Recent content by b c

  1. B

    CFD analysis vs. internal ballistics

    Apologies for the quick and dirty question, but I was wondering if a computational fluid dynamics analysis of the flow inside a rocket's combustion chamber and nozzle area would be regarded as an analysis of the chamber's/nozzle's internal ballistics. Looking up internal ballistics on wiki, it...
  2. B

    Propulsion Engineer: Pursuing a Career in the Space Industry

    Thanks timthereaper, very helpful info. I'll be sure to contact some professors in the coming months (I think I'll ask my questions once the mass of emails they get close to registration time cools down a little).
  3. B

    Propulsion Engineer: Pursuing a Career in the Space Industry

    Sorry for the late reply, work's been a little intense these last few weeks! Earlier in the year I had a look at many US universities offering graduate studies in aerospace/mechanical engineering and thought I might be able to bypass the 4 years needed to attain a mech/aero engineering degree...
  4. B

    Propulsion Engineer: Pursuing a Career in the Space Industry

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'm in a bit of a predicament as I'm looking to go back and study in South Africa, since (1) I will be able to pay for my studies without taking on a loan and (2) I'm South African (although I do have dual British/South African nationality), but there are no...
  5. B

    Propulsion Engineer: Pursuing a Career in the Space Industry

    Hi guys, I'm a mathematics graduate who will be going back to university in 2015 to study mechanical engineering, but have a question that I hope can be answered here. I feel that the financial industry that I'm currently working in is not the place for me, as it's quite soulless and...
  6. B

    Electromechanical vs. Mechanical Engineering

    Hi guys, I'm a recent Mathematics graduate and am very interested in starting a career in the private space industry within the next few years. As such, I'm looking to study in the US next year and was thinking of going for something along the lines of Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering. My...