Recent content by Charlie Daubitz

  1. Charlie Daubitz

    Astrophysics Where Can I Find Hawking's Master's Thesis?

    Thank you, I took a look. His math is miles over me. The pages I looked at were all math. I will read more but if it's all math I'm lost.
  2. Charlie Daubitz

    Earth's climate in 100-200 years

    4 Billion years of continual climate change on Earth.
  3. Charlie Daubitz

    Astrophysics Where Can I Find Hawking's Master's Thesis?

    I was watching tv and he made the claim of doing his thesis on the big bang theory and causing it to be accepted. I just wanted to try to read it.
  4. Charlie Daubitz

    Astrophysics Where Can I Find Hawking's Master's Thesis?

    Anyone have a link to Hawking's master thesis on the big bang?
  5. Charlie Daubitz

    Understanding the Impact of Photon Emissions on the Sun's Gravity

    Do photon emissions increase the gravity of the Sun by compressing it