Recent content by Ceenaya19

  1. C

    Studying Good Books to Understand the Concepts of Physics

    I am really enjoying learning physics, and I am getting a thorough mathematical treatment of everything, but sometimes I find myself lacking an understanding of what many of the formulas and numerical results mean physically. My goal is to have a deep MATHEMATICAL understanding of how things...
  2. C

    Are Upper Division Physics Classes Inspiring?

    Hi. I'm a second year physics and astronomy major. I'm beginning to worry that I have entered these two majors with unrealistic expectations. The problem is that I developed my passion for physics throughout high school by reading popular science books like The Elegant Universe and Many...
  3. C

    General question about solving force maximization problems

    I'm doing this E&M problem for fun (I'll be taking the class this fall), but now it's just starting to get frustrating. I can't really post the problem because there is a diagram, but I'm not really looking to be given the actual solution anyway, so I'll describe it to you: Two positive...
  4. C

    Schools Maximizing College Time: Majoring in Physics/Astronomy in 5 Years

    I'm majoring in Physics and Astronomy, and I am going to be a sophomore next year. My problem is that there are so many cool classes that I want to take that 4 years won't be enough time to complete them all; this is true even though I went into college with 30 credits from my credit-by-exam...
  5. C

    What's on Your Fall 2010 Science Schedule?

    I'm taking: Multivariable Calculus E&M Differential Equations Linguistics II (sounds of language)
  6. C

    Very General Request for Advice from Upperclassmen/-women

    Hi, I am a triple major (physics/astronomy/linguistics) at the end of my freshman year. I haven't really decided on a particular career path, but I have a very strong and genuine interest in these subjects. After reading some of the threads where other physics and astronomy majors posted their...
  7. C

    Time-dependent angular acceleration problem

    Homework Statement As a result of friction, the angular speed of a wheel changes with time according to dθ/dt=ω0*e^-σt , where ω0 and σ are constants. The angular speed changes from an initial angular speed of 3.96 rad/s to 3.46 rad/s in 3.92 s . Determine the magnitude of the angular...