short term memory. You state something, then when someone addresses that statement, you say you didn't say it, even though "it's right there in your post!"

As has been repeatedly discussed here, gay people are requesting the same "rights" under the law as other married people. They don't care what it is called, that is not the issue. But you've already been told this. I suggest you go back through this thread and make notes. You keep bringing up the same issues over and over and over.
  • #74
Originally posted by Evo
It is a true statement, the "religious" person performing the marriage has to file the proper legal paperwork, otherwise it is not...legal.

Do you mean a religious person who isn't authorized by law to perform a legal marriage? That's exactly what I am saying. "Religion" has nothing to do with legal marriage. You can "find" someone in a church that has received authority (that's why they say "by the powers invested in me by the state of (fill in blank), but that doesn't mean that religion itself has legal authority. I do believe that there is still a separation of church and state.

MRP, she is right...I was married by a clergy person that read vows I wrote...many people go the justice of the peace to be married, because that is all that is legally required...
  • #75
Originally posted by Evo
You seem to suffer from short term memory. You state something, then when someone addresses that statement, you say you didn't say it, even though "it's right there in your post!"

As has been repeatedly discussed here, gay people are requesting the same "rights" under the law as other married people. They don't care what it is called, that is not the issue. But you've already been told this. I suggest you go back through this thread and make notes. You keep bringing up the same issues over and over and over.
To the top I had asked you to quote me, humm, this looks like nothing more then a dodge...

As to underneath that, Come to Canada, it's been in all of the newspapers here, as it has been in our Courts, They Want(ed?) the Word "Marriage"...including the two 'Americans' (mentioned, in this thread, by me) that were featured on the newsbroadcast the other night from Whistler Mountian in British Columbia, Canada!

as to the final emboldened part Perhaps you should read the thread title, again...

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