Recent content by Automagman

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    Does Capitalism Truly Reduce Poverty and Increase Wealth for All?

    Oh my god. Before i get started on this one i have to ask. Are you serious or is this just a joke?:confused:
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    The Ethics of Secession: Examining the Consequences of Dividing a Nation

    People in this State(USA) are free to leave to others. No one is stuck here, unless you're awaiting trial, probation, etc. Just because you don’t agree with a State doesn't give you the right to break it apart so everyone can think just like you. What would be the point of fragmenting a State...
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    What Consumers Think About Raising Minimum Wage | Election 2020

    Sounds good but why doesn't it work? Go to any nation with high consumer subsidies and high minimum wage and you'll usually find a low GDP, CPI, and high unemployment. So why doesn't your theory work? Also. Minimum wage increases SUPPLY for labor but should theoretically decrease demand...
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    GDP is a Big Fat Lie: The Real Wealth is Decreasing Annually

    uhhhhhh, what? There is an income and expenditure approach to measuring GDP. The two numbers (when computed perfectly) are exactly the same. Also I am surprised no one has brought up the CPI yet... Also what your forgetting to measure is the quality of our lives are getting better...
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    Unsolved Mystery - Bill & Pam's Mount Everest Tragedy

    god, buddah, joseph smith?
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    What gives silicon its unique grey painted glass appearance?

    What gives silicon that 'grey painted glass' look. No other element i can think of has such a distinctive color and surface texture.
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    Exploring Alternatives to Coal Tar: Tips and Hints

    Coal This experiment I am going to be working on calls for some coal tar. I have no clue where to get some besides trying to separate it out of shampoos and soaps. Any hints? Or what i can use instead of Coal Tar.
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    Can You Solve This Exceptionally Challenging IQ Test?

    122, ooh, I am not special. :(
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    What is the Resistance Across a Resistor in an Infinite Square Mesh?

    yeah dude, the meer act of finding the middle is impossible. Change infinite to a defined value.
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    Can I Password Protect a Folder on Windows XP Home?

    compress the folder with winzip, winace, winrar etc. put a password on that and delete the original.
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    Cell Phones & Cancer: Are We at Risk?

    Well basically since anything and everything causes cancer now-a-days cell phones must too. I am going to go roll myself up in aluminum foil now.
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    How Can You Identify Each Bulb's Corresponding Switch with One Visit?

    You are in a room with 3 switches which correspond to 3 bulbs in another room and you don't know which switch corresponds to which bulb. You can only teleport to the room with the bulbs and back once. You can NOT use any external equipment (power supplies, resistors, etc.). How do you find...
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    Beat Not Pron: 0.0009% Succeed -

    this riddle is h-core cool, stuck on 9 here
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    Swimming pool chlorine questions

    im guessing that the chlorine is combining with the 'bad stuff' in the pool water. So you need more chlorine to combine with new bad stuff. that was a really bad answer, sorry.
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    Make A Heavy Smoke Bomb: What You Need To Know

    Hey, before I get started, I know this is a forum for serious chemists and not punk ass kids who want to screw around, but oh well. I tried the 6 part potassium nitrate and 4 part sugar smoke bomb and I was greatly disappointed. I have used those pre-manufactered smoke bombs that use about a...