Tips for Studying: Strategies for Maths & Physics

In summary, the individual is taking a year off studying two subjects to enter a specific degree. They find mathematics easy to study and remember, but struggle with physics. They have been writing notes from private lessons and going over them at home, but still have difficulty recalling information during exams. They are wondering if they should start trying to remember and recall information now, or if they should wait until closer to the exams. They also mention that different studying methods work for different people, and personally they read from multiple sources and only start reviewing important material about six weeks before the exams.
  • #1
I was wondering if you guys could post some tips on studying.

My Case is:
I'm taking a year off studying 2 subjects to enter a Particular degree.
I have Physics Intermediate and Mathematics Advanced.
I'm finding the Maths easy to study and remember, but the physics hard for some reason.

I Write my notes from Private lessons short hand and re-write them neatly back at home, while at the same time going over what I did, while following from a Text book.

Doing this For Mathematics is going well, although I cannot recall trigonometric identities apart from the Pythagorean, which is not much of a problem.

But when I attempt to rewrite my Physics notes and try the question I get Mind Boggled and always have to follow exactly what I've written.
My Exams are in June...should I start Remembering Stuff from now (writing notes and trying to remember and recall?)
Physics news on
  • #2
Different things work for different people, personally I just read as much as I could from as many different sources I could find up till about 6 weeks before the exams - then I started reviewing the important stuff, not spending too much time rewriting (cos that doesn't work well for me), mainly making sure I had all the derivations I might need down and taking as many past exam q's as i could possibly find.
  • #3

I understand the importance of effective studying strategies in mastering complex subjects like mathematics and physics. Here are some tips that may help you in your studies:

1. Practice, practice, practice: Both mathematics and physics require a lot of practice to fully understand and retain concepts. Make sure to do plenty of practice problems and questions to improve your problem-solving skills.

2. Understand the concepts: Instead of just memorizing formulas, try to understand the underlying concepts behind them. This will not only help you remember them better but also enable you to apply them in different situations.

3. Use visual aids and diagrams: Many concepts in mathematics and physics can be better understood with the help of visual aids and diagrams. Try to create your own diagrams or use resources such as videos and animations to supplement your learning.

4. Break down complex problems: When faced with a difficult problem, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make it less overwhelming and easier to solve.

5. Seek help when needed: If you are struggling with a particular concept or problem, don't hesitate to seek help from your teacher, tutor, or classmates. They can provide valuable insights and help clarify any confusion.

6. Review regularly: Instead of cramming before exams, make it a habit to review your notes and practice problems regularly. This will help you retain information better and avoid last-minute stress.

7. Use mnemonic devices: For remembering formulas and equations, try using mnemonic devices such as acronyms or rhymes. These can make it easier to recall information during exams.

In addition to these tips, it is important to stay organized and manage your time effectively. With consistent effort and the right strategies, I am confident that you can overcome the challenges you are facing in physics and excel in your exams. Best of luck!

Related to Tips for Studying: Strategies for Maths & Physics

1. How can I improve my studying habits for maths and physics?

There are several strategies you can use to improve your studying habits for maths and physics. These include creating a study schedule, breaking up study sessions into smaller chunks, practicing regularly, and seeking help when needed.

2. What are some effective ways to study for maths and physics exams?

Some effective ways to study for maths and physics exams include reviewing class notes and materials, practicing with past exams or practice problems, and creating study aids such as flashcards or summary sheets.

3. What are some tips for understanding complex mathematical and physical concepts?

To understand complex mathematical and physical concepts, it's important to break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. You can also try visualizing the concepts or relating them to real-life examples. Seeking clarification from your teacher or a tutor can also be helpful.

4. How can I stay motivated while studying for maths and physics?

One way to stay motivated while studying for maths and physics is to set specific goals for yourself. You can also reward yourself after completing certain study tasks or take breaks when needed. Additionally, finding a study partner or joining a study group can help keep you motivated.

5. Are there any specific study techniques that work well for maths and physics?

Some study techniques that work well for maths and physics include creating concept maps or diagrams, using mnemonic devices to help remember formulas or equations, and teaching the material to someone else. It's important to find the study techniques that work best for you and adapt them as needed.

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