Recent content by champ2823

  1. C

    Pakistan Earthquake: UN Warns of "Second Wave of Death" Without Aid

    It is known to anyone that has ever researched weather modification that our government has been conducting research and experimentation to use in warfare against others without them knowing it. Many public documents talk about this and I don't remember exactly which documents, but Air Force...
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    News Civil Rights Icon Rosa Parks Dies a 92

    She was indeed a great lady. It saddens me to see that we honor people like Rosa Parks, yet in today's society it appears that those who stand up for what they believe in are quickly made a mockery of by the general populace.
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    News Western politics asking questions

    hmm, what about citizens not questioning what really happened at the Gulf of Tonkin, which led to the Vietnam War?
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    News Impeach Bush/Cheney: Take Action Now!

    In charges for impeachment, wouldn't the Downing Street Memos be enough? Add that with our own CIA reports of no WMD in Iraq when Bush claimed there were and that would add credence for treason towards the American public. Those documents could prove that he lied to the American public. Is...
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    News Is a Standing Army Necessary for a Peaceful Future?

    There is no doubt about it. Of course they would, especially if the president told them that our “freedom and national security” depended on it, which he would. As I suggested in my article, “The Troops Don’t Support the Constitution,” in the United States the loyalty of the troops is to the...
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    News Is a Standing Army Necessary for a Peaceful Future?

    There is no doubt about it. Of course they would, especially if the president told them that our “freedom and national security” depended on it, which he would. As I suggested in my article, “The Troops Don’t Support the Constitution,” in the United States the loyalty of the troops is to the...
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    News Is a Standing Army Necessary for a Peaceful Future?

    I read this article and pretty much agree 100% with its synopsis. What do you guys think about this? The Troops Don’t Defend Our Freedoms by Jacob G. Hornberger How often do we hear the claim that American troops “defend our freedoms”? The claim is made often by U.S. officials and is echoed...
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    Functions using mathematical jargon?

    Sweet. Thanks alot
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    Functions using mathematical jargon?

    This might be a stupid question, but how do you guys post up your functions using mathematical jargon? Do you have to download a program or get a certain type of keyboard for all the different symbols? I would like to be able to do it for school purposes especially.
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    Calculating Air Volume for Boat Stability in Water

    Ok thanks guys, I was looking at Archimedes principle and figured it had to do with that.
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    Calculating Air Volume for Boat Stability in Water

    Being that I have little experience in physics, but have grown a fascination for it, I am hoping you guys can help with a problem. A friend of mine wants to make a few pontoons to make his boat more stable. It's just a smaller 15' aluminum boat that he uses for hooping (catching lobsters). He...
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    News Your perception of Bush compared to 2001/2002?

    Wow, I'm different here. Back in 2000, before I actually did my own research on the government and what actually goes on, I couldn't even fathom having Gore as president. I supported Bush 100%. Well, times have changed. Now, i can't stand Bush. I can't stand his administration and every...
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    News Something's gotta give - Gasoline Prices

    Damn straight! I just read the article from Dec 10, 2003 from the San Francisco Chronicle...Seems we sell/sold gas (err...taxpayers) to Iraqi civilians for 5 to 15 cents a gallon. Halliburton, who has the contract, charges us $2.64 a gallon. Do I hear Cheney laughing all the way from D.C...
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    News Police State of the USA/The loss of civil liberties at home

    Well Townsend did a damn good job on the whole assumed risk ordeal. So for your sake let's take overall risk. Overall risk is still 80 times more likely die from an accidental gun incident than accidental malpractice. The statement I am making is that people, like yourself, jump on the "ban...
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    News The World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime

    That also reminded me of a couple quotes: “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It...