Recent content by AvengerDr

  1. A

    Improving a Galaxy Generation algorithm

    Hello there, I'm developing a 4x Space Opera game. For my galaxy generation algorithm I'm using an improved version of the "Accrete" one, which I'm sure some of you may have heard. It generates fairly believable planets. Rocky ones are placed in the inner system, while gas giants in the outer...
  2. A

    Astronomy & Astrophysics 210 - and misc questions

    Hello there, I was searching the net to find some empirical formulas on how to estimate the loss in temperature (and increase in luminosity of a star as it ends the main sequence. I've found that some of these formulas could be located in a book called "Astronomy & Astrophysics 210" by Maeder...
  3. A

    Questions about stellar evolution

    Hello there! I'm developing a "4x" game a-la Master of Orion. I was coding some algorithms to help me generate a somewhat realistic galaxy. I'd like to know if it is possible to compute the time that a main sequence star will spend in its subgiant and giant status. For example, given the...