Recent content by BlueIntegral

  1. B

    What kind of optics are these?

    Yeah, those are just the cases I got them in.
  2. B

    What kind of optics are these?

    I got these for a couple dollars at an electronics flea market. They look like maybe some kind of dichroic lens, but I don't know. Can anyone help identify them? Did I get a good deal for a couple bucks? Here's the first one. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it's got a slight red tint...
  3. B

    Qualitative explanation of S domain

    I'm doing LaPlace transforms for a circuits class, and I realized that I don't REALLY know what the S domain is. When you do Fourier transforms, obviously you're in the frequency domain and that's pretty easy to understand. The other domain you work in a lot is time. But up until now, I've just...
  4. B

    Effect of electric field on water

    I've done a little digging and found this article that seems to be relevant. I'm going to ask my professor on monday what he thinks too. I also found this, but it is very technical. From what I understood, it seems like a large electric field can...
  5. B

    Effect of electric field on water

    I have been reading about dipoles in a uniform electric field and I was wondering: if you had some water molecules in a uniform electric field, could you get them to line up? Would this polarize the water? Also, would this be helpful for growing crystals at all (for liquids other than water of...