(My attempt of drawing the forces is the figure with the arrows). Intuitively I would say that non of the rods are supported in any of these configurations, but I struggle to give a good explanation for why. I could guess that B would be able to keep up, however summing the forces, it seems just...
Hello, due to my age it's been at least 40 years since I needed to carry out in-depth calculations where I could use some support. Hopefully some of you out there can point me in the right direction when the going gets tough.
The forum attracted me due to the wide variety of discussion topics...
I watched workers install a guy wire to support a telephone pole today. The method used was a single guy wire that just had the two legs of the stay wire wrapped around the single guy wire and that' it. Why won't the guy wire just be pulled out from the stay wires?
To illustrate, see 1:08 in...
For this problem,
The correct coordinates are,
However, I am confused how they got them.
So here is my initial diagram. I assume that the point on the vertical circle is rotating counterclockwise, that is, it is rotating from the x-axis to the y-axis.
Thus ## \omega t > 0## for the point...
This time I target the following two-class Bayesian logistic regression as statistical models.
$$y_n \sim \mathrm{Bernoulli}(q_n)$$
$$q_n = \sigma (\beta_0 + x_n \beta_1)$$
where ##n## is the index of the data and ##\sigma## is the logistic function.
Since I assume ##\beta_0 + x_n \beta_1##...
Hi everyone!
My daughter is studying A-levels in physics and she is appassionate about it.
I have never studied physics (I studied biology) but I'm trying to support my daughter and understand when she talks to me. And to share something with her.
So I will be posting my questions here, in...
In problem 1 I assumed that the suspension moves up and down in an oscillating manner, so ##y_0(t)=Acos(\omega t)##
I am not quite sure about task 2, but I would say you can remove the motion of the suspension and the motion of the system would not change noticeably, as I assume that the...
My thread "Space-time quantization and its philosophical aspect" was closed. Can you suggest other science forum where I can create such threads? I have many ideas of this kind, and I want to initiate conversations about them. And what forums support the discussion of new ideas and hypotheses in...
Hello All,
I know there are rules of thumb and thread engagement calculators online but I am trying to find mathematically what the minimum number of threads acceptable would be.
I currently have an eyebolt that will be torqued to a specific value. This eyebolt setup will then need to lift a...
If ##R## is a commutative ring with ##1## and ##M## is an ##R##-module, the support of ##M## is defined as ##\operatorname{Supp}M = \{\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec} R\mid M_\mathfrak{p} \neq 0\}##. Show that if ##\phi : R \to S## is a ring homomorphism and ##M## is a finitely generated...
I am trying to determine if a clamp holding a lever with a mass at one end can experience zero or reduced torque either by balancing the forces or converting the rotational torque into another form such as linear, I’ve looked at counterbalance with Steadicams etc. but I believe this just...
I am reading J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk: Multidimensional Analysis Vol.II Chapter 6: Integration ...
I need help with the proof of Theorem 6.2.8 Part (iii) ...The Definition of Riemann integrable functions with compact support and Theorem 6.2.8 and a brief indication of its proof...
In this video () physicist Brian Greene interviews Nobel laureate Saul Perlmutter about several topics in cosmology. At minute 1:12:22 Greene asks Perlmutter about whether he considers that the world is described by mathematics or the world *is* mathematics. Perlmutter seems to answer that he...
As far as I can tell Zoom meeting isn't working properly in my Opera Browser in my old Win 10 Laptop.
I can hear the other participant in the meeting but I'm not seeing his video.
Is this because Zoom doesn't support Opera Browser?
That's my first guess, since according to the page here...
Hello! in this good afternoon ;).
I need some help for this beam and his support reactions.
The problem it is done, but my result its different from the teacher`s result.
I'm sure my answer is correct, as even the "SkyCivbeam" online software also gives the same results.
it appears that the...
This thread I thought deserved a bump. Just read Greg's initial post. Here's the Amazon link, PF gets a kickback if you use this link from your purchase on Amazon, see Greg's linked post for details.
I know the answer is 170 but I am not sure how to get there. I tried doing things backwards
t = fr = mgr
0= 170 + tbl - tbr - 5x9.8x1.5
0= 170 + tbl - tbr - 73.5
-96.5 = tbl - tbr
-96.5 = 18*9.8 * 0.2 - 18*9.8*1.4
-96.5 does not equal -211.68
Is there a function that takes positive values only in the unit ball not including the boundary points defined by the set ##\{x^2+y^2+z^2<1\}##, and ##0## everywhere else?
In the figure assume the "ceiling" moves with motion ##Y(t)##, i.e. it is a point support.
Applying Newton's law in the vertical direction
##T(y).\hat{y}=\rho y[g+\frac{d^{2}Y}{dt^{2}}]##
If ##\theta## is the angle between ##T## and ##\hat{y}## that means ##|T|\cos\theta=\rho...
I am playing with string_view which is C++17, I have VS-2019, it doesn't seem to recognize string_view. I cannot even troubleshoot my program:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
using namespace std;
int main()
string_view text = "Hello";
This comes from a list of exercises, and setting ##m_1 = 5.4kg##, ##m_2 = 9.3kg## and ##F=5N##, the answer should yield ##2.19m/s^2## (of course, supposing the answer is right).
If I knew the radius ##R## of the cylinder, I could find its momentum and use it to find the linear acceleration...
Moment about X2 to calculate force at X1:
x1 * 9 = (250 * 2)
Therefore, x1 = 500/9 = 55.5N
The book however gives force at x1 as 110N. So I figured I have not understood a concept somewhere
A chain with length L and mass density σ kg/m is held in the position
shown in Fig. 5.28, with one end attached to a support. Assume that
only a negligible length of the chain starts out below the support. The
chain is released. Find the force that the support applies to the chain, as
a function...
Summary:: What is the force N which acts on a support point at the moment just after system is released?
[Thread moved from the technical forums, so no Homework Template is shown]
A light bar with m1 and m2 masses (m1≠m2) at the ends placed on the support point (in the middle of the bar)...
Given the support [a, b] of a probability density function. How can I change the formula for the probability density function with a support [u, v]? Example: Given the beta distribution with support [a=0,b=1]:
$$\frac{x^{p-1} (1-x)^{q-1}}{Beta(p,q)}$$
Then the beta distribution with support...
For the given joint pdf of X and Y $$f(x,y) = 12xy(1 - y); 0 < x < 1;
0 < y < 1$$
Let $Z = XY^2$ and $W = Y$ be a joint transformation of (X,Y)
Sketch the graph of the support of $(Z,W)$ and describe it
I'm not very sure how to describe (Z,W).
First, I draw the graph of the...
The accompanying table lists the numbers of Internet users per 100 people and numbers of scientific award winners per 10 million people for different countries. Construct a scatterplot, find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r, and find the P-value of r. Determine whether there...
Homework Statement:: If you have a 1" thick steel plate (A36) with a 1.125 hole (supported at 3" half way around), what is the maximum weight that a 1" grade 8 bolt can support using a 2 to 1 safety factor. The weight is applied directly the the bolt
Relevant Equations:: dunno?
it's been 24...
We are incorporating a PDLC layer into a product being developed by us and it requires almost constant activation to remain transparent. The PDLC draws 0.557 Watts of power per hour at 60VAC. The goal is to get a battery/power source (of any type even proprietary) to last the upwards of 26,000...
Hey, I am trying to get my head around stress in supports, I came across this question and struggling to get to the correct answer, could anyone help explain it?
Equation - σ = F\A
Question - A square-sectioned support of side 12 mm is loaded with a compressive force...
Homework Statement
A point mass m hangs at one end of a vertically hung hooke-like spring of force constant k. The other end of the spring is oscillated up and down according to ##z=a\cos(w_1t)##. By treating a as a small quantity, obtain a first-order solution to the motion of m in time...
Question: Does this article support Evolution or Disprove it? I've seen Pastors
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dkwg4fKElw
using this article...
Im trying to find the method for working out the support reaction loads on a beam at given angle.
example: a 6m beam with a point load 600kg or UDl of 100kg/m perpendicular to the beam. Suspended at each end by a chain hoist, "a" and "b". "b" is 2m higher than "a". I believe using angle is...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Σtorque = 0
torque= F r sinθ (θ is the angle between the r and the F)The Attempt at a Solution
OKay, now i know how to solve this, but it's like i asked myself, how to know if this is a question that i am supposed to use
Σfx=0 and Σfy=0...
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to design and build a steel support frame for a freestanding loft of sorts. I'm in the process of building a recording studio with acoustically isolated rooms within a big room. This requires freestanding structures decoupled from everything but the floor. Normally you...
The Versatile Fast Neutron Source, a research fast reactor, is gaining funding support from congress.
Some say it is needed to maintain expertise in the area.
Others says its a boondoggle without a good justification.
More detailed arguments are here in a Science mag news article.
Homework Statement
A 7.3-cm-diameter baseball has mass of 150 g and is spinning at 230 rad/s .
Treating the baseball as a uniform solid sphere, what is its angular momentum?
I'm about to pull my hair out because I feel like I understand everything about this problem perfectly and yet I'm still...
Homework Statement
I'm having a hard time finding the support reactions R_{fx} ; R_{fy} ; R_{kx} ; R_{ky} in this truss.
2. The attempt at a solution
I got four equations using the equilibrium conditions (sum of forces along x and y ; sum of moments on F and on C) but the system doesn't...
Hello! (Wave)
I want to prove that if the initial data of the initial value problem for the wave equation have compact support, then at each time the solution of the equation has also compact support.
Doesn't the fact that a function has compact support mean that the function is zero outside...
Homework Statement
[/B]Homework Equations
shear bending diagram
The Attempt at a Solution
May I ask for supports like these, if shear force V= 0 or not when x=L?
From the shear diagram, it is a shape increase from -0.5P to 0 there.
As the shear go back to zero is owing to the reaction force...
Homework Statement
In a homogeneous gravity field with uniform gravitational acceleration g,
a pointmass m1 can slide without friction along a horizontal wire. The mass m1 is the pivot point of a
pendulum formed by a massless bar of constant length L, at the end of which a
I have been searching but I have not been able to find the information I am looking for. I want to build a "floating table" that is supported by one or more compression springs. When an object is added the table will lower by just a bit. As another object is stacked on top of the first one...
Homework Statement
This is more of a question of applying the correct principles to a range of problems involving a horizontal rod hinged to a wall that is then supported by another rod. The support rod is also attached to the wall from above or below and then attached to the horizontal rod, so...
My question concerns the resultant particles of a co precipitation reaction. What effects occur when you accelerate/decelerate a co precipitation reaction? What are optimal conditions (speed, etc.) for this process? I am interested primarily in the effects on the resultant powder.
Thank you.
I was working at the observatory and uh someone came in with a question about landing in Jupiter- right away my brain was like no, it’s a gas giant and there’s too much pressure for a probe to make it to the solid surface, but I’ve also been trying to think of it in terms of the force applied by...
So basically i was solving this question about moments amd while solving it i noticed that beam will always remain balanced as FA will decrease and FB will increase as the man moves forwards thus plank alwats remains in equilibrium but now the question is can it support any weight without...
Homework Statement
A 100 kg box is to be held up by two support braces attached to a wall. One of the support braces makes a 27 degree angle with the wall and the other brace makes a 65 degree angle with the wall. Find the force in each of the support braces that will hold the box up...
I have short (12") vertical shaft. The shaft will supported at the top and bottom by a bearing. The only axial load will be from the weight of the shaft and gears on the shaft. I'll estimate the total weight of the shaft and gears at around 5 lbs. Shaft will rotate at around 1000 RPM.